• 精神障碍者住院治疗中的人身权保护

    The spirit obstacle stays in the hospital the personal rights protection of the under medical treatment.


  • 职业安全卫生劳动者物质性人身权侵犯的权利。

    The occupation safety and health rights were refers to which workers materiality personal rights frees from aggression.


  • 同时,阐述了利益平衡原理构建著作人身权制度理论基石。

    In addition, the principle of benefit balance is the base to establish institutions of moral rights of copyright.


  • 高校学生体育权利主要包括,受体育教育权平等权人身权

    The sport rights of the university students include the sports education right, equality right and personal right.


  • 此外著作人身权还要受到相关法律习惯尤其是行业惯例限制。

    In addition, the personal right of copyright can be restricted by the laws related, the customs, especially the professional customary practices.


  • 近期第三侵害学生人身权事故频发学校补充责任再度引发关注

    As the accidents that the third party infringes on students' personal rights are frequent recently, school liability insurance has received much attention once again.


  • 生育人身权出现相对较一个权利国内外研究历史

    Bearing right appeared later than other rights in the personal right system, the history of study on it is not long.


  • 生育已婚夫妻其他妇女依法所享有决定是否生育以及如何生育子女的人身权

    The right of procreation is a right conferred by law to the married people and other women to decide whether to procreate and how to procreate.


  • 人身权领域网络使得民事主体名誉权隐私权权利侵犯成为易如反掌之事

    In the field of personal right, Internet has made it is easy to infringe on the civil subject's reputation right and the right to privacy.


  • 署名权法律保护一项重要的著作人身权具有不可转让性、永久性不可剥夺等特点

    The authorship right is an important personal right to author and is protected by law, with characteristic of non negotiability, perpetuity and irrevocability.


  • 这种赔偿目前法律规定看,主要针对侵害人身中的名誉权隐私权较小一个范围。

    Judging from the present corresponding laws, the compensation is restricted to the infringement of a person's reputation, privacy, etc.


  • 司法方面扩充完善辩护律师会见调查取证权和阅卷保障辩护律师人身

    In justice, we must expand and improve the right to meet with defense counsel, the right of investigation and evidence collection and scoring power to protect the personal rights of defense counsel.


  • 生命权健康权身体重要人身也是人权主要内容公民享有其他权利基础

    The right to life, health, physical power is the most important personal rights as well as the major content of human rights, and the foundation for citizens' enjoyment of other rights.


  • 本文认为生育一项基本人身作为基本权利的生育权进入民法领域属于人格权范畴

    The thesis views that the Right to Birth is a basic personal right, and it belongs to the Right to Personality category in the field of civil law as a basic right.


  • 隐私权人身权,是精神权利发表权著作权,有一定物质利益,所以发表权的行使受到限制

    Privacy right is one of person right, which is one of spiritual right, while publication right is one of copyright, which embraces certain loves and fishes, so publication right should be limited.


  • 随着网络兴起网上侵权事件层出不穷,作为人身权重要内容姓名网上也遇到了新的侵害形式。

    Along with the birth of network, on-line right infringement emerges one case after another including the violation of the right to name, which constitutes the major content of personal rights.


  • 配偶基于合法婚姻关系而在夫妻双方之间发生的、由夫妻双方平等专属享有的要求对方陪伴生活钟爱帮助基本人身权

    Spouse right is a basic personal right between the two sides, based on the legal marriage, equally and exclusively requesting accompaniment, life, love and help from each other.


  • 配偶人身权配偶主要内容配偶人格权配偶身份权组成,配偶身份权则可以分为身份利益支配权和身份利益请求权两大部分。

    Spouses right to the person is the main content of the right to spouse, which consists of the right to personality and the right to spouses status.


  • 配偶人身权配偶主要内容配偶人格权配偶身份权组成,配偶身份权则可以分为身份利益支配权和身份利益请求权两大部分。

    Spouses right to the person is the main content of the right to spouse, which consists of the right to personality and the right to spouses status.


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