• 同时酒店里还设有商务套房残疾套房完备的商务服务娱乐设施

    There are also business suites, disabled suits, and completed business facilities and entertainment facilities.


  • 格局:一间套房一间单、客厅、餐厅厨房、乾湿分离浴室,可住三

    Accommodations: double bed x x and single bed x x, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom.


  • 饭店拥有客房112间,包括标准间标准间、三套房、高级套房、豪华套房等多种房型。

    More than 112 guest room and suits including styles of standard king Room, Standard Twim Room, Deluxe Suites, all with Enternet socket, IDD/DDD telephone and in room satellite TV;


  • 一家后面一个独立三居室

    Her family lives in a self-contained three-bedroom suite in the back of the main house.


  • 无论谁足足400万美元想换换口味,可以考虑其他43那样行事,签订一份2012年上空间轨道太空宾馆银河套房去度假的合同。

    Anyone with a cool $4 million and change might consider doing what 43 other people have done, and sign up for an orbital space vacation in 2012 with Galactic Suite Space Resort.


  • 随着经济恢复增长一些搬出合住房子或者是买一套房子。

    As the economy recovers, some of those people will move out of their Shared homes and buy their own.


  • 售楼处内空无一过去个月没有卖出去价格却丝毫没有松动

    The showroom is empty and for the past two months not a single flat has been sold, yet prices have not budged.


  • 套房餐厅具有特色的拱形天花板同时容纳14就餐,超大客厅包含架大钢琴通往屋外大型装饰台阶

    The dining room features vaulted ceilings and can seat 14, and the oversize living room contains a grand piano and opens onto a large furnished outdoor terrace.


  • 这样就让许多挪威能够拥有相当奢侈生活包括频繁出国旅游购置第二套房更大私家车也许还能拥有艘汽艇雪地汽车。

    That has enabled many Norwegians to embrace quite lavish lifestyles, involving frequent overseas trips, second homes, big cars and perhaps a boat or a snowmobile.


  • 柜台服务员:现在我们只有一个4套房预定这间房吗?

    Clerk: : Right now we have a suite for 4 people, do you want to book it?


  • 柜台服务员现在我们只有一个4套房预定这间房吗?

    Clerk: Right now we have a suite for 4 people, do you want to book it?


  • 酒店网站相关信息显示套房320平方米包括厨房酒吧桑拿按摩浴缸餐桌一个跑步机

    According to the hotel website, the suite is 320 square metres and includes a kitchen, bar, sauna, jacuzzi, dining table for six and a treadmill.


  • 销售代理宣布楼盘剩下很少套房,一百三十中的七十栋已经几乎完工

    Sales agents announce that only a few units are available from the first two phases of the project and that 70 of the 130 or more buildings are almost completed.


  • 只有14宽敞套房真正关注细节个性化服务可以预期主权套房

    With just 14 private, spacious suites, true attention to detail and personalized service can be expected at Sovereign suites.


  • 套房的意思公寓通常房间一间小的浴室往往还有一间小厨房所以一个不错

    Yes, an efficiency is a small apartment. Usually one large room and a small bathroom. There is often a small kitchen too. So it's good for one person.


  • 我们房子我们实在所以我们利用周末抽空外出看看是否有合适的套房套。

    Our house is too large for just the two of us and so we spent part of the weekend seeing over some flats with a view to buying one.


  • 公司遍布90多个城市调查员,会通过牙刷或者毛巾数量确定套房子里住着多少

    The company's investigators, in more than 90 cities, check for the number of toothbrushes or towels to determine how many people are living in a house.


  • 确切地说,律师中的个,他们这些名字,漂亮建筑物,事务所那子的

    Or rather, he was one of a huge battery of lawyers, all of whose names were on the door of the suite of offices in the elegant building in beverly hills.


  • 多年我们父母国际静安有一一家其乐融融地住在里面,可以说所忧虑

    Many years ago, our parents have a property house, in the international Jingan, a family can be enjoyable in this house, we can be said to be no worries.


  • 如果平均三个套房,那么这些就足以容纳英国波兰

    If three people on average live in one flat, this would be the equivalent of building new housing for the combined populations of Britain and Poland.


  • 只有一个儿子,给她买子,一家远在英国

    Her only son had bought the flat for her but he was away in England with his family.


  • 其中48标准间,10标准间,15豪华,10间豪华1间豪华行政套房,8间标准司陪房。

    Which 48 standard rooms, standard between 10 and 15 between 3 men between big bed room, luxurious double standard 10 deluxe and one deluxe executive suites, standard company.


  • 不是那个为她玩具巧克力以及乡村为她买了套房有钱劳拉女儿

    Tamisha was his She was not the daughter of rich Laura, the one who bought Tamisha toys, chocolates and a home in the country.


  • 酒店拥有中央空调电梯高级音响多功能厅标准客房豪华套房45间,中餐厅同时容纳近300就餐

    The hotel has central air conditioning, elevator, high-level sound, function rooms, standard rooms and luxury suites of 45, in the restaurant can accommodate 300 people dining.


  • 酒店拥有风格迥异,特点鲜明,装饰华丽的单(双)套房125间(套),设有中央空调国际卫星电视系统迷你酒吧,冰箱,国际直拨电话设施。

    The 125 guest rooms are decorated in various styles , all equipped with central air-conditioning , international satellite TV system, mini-bar , refrigerator . IDD and so on.


  • 酒店拥有风格迥异,特点鲜明,装饰华丽的单(双)套房125间(套),设有中央空调国际卫星电视系统迷你酒吧,冰箱,国际直拨电话设施。

    The 125 guest rooms are decorated in various styles , all equipped with central air-conditioning , international satellite TV system, mini-bar , refrigerator . IDD and so on.


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