• 马修斯接触土壤中的细菌或许也能影响人类大脑:“不过显示我们是从采进化而来,期间不断泥土打交道。

    Matthews says that exposure to soil bacteria may affect human brains too. "It just shows that we evolved with dirt as hunter-gatherers," she says.


  • 整个进化过程由此重启——卡斯汀兄弟丘奇认为镜像可以进化届时无论何种生命会幸存下来,人类可能位列其中。

    It would be a total evolutionary reboot-both Kasting and Church think mirror predators would evolve, but whatever life existed on Earth by that point wouldn't include us.


  • 进化怀疑人类可能是从黑猩猩进化的——也许的。

    Skeptics of evolution might say there's no way humans evolved from chimps — and they would be right.


  • 一位研究发现关注人类不是其他动物更能帮助学生们来理解一些进化基本概念

    A researcher finds focusing on humans rather than animals helps students grasp some of the fundamental concepts of evolutionary theory.


  • 人类掠食而言弱小无力防御易受伤害,”威廉学院生物人类学家、《进化》的芭芭拉J .

    "Human beings were small, defenseless and vulnerable to predators," says Barbara J. King, biological anthropologist at the College of William and Mary and author of Evolving God.


  • 即使进化更够使用武器自身也变成了捕食这些大脑中的古老神经回路仍然提供了一种针对其他人类行之有效防御手段。

    Even after we evolved the ability to use weapons and became predators ourselves, this ancient brain circuit still offered a useful defense against members of our own species.


  • 人类恋爱能力得以进化是因为求爱注意力集中一个更好的目标上可以节约时间精力使他生存和繁衍的机会大大增大。

    The ability to fall in live evolved because those who focused their courtship attention on a preferred partner saved time and energy and improved their chances of survival and reproduction.


  • 如果现存狩猎-采集还是像古代那样,那么这些关于他们社会模式数据早期人类进化重大意义

    If living hunter-gatherers are typical of ancient ones, the new data about their social pattern has considerable bearing on early human evolution.


  • 这些进化产物问题在于这些产物服务于他们制造人类

    The problem with the products of evolution, though, is that they are honed to do jobs for the creature they come from, not for humanity.


  • 虚构的凯撒经过基因改良之后,逐渐进化出口头语言其他能力,在这些能力帮助下这个极其肮脏的猴子”向人类虐待展开了复仇

    The fictional Caesar undergoes genetic modification and develops spoken language, among other advancements, that facilitate the revenge of this "damn dirty ape" against his human tormentors.


  • 人类进化过程中,动物代表着捕食(厌恶)猎物(收获),它们两的关系息息相关。

    During our evolutionary past, animals could have represented either predator (aversive) or prey (rewarding).


  • 与此同时探究人类互动进化合力最终推动了技术人类共同进步

    Meanwhile, not forgetting to probe into it and human dynamic, resultant of forces that the two evolve promoted the common progress of technology and the mankind finally.


  • 也是地图绘制作为一种可能性可以全体人类物种提升滥用进化舞蹈唯一道路

    This is the only way that the map carvers can ascend out of the dance that desecrated evolution as a possibility for the human species at large.


  • 我是金色圣杯宝库,是人类所需知识保管知识支撑人类回归源头进化之旅

    AM the repository of the golden chalice, the keeper of the knowledge needed for mankind to sustain on their evolutionary journey back to the Source.


  • 人类进化过程中,某些地方似乎缺失了由此,也生出受害

    Somewhere in the course of evolution a human strand has been lost and a pool of victims created.


  • 而且这些新的标准能够发展壮大,甚至大到超出我们想象。我们社会集体智慧,我们对于博格人(注:人类进化者)的想象是迥然不同的。

    And, those standards can spread - can scale - they can scale in ways once unimaginable. The collective intelligence of our society, our version of the Borg, is really quite different.


  • 人类进化所必需也是超越观点途径我们唯一真正的病理学

    Both are necessary in human evolution, and both are ways to transcend the duality of vision which is our only real pathology.


  • 地球生命进化而言人类姗姗来迟

    Life was now flourishing. In terms of the evolution of life on Earth, human beings have just arrived.


  • 不过,在后来出土并被认为人类进化直接有关的化石没有出现与关节行走有关证据。

    But none of the later fossils considered to be on the direct human line were knuckle-walkers.


  • 克拉克并非虔诚的教徒形而上学主义然而认为,人类通过进化,最终可以达到的境界。

    He was not religious, and was no metaphysician; but he wanted and expected men to evolve until they became like gods.


  • 由于已经拥有人类基因组研究可以将黑猩猩人类DNA排列起来一个个观察,研究4千万年的进化事件怎样他们我们分开。

    With the human genome already in hand, researchers could begin to line up chimp and human DNA and examine, one by one, the 40 million evolutionary events that separate them from us.


  • 人类心灵很多时候在拥有感知之外运作着,很有可能就是开始进化工作状态,而这又使它在许多情况下运行最好

    The human mind operates largely out of view of its owners, possibly because that's the way it evolved to work initially, and because that's the way it works best, under many circumstances.


  • 这些人类属于进化生命调停-熔合类型但是他们大多数一个进化世界上人类进化最终阶段经常性代表

    These mortals belong to the Adjuster-fused type of evolutionary life, but they are most often representative of the final phases of human development on an evolving world.


  • 这些人类属于进化生命调停-熔合类型但是他们大多数一个进化世界上人类进化最终阶段经常性代表

    These mortals belong to the Adjuster-fused type of evolutionary life, but they are most often representative of the final phases of human development on an evolving world.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定