• 人口发展趋于平衡。

    The population development will be balanced.


  • 中国人口学家们来说,最大担心这个人口发展趋势社会经济影响

    Of greater concern to Chinese demographers are the social and economic effects of these trends.


  • 1944年的墨西哥许多专家警告发展国家人口增长速度快粮食生产,会出现大规模饥荒

    In Mexico in 1944, many experts warned of mass starvation in developing nations where populations were expanding faster than crop production.


  • 稀稀落落常住人口休闲活动尤其是滑雪)的发展导致当地生态系统发生了重大长期变化

    A thinly scattered permanent population and development of leisure activities, particularly skiing, have resulted in significant long-term changes to the local ecosystems.


  • 人们曾经认为随着人们不再被迫进入城市电信发展导致人口进一步分散。

    It was once assumed that improvements in telecommunications would lead to more dispersal in the population as people were no longer forced into cities.


  • 必须农业部门放在发展中心才能2015年把极度贫困饥饿人口减少一半

    The agriculture sector must be placed at the center of development to cut in half extreme poverty and hunger by 2015.


  • 发展国家正在开始工业化主要是非洲人口增长率一再提高,年轻化为显著特征。

    Newly developing countries are beginning to industrialise, primarily in Africa, with high to very high population growth rates, and characterised by a predominantly young age profile.


  • 尽管中央帝国通常非常富有人口稠密,它本质上很脆弱因为新的国际贸易路线发展可能会破坏货币基础和侵蚀国家权力

    The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power.


  • 人口学家估计2050年,有四分之三人类居住城市其中大部分将来自亚洲非洲快速发展城镇

    Demographers reckon that three quarters of humanity could be city dwelling by 2050, with most of the increase coming in the fast growing towns of Asia and Africa.


  • 可能人口流动性方面具说服力的标志公元前3000年,在片广袤的土地上大部分牧民相关语言现代欧语系就从中发展而来。

    Perhaps the most striking sign of mobility is the fact that by the third millennium B.C., most pastoralists in this huge region spoke related languages ancestral to the modern Indo-European languages.


  • 人口增长和工业发展,垃圾到处都是。

    With the increase in population and the development of industry, litter is everywhere.


  • 世界卫生组织每年针对使用固体燃料进行烹饪人口比例作出报告,以此作为评估卫生发展方面取得进展一项主要指标

    WHO reports annually on the proportion of the population using solid fuels for cooking as a key indicator for assessing progress in health and development.


  • 中国西部地域辽阔,人口众多,山河壮美,资源富集,周边14个国家接壤发展潜力巨大

    Western China, with its vast landmass, large population, beautiful landscape and rich resources, borders 14 countries and has a great potential for development.


  • 各地区的发展趋势差异很大。有些地区主要是欧洲地区面临人口劳动力急剧减少前景

    The dynamics vary significantly by region, with some regions, notably Europe, facing the prospects of a rapid decline in population and labor force.


  • 从全球看,可以获得安全饮用水人口比例77%增加到了87%。如果这种改进速度可以保持完全可以实现相关千年发展目标

    Globally, the percentage of the world's population with access to safe drinking-water increased from 77% to 87%, which is sufficient to reach the MDG target if the rate of improvement is maintained.


  • 亚洲发展银行称,可能如今印度17%人口就掌握全国一半消费力

    Today perhaps 17% of India’s population has half of its spending power, according to the Asian Development Bank.


  • 大部分经济合作与发展组织会员国青年失业率大约所有会员国人口一起时两倍

    In much of the OECD youth-unemployment rates are about twice those for the population as a whole.


  • 要知道这个国度12亿人口而且正是因为他拥有着大量廉价会将英语员工,各产业才能蓬勃发展

    The country has over 1.2 billion people, and the industry has boomed, thanks largely to its abundance of inexpensive and English-speaking workers.


  • 这份报告是经济合作发展组织撰写,他们发出警告称发达国家人口变得越来越胖。

    Developed nations are getting fatter, warns the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development which produced the report.


  • 尽管作为主要出口产业钢铁业陷于困境,但雇佣了四分之一劳动人口农业保持着良好发展势头。

    And though the main exporting industry, steel, is struggling, farming (which employs a quarter of the workforce) is doing well.


  • 非洲能够获得饮用水人口占比重不到60%,仅有少数几个国家走上实现发展目标正规。

    Less than 60 percent of Africa's population has access to drinking water and only a handful of countries are on track to reach the Millennium Development Goals.


  • 表示新奥尔良人口数量已经回到卡特里娜飓风侵袭前水平认为其中一部分冲着该州发展潜力而赶来的。

    He notes that New Orleans is almost back to its pre-Katrina population levels, and reckons that some of those arrivals are people excited by the state's potential.


  • 中国独生子女政策保持人口出生率低下但是由于平均寿命继续提高抚养比率上升,将降低国家发展潜力

    China's one-child policy will keep birth rates low, but as life expectancy continues to increase, so will the dependency ratio, reducing the country's potential for growth.


  • 19902008年间,世界上使用改良饮用水源人口比例77%上升87%。这一比率表明,可以按计划实现全球千年发展目标饮水具体目标。

    The percentage of the world’s population using improved drinking-water sources increased from 77% to 87% between 1990 and 2008, a rate on track with meeting the global MDG drinking-water target.


  • 此外城市化发展趋势发达地区人口生活和生产用水增多也是导致用水量不断增加原因

    Also, the trend towards urbanization and increases in domestic and industrial water use by people who live in more developed areas are factors that lead to growing water use.


  • 相比那些互联网用户数人口总数大部分国家而言,互联网用户数只占人口总数的一小部分的国家发展潜力比较大。

    Countries where Internet users make up a minority of the population have a larger growth potential than countries where Internet users are in majority.


  • 相比那些互联网用户数人口总数大部分国家而言,互联网用户数只占人口总数的一小部分的国家发展潜力比较大。

    Countries where Internet users make up a minority of the population have a larger growth potential than countries where Internet users are in majority.


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