• 曾经提到过这个女孩好几他与妻子分开一直见面的女孩。

    He had mentioned this girl a few times; she's the one he was seeing when he separated from his wife.


  • 妻子同谋判决关押

    His wife was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for aiding and abetting him.


  • 告诉妻子一起呆在家里不要出去朋友们一起痛饮狂欢。

    They told him to stay home with his wife instead of going out and carousing with friends.


  • 目前妻子(她承担一个功能齐全Web应用做得相当好看。)(它跑的快,比不上松鼠)Raleigh,NC

    He currently lives in Raleigh, nc with his wife (who can take a functional web app and make it actually look good) and his dog (who can outrun him, but is no match for squirrels).


  • 有些动人时刻不是集中抒写马克思妻子女儿关系而是友谊也许这些时候,充分展示其通情达理的人性一面

    Some of the book's most touching moments center not on Marx's relations with his wife and daughters but on his friendships; it is here, perhaps, that he managed to be most fully human.


  • 迫不及待相处在一起,尽管知道一个妻子

    I couldn't wait to be with him, even though I knew he had a wife.


  • 妻子(主修英文不会说英语)儿子一起居住商店上面公寓里。

    He lives in the flat above it with his wife, who was an English major but cannot speak the language, and his son.


  • 妻子罗迪娅·索里斯于年前朋友临终时相识这位朋友体重达250公斤(551)。

    He and his wife, Claudia Solis, first met four years ago at the deathbed of a friend of his who weighed 250 kilograms (551 pounds).


  • 老先生回答说,没有的事,的约会是疗养院妻子早餐

    The gentleman told me no, that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife.


  • 但是1963年,西尔维亚·普拉斯自杀了,这个美国年轻诗人第一见面是在1956年剑桥大学,而当年夏天成为了妻子

    But then, in 1963, Sylvia Plath, a young American poet whom he had first met at Cambridge University in 1956, and who became his wife in the summer of that year, committed suicide.


  • 斯特拉特福德参观了莎士比亚有关场所包括出生时房子死后埋葬教堂以及妻子家人居住村舍

    In Stratford, I visited several sites that are associated with Shakespeare, including the house where he was born, the church where he was buried, and the cottage where his wife's family lived.


  • 希望妻子那位女朋友疏远开,这样不用在下一次晚宴上那位朋友夫妇坐在一起了

    He also wanted his wife and her friend to drift apart so that he never had to sit through another dinner party with the friend and her husband.


  • 新泽西州长金。麦格里威被教会牧师拒绝了,2004年承认另外一个男人一起欺骗了妻子后辞职

    Former New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey, who resigned in 2004 after admitting he had cheated on his wife with another man, was turned down for the Episcopal priesthood.


  • 商店咖啡闲聊度过一个小时之后在征得妻子的同意确定邀请到楼上的家人一起共进晚餐

    After spending an hour in his shop drinking coffee and engaging in idle chit-chat, he decided, after consulting with his wife, to invite me upstairs for dinner with his family.


  • 克利斯·朵夫瑞士流亡期间发生了不愉快恋爱事件。阿娜是朋友妻子随之而来内疚暂时压抑天才

    During his exile in Switzerland, Christophe went through an unhappy love affair with Anna, the wife of a friend, and the consequent sense of guilt temporarily stilled his genius.


  • 妻子驾车30小时到达波士顿后,决定不再亲自开车而是改乘城市公交

    After he and his wife drove 30 hours to Boston and they dropped off their rental car, they decided to take the city bus.


  • 巴马先生此时说谎---已经肯尼亚妻子离婚了,和她有两个孩子

    Mr. Obama said at the time — falsely — that he had divorced his Kenyan wife, with whom he had two children.


  • 本周消息,马来西亚男子分钟内先后妻子离婚的两个妻子竟然“联手离婚,并称没想到自己婚姻竟是这样结局

    A Malaysian man divorced his two wives in three minutes, saying they had "collectively decided" to end their marriages to him and he had "never expected" such an outcome, reports said Wednesday.


  • 董贝先生自从妻子逝世以后一直没有走出自己的房间,而专心一意地幻想还是婴孩儿子青年教育今后的前程。

    Mr Dombey had remained in his own apartment since the death of his wife, absorbed in visions of the youth, education, and destination of his baby son.


  • 特纳一生太多女人估计大约13妻子而且还有很多女朋友艾克粉丝”穿着衣不遮体的绸缎连衣裙——在外面站着好好的等

    He had too many women: 13 or so wives, he reckoned, and plenty more girlfriends and "Ikettes", in their skimpy satin dresses, lining up outside.


  • 有趣是,灵感来自马斯生活两个亲近的女人,现任妻子伊丽莎白们住在一起曾经学生奥丽芙·柏恩兹。

    Interestingly, she was inspired by two of Marston's loves: his accomplished wife, Elizabeth; and a former student of his, Olive Byrne, who lived with the couple.


  • 的个人特色完全相符,巴菲特这顿饭做过功课:例如,事先了解到妻子出生北卡罗来纳州索尔兹伯里

    Characteristically, Buffett had done his homework: he'd found out in advance, for example, that my wife was born in Salisbury, North Carolina.


  • 上月贝卢斯科尼人拍到出席在那不勒斯郊外举行的蒂奇娅18岁生日聚会之后妻子指责未成年鬼混在一起”,打算离婚

    After Berlusconi was photographed last month attending Letizia's 18th birthday party outside Naples, his wife said she intended to divorce him, accusing him of "frequenting minors".


  • 期待妻子共进“浪漫晚餐”——尽管现场会特工媒体围观人群这么多“灯泡”。

    He said he was looking forward to a "romantic dinner" — although the attendant Secret Service agents, press pool and inevitable crowd of onlookers might spoil the intimacy.


  • 离开办公室时候,是否妻子父母村子西边公寓里,“自己”。

    On my way out of Wang’s office I asked himwhether he lived with his wife and parents in one of the apartment blocks onthe west side of town. “I have a house ” he said.


  • 律师已经审讯人员合作妻子妻弟劫持人质”的受害者。”

    The lawyer says he has cooperated with interrogators, and says his wife and brother-in-law are victims of of "hostage taking."


  • 律师已经审讯人员合作妻子妻弟劫持人质”的受害者。”

    The lawyer says he has cooperated with interrogators, and says his wife and brother-in-law are victims of of "hostage taking."


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