• 他们知道时期其他投资者关注点

    They also do not know which things other investors will choose to focus on at different times.


  • 他们知道如何全世界范围推广自己

    They also do not know how to they are popularized inside limits all over the world.


  • 他们的口气似乎他们也知道发生的事情。

    It sounds to me like they don't know what is going on either.


  • 甚至知道往哪里打电话他们知道他的存在

    He said he wouldn't even know where to call and they probably don't know he exists.


  • 如果发现自己盲目从众赶紧调头。他们知道自己往哪里去。

    If you find yourself swimming with all the other fish, go the other way. They don't know where they're going either.


  • 但是问题关键在于直到努力接近我们他们知道自己是否失败

    But the thing is that they will not know whether they failed or not unless they try and approach us.


  • 因为他们知道哪个作品成功,所以他们必须同时支持10部作品

    Since they don't know which one is going be successful, they still have to fund all ten.


  • 又来他们睡著了因为他们眼睛甚是困倦他们知道怎样回答。

    When he came back, he again found them sleeping, because their eyes were heavy. They did not know what to say to him.


  • 医生可以通过实验发现病人变异但是目前为止他们知道是什么风险变异。

    Doctors can order a test to find out what mutation a patient has, but until now they didn't know what the mutation meant for risk.


  • 大约有50%被采访首席执行官他们发现工作非常孤独”,他们也知道应该请教

    Around 50% of the chief executives interviewed said they found the job "intensely lonely" and did not know who to turn to for advice.


  • 用说只有可靠夫才让担负这种运输任务,他们知道驮运的是什么

    Of course, only the most reliable mule men were taken on such trips, but even they did not know what cargo they were carrying.


  • 如果朋友活着的话,“每个字都说得清清楚楚,”他们知道这儿。

    If any of your friends are still alive, "he says, enunciating each word," they don't know you're here.


  • 夏普:“有些了之后说他们知道 哪边,听说德国章鱼很神,所以的预测赌一把。

    We had people coming in saying they didn't know how to place a bet but heard about this German octopus and wanted to bet with him.


  • 谈话Palm代表(一共五个,我轮番询问)坦诚地说他们知道协合功能隔多久更新一次非推送内容。

    The reps I spoke with (all 5 of them, I asked around) honestly didn't know how often Synergy made sure your stuff was up to date with non-push systems.


  • 这些表情有时听话下意识地捕捉立刻明白对方撒谎,虽然他们知道自己的想法从而来。

    These micro expressions are sometimes noticed by people subconsciously and they tend to know right away that a person is lying, although they do not know how they know this.


  • 截至2008年底,他们受聘两个月后没有健康理由被禁止出入境,他们也知道如何才能做到。

    But by late 2008, two months into the job, the officers said they had not stopped a single person on health grounds - and didn't know how they would do so.


  • 他们知道尼尔·阿姆斯特朗Neil Armstrong)登月的那他们自己在哪里居住生活的。

    They don't know how they made a living or where they were when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.


  • 历史总是选择记住那些光辉时刻那些胜利的时刻,人们总是记住很伟大东西他们知道那些光辉的时刻。

    History seems to remember the heroic moments and the triumphs That people remember those great things But they don't know the heroic ones either.


  • 研究人员很难确定海藻还是另外一个技术今后最有前途他们知道什么时候普通民众可以看到好处

    Researchers say it is difficult to determine whether algae or another technology is the most promising for the future, and when the general public can expect to see the benefits.


  • 空穴没有观测原因仅仅只是因为实验工作者没有地方或者即便他们观测到了,他们也不知道看到的是什么。

    The reason why the holes were not observed was simply that the experimental people had not looked for them in the right place, or if they had looked, they had not recognized what they saw.


  • 本周迈阿密热火谈起这件事时,他们知道接下来会发生什么,”名球员经纪人谈起过去48小时发生戏剧性转变时这样

    "I spoke with Miami early this week and they had no idea at that time what was going on," a player agent said of the dramatic turn of events these past 48 hours.


  • 然而哥伦比亚广播公司新闻记者吉姆艾克斯罗德报告说,已经工作时,会生命危险,尝试拯救生命无数他们知道

    However, CBS News correspondent Jim Axelrod reports that a handful have stayed on the job, risking their lives, to try to save the lives of countless people they don't even know.


  • 但是日本管理机构(Japanese nuclear regulatory agency)已经承认他们知道冷却池里到底还有没有剩下

    The Japanese nuclear regulatory agency, however, has acknowledged that it doesn't know if there is water left in the pool.


  • 周二宣判这起案子中,问题最终归结究竟是误导了投资者还是仅仅消息正面解释,而他们知道这些坏消息背后的事态最终失去控制

    In Tuesday's case, the question boiled down to this: Were the two men misleading investors, or simply putting a positive spin on bad news that they didn't know would ultimately spin out of control?


  • 周二宣判这起案子中,问题最终归结究竟是误导了投资者还是仅仅消息正面解释,而他们知道这些坏消息背后的事态最终失去控制

    In Tuesday's case, the question boiled down to this: Were the two men misleading investors, or simply putting a positive spin on bad news that they didn't know would ultimately spin out of control?


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