• 现在你们敬畏耶和华,诚心实意地,将你们列祖在大河那边埃及事奉除掉,事奉耶和华。

    Now fear the LORD and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your forefathers worshiped beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the LORD.


  • 你们敬畏耶和华事奉听从的话,违背命令,你们治理你们顺从耶和华你们了。

    If you fear the LORD and serve and obey him and do not rebel against his commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the LORD your Godgood!


  • 我们热心事奉而不是出于职责很少有人对自己不感兴趣的卓越有成充满热忱的。

    God wants you to serve him passionately, not dutifully. People rarely excel at tasks they don't enjoy doing or feel passionate about.


  • 只要你们敬畏耶和华诚诚实实地尽心事奉,想念你们行的何等

    But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.


  • 我们事奉不是出于咎感、恐惧责任,乃是因为我们所做,叫我们感到喜乐感激;我们的生命是的。

    So use your body to honor God." We don't serve God out of guilt or fear or even duty, but out of joy, and deep gratitude for what he's done for us.


  • 从前以法莲说话,人都战兢,以色列居处高位,事奉巴力的犯罪就死了

    When Ephraim spake trembling, he exalted himself in Israel; but when he offended in Baal, he died.


  • 祭司子孙近前来。因为耶和华拣选耶和华的祝福所有争讼殴打判断

    The priests, the sons of Levi, shall step forward, for the LORD your God has chosen them to minister and to pronounce blessings in the name of the LORD and to decide all cases of dispute and assault.


  • 敬畏耶和华你的事奉,专靠,也指着起誓

    Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name.


  • 要敬畏耶和华事奉,指着起誓

    Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name.


  • 那时大卫除了未人之外,无人因为耶和华拣选抬神的约柜,永远

    Then David said, None ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the LORD chosen to carry the ark of God, and to minister unto him for ever.


  • 耶和华眼中看,效法拿西行的,祭祀事奉父玛拿西所雕刻偶像。

    He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as his father Manasseh had done. Amon worshiped and offered sacrifices to all the idols Manasseh had made.


  • 想让我们事奉方面练习实践。

    He wants us to practice serving.


  • 事奉耶和华必要差遣使者同去,道路通达,你得以在、我本族那里,我的儿子一个妻子。

    He replied, 'the Lord, before whom I have walked, will send his angel with you and make your journey a success, so that you can get a wife for my son from my own clan and from my father's family.


  • 子孙分出来,好分别至圣,在耶和华面前烧香祝福,直到永远

    Aaron was set apart, he and his descendants forever, to consecrate the most holy things, to offer sacrifices before the Lord, to minister before him and to pronounce blessings in his name forever.


  • 倚靠刀剑度日,事奉你的兄弟你强盛时候,必颈项上挣开

    And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.


  • 你们顺从耶和华你们敬畏谨守诫命听从的话,事奉

    It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must Revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.


  • 以利沙说,指着事奉永生的耶和华起誓,我。乃缦再三地求却不受。

    The prophet answered, 'As surely as the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will not accept a thing.' And even though Naaman urged him, he refused.


  • 一位神学家哲学家:司普罗(RobertCharles Sproul),半个世纪的时间里忠心做工,通过电台事奉数以千计的人教导教会历史哲学

    A Theologian Philosopher who can popularize: Robert Charles Sproul. For a half century faithfully laboring teaching church history and philosophy to thousands through his radio ministry.


  • 事奉耶和华必要差遣使者你同,叫道路通达,就得以在,我本族那里,儿子一个妻子

    And he said unto me, the LORD, before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee, and prosper thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father's house.


  • 就给约瑟祝福,愿我祖亚伯拉罕撒所事奉就是一生牧养直到今日的神。

    And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day.


  • 约瑟祝福:“我祖亚伯拉罕以撒所事奉上帝就是一生牧养我直到今日的上帝。”

    Then he blessed Joseph and said, "May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day."


  • 约书亚书》23章78节中:,你们不可提,不可指着起誓;,也不可叩拜,只要照着你们今日所行的,专靠耶和华你们

    So in Joshua 23:7-8: ; "Do not utter the names of their gods or swear by them; do not serve them or bow down to them, but hold fast to the Lord your God as you have done this day."


  • 不可跪拜那些像,不可事奉因为耶和华忌邪神。的,我必追讨,自及子,直到

    You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me


  • 18:7耶和华同在,无论往何处都亨通背叛,不肯亚述

    And the LORD was with him; and he prospered whithersoever he went forth: and he rebelled against the king of Assyria, and served him not.


  • 自己生命归功于那次这个低下搬运工人的相遇。

    He attributed his life and his ministry to that encounter with the lowly porter.


  • 只要你们敬畏耶和华诚诚实实地尽心事奉,想念你们行的何等

    Only fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.


  • 1:75就可以终身面前,坦然无惧地用圣洁、公事奉

    Luke 1:75 in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.


  • 这些特别赏赐能力信徒,为的是事奉

    These are special God - empowered abilities for serving him that are given only to believers.


  • 这些特别赏赐能力信徒,为的是事奉

    These are special God - empowered abilities for serving him that are given only to believers.


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