• 曾经一度人们盲目捕猎动物

    There were times when people hunt animals blindly.


  • 欧元丧失信心导致人们盲目寻找安全港湾,今年春天美元需求急剧上升。

    The loss of confidence in the euro led to a rush for safety, and the demand for dollars rose sharply in the spring of the year.


  • 几十年旧习、迷信规矩最近又开始风行,人们盲目跟风而不去质疑这样做的理论依据。

    Decades of old beliefs, superstitions and rituals are being performed these days and are followed blindly without questioning their rationale.


  • 再也没什么力量让的意志屈从当时人们盲目的想法—他们总是认为自己有权个人自私的意志强加于一个思想的人身上。

    There would be no powerful will bending her in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature.


  • 日本研究者2001年发表一个小型研究认为海豚疗法可以湿疹这个调查结果使人们盲目轻信蔓延开来,马里

    Japanese researchers published a small study in 2001 suggesting that dolphin therapy can somehow treat eczema, but that finding stretches credulity, Marino says.


  • 不得不自己为什么人们鼠一般盲目排长队参加这项奇怪运动

    You have to ask yourself why people line up, like lemmings, to take part in this peculiar sport.


  • 或许正是新兴市场这个概念,最终盲目人们了解许多新兴市场早已崛起事实

    Perhaps the very phrase "emerging markets" may end up blinding people to the fact that many of these markets have already emerged.


  • 虽然人们不会盲目跟随权威人物研究显示范围服从根据社会地位不同范围12%92%不等。

    People don't always blindly follow authority figures though, studies show a huge range in obedience, from 12% to 92% depending on the social context.


  • 一定程度符合人们不要把说教当作真理盲目接受建议

    This goes to the extent that the Buddha advised not to accept his ownteaching blindly as the truth.


  • ,不付诸行动盲目乐观毫无价值;悲观加上行动、动力能量恰恰人们所说的乐观主义的最高境界。

    But pessimism associated with movement, motivation and energy is exactly what people are talking about in terms of the best of optimism.


  • 人们常会盲目地花钱,希望寄托一些实际上大于利的事物上。

    People are often investing money and hope in something that could be doing more harm than good.


  • 2人们经常指责运气盲目的;但是运气并不那样盲目

    Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are.


  • 华尔街经济学家本书作者BobBarbera认为那些盲目信奉自由市场人们错误这里。

    Those who believe blindly in free markets are thus mistaken, in the view of Bob Barbera, a Wall Street economist and the book’s author.


  • 卡茨这项技术在于随着时间流逝追踪人们具体品味不会仅仅根据不同口味的观众固定的模式就盲目每个人送入影院。

    Katz: the beauty of this technology is that it can track people's specific tastes over time, but not blindly put everyone into boxes based on stereotypes of their demographic.


  • 英国存在主要问题人们住房产权盲目崇拜,而东南部地区房价企——部分原因是供应严重不足

    In Britain the main problem is the fetish for home-ownership and high house prices in the south-east, partly the result of severe shortages of supply.


  • 女同趋势三个主要诱因——个很显然的原因人们看到获奖影星舞台上做出一些轰动盲目模仿。

    There are three main drivers of the girl-girl trend — four actually, once you get past the copycat trendiness that is inevitable when stars on awards shows do something sensational on camera.


  • 倘若这个时候远门便发现人们不再盲目追求时尚、追求速度青山绿水诗情画意成了每一个都市人的追求。

    If you this time travel far from home, we will find people no longer blind have to go after vogue, speed, castle peak green water, poetic become each city pursuit.


  • 盲目由于人们总是机械地做事没有工作方向效率

    Blind: because of too busy, people always do things mechanically, without working direction, efficiency is not high.


  • 总之认为学习英语已经不是一种时尚而是趋势,人们不能盲目跟随这种大趋势,而是要有明确的目的。

    All in all, I think that learning English nowadays is not a fashion but a trend, a trend that people should not follow blindly, but with clear and specific purposes.


  • 对于武器热爱使人们变得盲目所以他们才会编造各种理由这样就不会让自己起来有多么愚蠢

    The love of fire arms truly blinds people, so they will make up any excuse and not even realize how dumb it sounds.


  • 人们你们知道如何保存婚纱吗,不要盲目的保存婚纱导致婚纱变形以下教你几个保存婚纱的秘笈,看看看吧,保管用得上。

    The new people, you know how to save the wedding, do not blindly to save wedding wedding deformation, the following is my teach you a few preserved wedding tips, have a look at it, keep to.


  • 他们能够帮忙我们疾病大米做好准备例如阻止人们变得盲目

    They can also help with our diseases: a kind of rice is being prepared for example which stops people from becoming blind.


  • 他们能够帮忙我们疾病大米做好准备,例如阻止人们变得盲目

    They can also help with our diseases: a kind of rice is being prepared, for example, which stops people from becoming blind.


  • 明白一个深刻的道理人们应该盲目而是经过仔细思考行动

    It made me understand a profound truth: that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action.


  • 里约贫民窟都建立在小山坡上,人们可以俯瞰到下面所有邻里的状况,所以人们不会盲目选择这里作为居住的地方。

    n Rio, selective blindness is harder with favelas perched on hilltops overlooking all the best neighbourhoods.


  • 里约贫民窟都建立在小山坡上,人们可以俯瞰到下面所有邻里的状况,所以人们不会盲目选择这里作为居住的地方。

    n Rio, selective blindness is harder with favelas perched on hilltops overlooking all the best neighbourhoods.


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