• 计划告诉他们召集预备研究会,使他们介入成为团队一员。

    Tell them your plans, and introduce them to the process by holding a single pilot study circle with this group.


  • 上述四家球会因为他们介入丑闻足球仲裁法院处罚,而此前他们也已提起了一系列上诉,目的是减轻处罚

    The four clubs were punished by a soccer tribunal for their involvement in the scandal and have since launched a series of appeals before sport authorities to have the sanctions reduced.


  • 社会心理学杂志》上研究承担了这项任务,这项研究着眼于处理针对欺凌受害者旁观者以及什么可能会鼓励他们介入其中施于帮助

    New research in the Journal of Social Psychology takes on this task, looking at the factors that dispose a bystander against bullying victims, and what might encourage them to step in and help.


  • 如果流行病学家能介入玩家众多游戏他们就可以观看玩家面临不同种类危险时,行为是如何变化的。

    If epidemiologists had access to a heavily populated game, they could watch how players' behavior changes in response to variations in the risks they face.


  • 他们称:“只熊自然栖息地生活更好,如果情况恶化机构将会介入。”

    "The bear would do better in its natural habitat and the agency would step in if its condition deteriorated," they said.


  • 合乎逻辑的解释似乎只能他们可能掩盖他们介入

    The only logical explanation, it seemed, was that they might have been covering their involvement.


  • 谢谢托雷斯介入,让他们很快意识到了那个晚上真正目的

    They were quickly drawn back to the real purpose of the night thanks to Torres's intervention.


  • 如果他们动作不够积极,那么监管者还是更加强势地介入的。

    If they do not move fast enough, regulators may yet have to intervene more forcefully.


  • 或许他们反对,并不是空间竞赛本身,而是美国竟然赢得了这场竞赛,他们很多人并不是反对美国介入越南战争只是反对美国所选立场

    Perhaps they object, not to the space race, but to America winning it, just as many of them oppose, not our intervention in Vietnam, but our choice of sides.


  • 巴马他的国会似乎认为他们准确地介入经济忽视意料之外结果

    The president and Congress seem to believe that they can surgically intervene in the economy but overlook the unintended consequences.


  • 没有他们介入,这家公司周一无法营业,并且这一事件被充分保证使下周市场暴跌

    Without their intervention, it would not open on Monday, an event guaranteed to send markets into free fall.


  • 这种方法明确定义角色特权有助于确保小组中的成员不会互相介入对方代码并且确保他们是从相同的代码基线开始工作

    The clearly defined roles and privileges in this approach help ensure that team members do not step on each other's code and that they are working from the same code baseline.


  • 欧洲国家介入国家西班牙葡萄牙充足时间缕顺他们财政。”普罗迪讲道

    Intervention by European nations to date "was enough" and countries such as Spain and Portugal have "plenty of time" to get their finances in order, said Prodi.


  • 如果流行病学家介入诸如魔兽世界”这样玩家众多游戏他们注意玩家面临危险时,行为是如何变化的。

    If epidemiologists had access to a heavily populated game such as "World of Warcraft", they could watch how players' behaviour changes in response to variations in the risks they face.


  • 男人女人孩子联军行动欣喜若狂他们担心联军介入不会长久”,

    "Men, women and children, they are ecstatic about the role of the coalition but worried that it may not continue," he said.


  • 股东们此次危机中受尽折磨为什么不是他们董事会介入只是鼓励银行家

    Shareholders have suffered in the crash, but why didn’t they and their boards step in, rather than egg the bankers on?


  • 四下众人恐慌之时,明智投资者斟酌伺机买入.他们正在寻找怎样信号以便介入市场呢?

    WHEN all around are panicking, smart investors should be cooly asking whether it is time to buy. What signals should they be looking for?


  • 他们感觉到介入巨大力量时,他们将会增加忧虑当然还有愤怒

    As they begin to feel the larger forces involved, they will grow increasingly frustrated and, yes, angry.


  • 然而每当到了需要他们明确表态时,国家安全机器就会介入干涉。

    When it comes to demonstrating that beyond doubt, however, the state's own security machine has intervened.


  • 甚至已经一个公司进行过探讨这个公司的产品开发一直以来都作为头等机密被保护着,因此客户也无从介入他们设计过程

    I've even talked with a company whose product development has always been top secret about letting their ideas out and letting customers into their design process.


  • 他们还抱怨道理论上被允许介入国际法庭外国律师事实上一直被拒之门外

    They complain, too, that foreign lawyers, in theory allowed in the “internationalcourt, are in effect barred.


  • 会即刻让合适介入告诉他们她观察到了什么、告诉他们截止当前她决定什么,然后他们帮助下解决问题

    She gets the right people involved right away, she tells them what she has observed, tells them what she's decided to do so far, and then works with their help to solve the problem.


  • 麦金农律师他们继续裁决提出上诉,同时母亲要求巴马介入

    McKinnon's lawyers said he would appeal against the decision while his mother asked Barack Obama to intervene.


  • 于是长老介入了,他们尽可能的收集所有尸体,然后逐户询问每一个家庭失去多少亲人

    So the elders stepped in. They collected all the bodies they could and asked the people to tell them how many relatives each family had lost.


  • 他们捉摸不定伙伴关系因为欧元介入,让欧盟未来更加无法确定

    Their difficult partnership weaves yet another strand into the drama of the euro, adding to the uncertain future of the eu itself.


  • 爱沙尼亚一位外交官说:“真正让人生气的是,他们不能介入一些重大决策性会议”。

    “It really rankles that they can't get into important policy meetings,” says an Estonian diplomat.


  • 官方剧情透露,布兰达手下们被派到宗死了口人的谋杀案现场,谁都没有想到他们居然介入FBI调查中去。

    According to the official description, Team Brenda unexpectedly gets involved with an FBI investigation when the detectives are called to the scene of a quadruple murder.


  • 很多介入我们的生活他们害怕使他们放弃所有享乐

    There are many people who do not want to let God into their lives because they fear God will make them give up anything that’s fun.


  • 很多介入我们的生活他们害怕使他们放弃所有享乐

    There are many people who do not want to let God into their lives because they fear God will make them give up anything that’s fun.


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