• 我们的国家有困难的时候,他们总是在那里提供帮助。我想成他们中的一员,我们的国家服务

    When our country is in trouble, they are always there to help. I want to be one of them and serve our country.


  • 假如发达国家背弃他们2010年把非洲援助增加一倍承诺我们无法非洲未来最大希望-非洲人民服务

    If rich countries abandon their commitments to double aid to Africa by 2010, we will have failed to serve the best hope for Africa's future - its people.


  • 简言之我们这些曾经穿上军装我们国家服务军人以及他们家庭服务就像他们曾经我们付出一样

    In short, by serving all those who have ever worn the uniform of this country - and their families - as well as they have served us.


  • 我们这个团体一个家庭所有专业领域雇佣人才他们联合组织一起国家服务的家庭。

    This community is also a family, employing people from nearly all fields of study, united in their work and their service to the country.


  • 此外他们还是颁布了其他不同的东西,例如国家补贴医疗计划要求保险公司自闭症儿童提供服务等。

    But they have also enacted other changes, such as a state-subsidised health plan and a requirement that insurers cover services for autistic children.


  • 因此我们需要华盛顿——那些本职工作就是处理国家问题的人,我们选出大家服务——我们需要他们不同意见放到一边,事情做好

    So we need folks in Washington - the people whose job it is to deal with the country's problems, the people who you elected to serve - we need them to put aside their differences to get things done.


  • ()同性恋努力融入家庭生活时,你很难宣称他们破坏传统的家庭,同样,你也很难因他们希望国家服务去对他们指手画脚

    It is hard to claim that gays are out to destroy the traditional family when they are trying to join it, or to condemn them for trying to serve their country.


  • 这个时刻,我们感谢服务做出奉献男女军人他们一心保卫我们的国家有时需要远离家乡

    And it's an opportunity to give thanks for our men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed, sometimes far from home, to keep our country safe.


  • 也是我们他们服务,就他们这个国家服务同样。

    That's why we've tried to serve them as well as they've served this country.


  • 阵亡将士家属全体美国人民一道,都应该阵亡军人生活他们提供服务以及他们为之战斗拯救国家感到骄傲

    He said the families of the fallen, along with all Americans, should take pride in the lives the military members lived, the service they provided and the nation they fought to save.


  • 小费起源于西方并且西方国家服务行业很流行,顾客他们服务的人员小费非常正常

    The tip es from the west and prevails in the service industry of western countries. It is very mon that customers pay tips to the people who have provided service to them.


  • 他们必定后方继续为国家服务他们伤痕就是忠于意大利光荣标记。

    These indeed, will serve Italy in their home by their counsel, by the very aspect of the scars which adorn their youthful brows.


  • 只要他们转变过来他们金融服务国家服务他们非常适合我们的。

    As long as they can make that attitude switch from profit being the motivator to serving their country, I think they'll fit in very well with us.


  • 许多美国政客国家人民服务唯一最大的荣誉特权他们选择担任公职并非

    Many American politicians say that serving their country and its people is the single greatest honor and privilege they can ask for; they do not choose a career in public service for the money.


  • 在这个时刻,我们感谢服务做出奉献的男女军人,他们一心保卫我们的国家有时还需要远离家乡

    And it's an opportunity to give thanks for our men and women inuniform who have served and sacrificed, sometimes far from home, to keep our country safe.


  • 这座设计紧凑、一流水准医院影响巨大众多患者提供服务他们不仅来自苏丹及其邻国还有其他23个国家

    The compact state-of-the-art hospital has had a tremendous impact, treating significant Numbers of patients not only from Sudan and its neighbours, but from a good 23 other countries as well.


  • 我们尊敬他们不仅他们自由守护者,还因他们代表的是为国家服务精神,他 们自愿追寻自身的价值更伟大意义(美国国家之伟大)。

    We honor them not only because they are guardians of our liberty, but because they embody the spirit of service; a willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves.


  • 我们尊敬他们不仅他们自由守护者,还因他们代表的是为国家服务精神,他 们自愿追寻自身的价值更伟大意义(美国国家之伟大)。

    We honor them not only because they are guardians of our liberty, but because they embody the spirit of service; a willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves.


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