• 史前人类从未向雷克斯暴龙长矛确实猎杀过猛犸象乳齿象

    Prehistoric humans never threw spears at Tyrannosaurus rex but really did hunt mammoths and mastodons.


  • 也许首先人类从未接触病毒

    Perhaps, he points out, ancient humans were never exposed to the virus in the first place.


  • 人类从未停止过广袤无垠宇宙探索

    Humans have never stopped exploring the vast expanse of the universe.


  • 人类从未也永远不会选择放慢速度,”历史学家斯蒂芬·克说。

    "Humans have never, ever opted for slower," points out the historian Stephen Kern.


  • 南极洲不是国家而是一个大陆人类从未接触过地方

    It's not a country, but it is a continent - and Antarctica is a truly untouched place.


  • 火星作为地球近邻,近40年来人类从未停止过的探索。

    Mars, earth's nearest neighbour, as nearly 40 years humans never ceased to it.


  • 人类从未也永远不会选择放慢速度,”历史学家斯蒂芬?克说。

    "Humans have never, ever opted for slower," points out the historian Stephen Kern.


  • 如果数学思想在某处等待发现那么即使人类从未构想一个纯粹抽象概念必须存在

    If the mathematical ideas are out there, waiting to be found, then somehow a purely abstract notion has to have existence even when no human being has ever conceived of it.


  • 这次使命月球内部核心表明内部构造进行测绘,包括人类从未探索过的月球暗

    The mission will map the moon from its core to its surface, including the far side of the moon which humans have never explored.


  • 现在我们下潜更深一些。艘潜水艇下降7,000英尺深发现人类从未见过生物

    Now, let's go even deeper. This submarine can descend down to 7,000 feet to discover creatures never seen by man.


  • 长时间以来地震学家们一致认为,以目前的科学技术,还不能预测地震,而且人类从未准确预知任何一次地震

    Seismologists have long concurred, saying the technology doesn't exist to predict a quake and that no major temblor has ever been foretold.


  • 1953年5月29日丹增·诺尔盖埃得蒙·希拉里站在人类从未立足世界之巅,创造历史时刻。

    History was made on the 29th of May 1953 when Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary stood on top of the world where no men had stood before.


  • 由于收获储存运输方面的不良做法以及市场消费者浪费估计,生产所有食品有30-50%从未到达人类胃里

    Due to poor practices in harvesting, storage and transportation, as well as market and consumer wastage, it is estimated that 30-50% of all food produced never reaches a human stomach.


  • 由于小孩子可以他们从未过的句子,乔姆斯基认为人类婴儿天生学习语言能力

    Because young children can make sentences they have never heard before, Chomsky suggested that human infants are born with the ability to learn language.


  • 人类语言几个独特特征,且在很大程度上是其他物种交流系统从未发现的。

    There're several features peculiar to human language that have, for the most part, never been found in the communication system of any other species.


  • 科学家认为这种病毒是5年前马传染狗身上的,从未感染人类

    Scientists believe the virus jumped from horses to dogs 5 years ago, but it has never infected a human.


  • 甲鱼开始马尾辫,之前他们从未见过人类

    The snappers started nibbling at my ponytail, they had never seen humans.


  • 认为我们面临一个悖论一方面,我们知道如果人类不复存在,“宇宙还将延续下去,一如我们从未存在。”

    We are faced, he thinks, with a paradox. On the one hand, we know that when mankind ceases to exist, “the universe will go on as if we had never been”.


  • 第一头一度允许杰米小狼进入狼窝因为生产作为秘密的事,人类以前从未尝试过这种行为

    At one point, the alpha female allowed Jamie to enter the wolf den after she gave birth to pups -- behavior never previously attempted by humans since female wolves keep the birthing process private.


  • 实验室标本分析显示病毒此前从未人类传播

    Analysis of laboratory samples showed that the new virus had never before circulated in humans.


  • 即使哲学家们他们观念作为追寻真理所做纯粹理论阐释这些观念却从未停止作用人类生活指南

    Even when philosophers take their ideas as pure theoretical discourse aimed at finding the Truth, their ideas have never stopped functioning as guides to human life.


  • 因此水晶矿物领域人类复杂相关性,就像个人从未其它失去接触微妙的交流一样。

    As such the realms of the crystalline minerals and humanity are intricately related, such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other.


  • 这块生机勃勃的雨林从未明确标注过界线鲸鱼野狼以及人类其中的海峡密林中尽情繁衍

    Whales, wolves, bears, and humans thrive in the rich Marine channels and forests of the Great bear, whose boundaries have never been precisely defined.


  • 尽管这个重要研究人员从未发现人类大脑编排日常事务机理

    But important as it is, researchers have never understood the mechanism by which humans index the happenings of everyday life.


  • 博纳病毒属于之前从未人类基因组发现病毒。

    But the borna virus belongs to a kind of virus that has never been found in the human genome before.


  • 事故中上演人类悲喜剧总能媒体头条,大多数由于煤碳造成受害者从未涉足

    The human tragedy and dramatic rescues of mining accidents make for gripping media events, but most of coal's victims actually never set foot in a mine.


  • 夜狐被诅咒的传言从未停止原因可能看起来并不惧怕人类,它可以大摇大摆的穿梭于人群中,甚至走进究竟。

    Superstitions around the aye-aye may have developed because it is apparently unafraid of humans. It will even walk right up to human passersby to take a closer look.


  • 引人注目行动来说即使是人类不良记录更遑论自我约束能力从未如传说那般的神明

    It has a poor record in terms of compelling action even among mortals-let alone gods, whose capacity for self-restraint has never really been the stuff of legend.


  • 引人注目行动来说即使是人类不良记录更遑论自我约束能力从未如传说那般的神明

    It has a poor record in terms of compelling action even among mortals-let alone gods, whose capacity for self-restraint has never really been the stuff of legend.


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