• 有些担心旅游业迅速发展可能破坏当地环境

    Some people worried that the rapid development of tourism might cause damage to the local environment.


  • 他们伐木工正在破坏雨林,无视当地权利

    They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.


  • 风暴法国维埃拉造成严重破坏致使3死亡数十受伤

    Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera, leaving three people dead and dozens injured.


  • 梦中看见羊圈破坏牧羊失踪了,他的圣杯从钉子了下来。

    In his dream, he saw that his sheepfold was destroyed, the shepherd disappeared, and his holy grail fell off the peg.


  • 另外一些认为这会破坏家庭关系愤世嫉俗者称之为起诉儿子” 的法律

    Others believe it will subvert relations within the family; cynics dubbed it the "Sue Your Son" law.


  • 四川破坏力极强的7.9地震导致中国西部9万死亡。

    The devastating 7.9 magnitude Sichuan earthquake which killed about 90,000 people in western China.


  • 同时,最高法院驳回联邦通信委员会试图阻止所有关于网络中立性规定的企图,同时保留委员会先发制权力,以防止个别州的法律破坏秩序

    In the meantime, the court threw out the FCC's attempt to block all state rules on net neutrality, while preserving the commissions' power to preempt individual state laws that undermine its order.


  • 专家们一致认为未来几十年内出现一个难题如何破坏地球情况下养活90亿

    Experts agree that the next few decades will present a puzzle: how to feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process.


  • 这个恶魔代理获得神圣特许一段时间里,钻入牧师内心,阴谋破坏灵魂

    This diabolical agent had the divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul.


  • 以色列继续夺取巴勒斯坦土地继续建立定居点,继续破坏巴勒斯坦家园杀害巴勒斯坦个案从没有停止过

    Israel continues to confiscate Palestinian land and continue its settlement projects; continues to destroy Palestinian homes; and the killing of Palestinian individuals - that did not stop.


  • 那场几十年遇的自然灾害去了大约167,000生命破坏学校住房教堂道路们所赖以谋生的手段。

    The worst natural disaster to hit a developing country in decades claimed about 167,000 lives and destroyed schools, houses, churches, roads and livelihoods.


  • 根据前报道由于Tomas群岛上作物建筑持续破坏,使得超过5000背井离乡

    According to early reports, Tomas forced more than 5,000 people from their homes while the islands sustained damage to crops and buildings.


  • 根据前报道由于Tomas群岛上作物建筑持续破坏,使得超过5000背井离乡

    According to early reports, Tomas forced more than 5, 000 people from their homes while the islands sustained damage to crops and buildings.


  • 阴谋破坏每个做,有些可以做得更加冷酷

    Sabotage, everyone is capable of it. But some go about it more cruelness than the others.


  • 贫血很大程度上影响了学生自身考试成绩而且也波及到他们同龄因为学生贫血易会破坏课堂学习

    Anemia significantly drags down test results not only of students with the disease but also of their peers, because students with anemia tend to disrupt classroom learning.


  • 今秋犹太农夫准备他们土地荒芜以色列将开始计划中一年,严守戒律的犹太不会食用破坏戒条犹太农夫生产食物。

    This autumn, Israel begins the one year in seven when Jewish farmers are meant to let their land lie fallow; observant Jews will not eat food from Jewish farmers who break the ban.


  • 可能意味着剥夺当地权利。由于几百年来一直视为有的森林所有权遭到否定,这些当地容易变成破坏这些森林的主角

    That can also mean dispossessing local people who, denied ownership of a forest they may have considered their own for centuries, tend to become protagonists in its destruction.


  • 当然我们知道有些破坏我们东西。 因此为了保护我们的,我们需要一个最小商业特性使复制成本非常高昂

    We know, though, that someone's going to spoil what we've done, so, to protect their money, the business has a minimum feature set that's going to make the cost of copying prohibitively expensive.


  • 暴露这些理想当中破坏年轻自尊

    Exposure to theseidealsis damaging to the self-esteem of youths.


  • 一位巴黎警方发言表示这种破坏行为不会容忍”,尽全力将肇事者捉拿归案。

    A Paris police spokesman said such attacks would 'not be tolerated' and that everything would be done to bring the vandals to justice.


  • 灾难本身及其财产生计造成破坏幸存者心理健康造成严重影响,对精神健康产生很大影响。

    The disaster and devastation affecting people, property and livelihood can have a serious impact on the psychological well being of survivors and have a major impact on people's mental health.


  • 作为一家环保企业,当下一个畏缩挑战当地提供生计否则这些便会通过破坏雨林来为自己谋

    Part of being an environmentalist now is tackling the daunting challenge of providing livelihoods for indigenous people, who will otherwise put food on the table by harming the rain forest.


  • 阿巴斯发言指责以色列领导破坏和平进程

    A spokesman for Mr. Abbas accused the Israeli leader of sabotaging the peace process.


  • 这场大火使雅典远郊遭到破坏迫使数千戏剧性地一夜之间撤离

    A massive wildfire tore through outlying Athenian suburbs, destroying homes and forcing thousands to flee in dramatic overnight evacuations.


  • 这场大火使雅典远郊遭到破坏迫使数千戏剧性地一夜之间撤离

    A massive wildfire tore through outlying Athenian suburbs, destroying homes and forcing thousands to flee in dramatic overnight evacuations.


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