• 2004年,持股的一家心理健康机构的创始想要以1000万美元以上的价格出售公司,我一位从事代理销售30年朋友告诉了我这个20:6:3:1法则

    The 20:6:3:1 rule. In 2004 a company I owned a small piece of a mental health facility.


  • 根据潜在的收购者市场上所买进的股票多少,有时需要根据交易所规定其他持股发出正式的收购要约

    Depending on how many shares a potential acquirer buys in the market; a formal offer to other shareholders may be required under stock exchange regulations.


  • 信实电信将根据公司有关持续提升持股整体价值政策这些提议进行评估

    The company evaluates such proposals in line with the Company’s policy to constantly endeavor to enhance overall shareholder value.


  • 据说希望能够把公开上市推得越迟越好。据说此公司去年年底只有不到500个持股包括员工风险投资者无疑避免被束缚手脚

    The firm reportedly had fewer than 500 shareholders at the end of last year, including employees and venture capitalists, so it is no doubt hoping to avoid having its arm twisted.


  • 如果公司分红,那么作为持股,其结果就是你从公司的现金里分得了一杯羹。

    If the company pays a dividend, a shareholder gets that piece of the company's cash flow as a consequence of share ownership.


  • 汇丰控股宣布现有持股积极响应银行增股,供股获96.6%股东有效接纳;剩余股份认购金融市场上完成。

    HSBC reported that existing shareholders had responded well to its rights issue and bought 96.6% of the shares on offer; the remainder were sold in the market.


  • 明确地表示要抛弃它们混合经营模式这种模式使持股获得利润,却要使公众承担威胁生命损失

    He is clearly in favour of scrapping their hybrid business model, which delivers profits to shareholders but leaves the public to shoulder life-threatening losses.


  • 交会指控马克·库班在获知消息几个小时之内就通知股票经纪要求自己持股全部抛售。

    The SEC alleges that within hours of receiving the information, Cuban called his broker and told him to sell his entire stake.


  • 指出高盛合伙很大一部分薪酬是以股票形式获取要求保留持股直至退休

    Goldman partners, he points out, receive a sizeable chunk of their pay in stock and are required to maintain their ownership stake until retirement.


  • 太多将“作为持股拥有一个执行角色概念

    Too many people mix the notion of being a shareholder in a startup and having an operating role.


  • 至少理论上讲现在持股可向本国大型企业提起集体诉讼。

    Shareholders may now, at least in theory, pursue class-action suits against the country's biggest companies.


  • 悲观论者则声称,去年股市大涨,让产生强烈的持股待售动机

    Pessimists say the market was rising strongly last year, which gave a strong incentive to hold on.


  • 乐观辩称持股未必一定会出售股票他们同时指出2007年解除禁售股票当中,进行交易的尚不足5%。

    Optimists argue that it is not inevitable that the holders will sell out, and point out that less than 5 per cent of the shares that were unlocked in 2007 were traded.


  • 沃尔玛股价在2010年大部分时间都保持平稳,不过大部分持股而言仍然摇钱树。

    Wal-Mart's stock has remained largely flat for most of 2010, but it continues to be a wealth-generating machine for its majority shareholders.


  • 使得股票发放不再那么具有吸引力了,这不仅投资者而言,对那些可能被迫低价出手股份家庭持股也是一样。

    That makes equity offerings far less appealing not only to investors but also to family owners who would be forced to sell shares cheaply.


  • 几年来太多老板持股利润一直保持两位数,但他们却从没有想过这些利润来源,也没想过这样的利润他们能享受多久。

    Too many bosses and shareholders accepted years of double-digit returns without probing the sources and sustainability of those profits.


  • 去年通用公司奔走在为期两个月破产法庭中期间持股严重受挫,就一点来讲投资商大有理由提高警惕

    They have plenty of reason to be cautious, considering the hammering that share - and bondholders took during the firm's two-month dash through the bankruptcy courts last year.


  • 英国石油公司也可降低在由合伙经营美国油田中的持股荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(Royal DutchShell PLC)运营GulffieldMars中的持股

    Or BP may reduce its stakes in U.S. fields operated by partners, such as the Gulf field Mars, operated by Royal Dutch Shell PLC.


  • 850亿美元贷款抵押品AIG全部资产,另外美联储可以否决公司持股发放红利

    The $85bn loan is collateralised by all of AIG's assets and the Fed can veto dividend payouts to the insurer's shareholders.


  • 美国国税局视llc公司成员(相当于Inc公司持股)

    The members of an LLC (the equivalent of shareholders in an Inc) are treated by the IRS as individuals.


  • 公司相互持股的法律问题主要公司僵局债权少数股东权益保护问题、相互担保和税法问题等。

    The problems with reciprocal holding shares are mainly: impasse between companies, protection of the rights of the creditor and some shareholders, reciprocal guarantee, tax problems, and so on.


  • 保证持股优先领取股息股票。

    Stock whose holders are guaranteed priority in the payment of dividends.


  • 红股按照比例分配持股公司股本追加股份

    A stock dividend is a prorata distribution of additional shares of a corporation's stock to the Stockholders.


  • 本文我国上市公司1998—2003年间经验数据样本,实证分析公司治理机制中国基金管理持股偏好影响

    This paper USES Chinese listed forms from 1998 to 2003 as sample. It empirically analyzes the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on Chinese fund manager's stock holding preference.


  • 其次回顾本文研究机构投资者持股影响因素所依托相关理论介绍了委托代理理论机构投资者“审慎假说

    Secondly, this chapter reviews the related theory of stock-holding of institutional investors, and introduces the principal-agent theory and institutional investors "prudent person" hypothesis.


  • 有时可能会听说哪个公司公有的,那意思是这个公司的股票上市发行的,所有持股拥有这个公司的股权。

    Sometimes, you may hear that a company is public, which means the company offers their stocks in the stock market. All the shareholders own the company.


  • 信息披露义务其他知情,在有关持股变动信息依法披露之前,不得以任何方式泄露相关信息。

    The disclosure obligors and other insiders may not, before the relevant equity changes are disclosed according to the law, disclose relevant information by any means.


  • 信息披露义务其他知情,在有关持股变动信息依法披露之前,不得以任何方式泄露相关信息。

    The disclosure obligors and other insiders may not, before the relevant equity changes are disclosed according to the law, disclose relevant information by any means.


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