• 丈夫士兵什么士兵

    Husband 3: soldiers? What soldiers?


  • 其中一个士兵一边快速什么,一边指着前门

    One of the soldiers gabbled something and pointed at the front door.


  • 第二士兵受到了审判虽然没有什么坏事法官还是判了死刑

    Next day the soldier was tried, and though he had done nothing wicked, the judge condemned him to death.


  • 每个士兵领到工资最初经济发达地区几乎没有什么花钱的地方。

    Each soldier received his pay, but in regions without a developed economy, there was initially little on which it could be spent.


  • 朋友当中唯一一个人——我们所有的人都经过学术培植,所有艺术而献身的人都像士兵驻扎遥远基地(或是我们想象的)——没有什么可怕的事情发生在的身上。

    I was the only one of my friends-all of us academic transplants, all soldiers of art stationed on a far-off base (or so we imagined it) -who hadn't had something terrible happen to her yet.


  • 还是有趣的,不是在乎因为在越战士兵的普遍经历没有什么联系。

    It's entertaining, but I don't care for it at all because it has nothing to do with the average guy's experience in Vietnam.


  • 为了保证美国士兵伊拉克很多鲜血换来的成果,这点代价不算什么

    But they are a small price to pay to secure the gains for which American soldiers in Iraq have paid with so much blood.


  • 之前训练有素的士兵小心靠近笼子根本就是不是个“笼子”——是一个婴儿床,满是粉色毛毯一个小小的软软的,棕色头发的婴儿(为什么是棕色啊! 好吧,发色我就不吐槽了...)

    And the cage that the trained soldier had so carefully approached wasn't a cage at all—it was a crib, filled with pink blankets and a teeny, tiny, brown-haired newborn.


  • 一个穿了迷彩服士兵通过扩音器坦克上含:“不管发生了什么但是门市决定变化

    One camouflage-clad soldier shouted through a megaphone from the top of a tank: “I don't care what happens, but you are the ones who are going to make the change!”


  • 不能否认我们受到射击地面士兵受到威胁相比不了什么

    'I can't deny we've come under fire but it's nothing compared to the threat the guys on the ground are under.'


  • 即使士兵相比没有什么差异因为我会简单行使职责

    There is no difference even with a soldier, as I will simply be exercising my duties.


  • 第三士兵转身大伙说到:“没有什么秘密但是件事确定的:只有一起分享我们可能举办一次宴会。”

    The third soldier turned to the crowd, and said: "There is no secret, but this is certain: it is only by sharing that we may make a feast".


  • 执行场地到底发生什么无人知晓,这倒能理解,因为曾参与其中的俄国士兵从不谈论他们在那时都干了什么

    Accounts of exactly what did take place at the execution sites are understandably scarce. Few of the Russian soldiers who took part ever spoke of what they had done.


  • 如果美国民众知道他们士兵阿富汗死亡而且获胜机会渺小那为什么这么多细节的报道分散他们对此事件的看法

    If ordinary people already know that their soldiers are dying in Afghanistan and that the fight is hard, why should a blizzard of details lead to a sudden shift in public opinion?


  • 格鲁吉亚人什么,”一个俄罗斯士兵

    “They [the Georgians] had everything, ” one Russian soldier says.


  • 一个巴基斯坦军事基地所在的较大城市找到,则引起了一些令人恼火问题巴基斯坦士兵特工对于的藏身之处实际上知道什么

    That he was found in a relatively large city that is home to a Pakistani military base raises troubling questions about what the country's soldiers and spooks actually knew about his location.


  • 士兵对准杰克上方薄雾希望击中触角来源蕾丝斯阻止射击我们知道什么

    The trooper aims his gun up into the mist above Josh, hoping to hit the source of the tentacles, but Grace stops him from firing. We don't know why yet.


  • 几年陆军发现一些士兵其他人好,什么呢?

    A few years ago, the Army noticed that some soldiers fared better than others, and it wondered: Why?


  • 电子战争中或许产生些许紧张感通向心脏的肾上腺素实际上什么危险都没有。孩提之时,塑料士兵玩具。

    In the video war, there may be some manipulation of anxiety, some adrenaline to the heart, but absolutely nothing is at stake.When I was a boy, I was given plastic army men.


  • 一些美军士兵私下里抱怨一削减举措其他人则觉得没什么

    Some US soldiers privately grumble about the cutbacks, but others said they were not bothered by the new edict.


  • 不管士兵了一些什么他们都会感谢你,因为他们知道你已经时间,时常想到他们他们需要

    Whatever you do, our soldiers will appreciate knowing that you took time to think about them and their needs.


  • 伊万斯太太告诉士兵在米利班路附近麦田什么

    Mrs Evans was telling me there was a bunch of them searching the fields up alongside Millbank Lane.


  • 人群有人喊:"别杀人,条活口,"另外士兵疯狂高声尖叫了些什么卡扎菲就不见了,随之响起了枪声。

    Someone in the crowd shouted "keep him alive, keep him alive", but another fighter cried out in a high pitched crazed scream.


  • 士兵经常不知道自己调遣何处或是下一步该什么

    Soldiers are often left in the dark as to where they will be deployed or what they will be expected to do.


  • 而在遥远西方国家,选民们也很难理解什么本国士兵驻扎甚至牺牲在阿富汗。

    Voters thousands of miles away struggle to remember why their soldiers are dying there.


  • 其他人马只是想着他们怎样穿过城门,并且希望士兵不会盘问什么问题

    But the others were only thinking of how they'd get through and hoping the soldiers would not ask any questions.


  • 入伍想吃什么很多士兵想吃巧克力蛋糕一类的,你也是吗?

    What did you like to eat most after enlisting? Most soldiers want to eat something like chocolate cake, you too?


  • 入伍想吃什么很多士兵想吃巧克力蛋糕一类的,你也是吗?

    What did you like to eat most after enlisting? Most soldiers want to eat something like chocolate cake, you too?


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