• 研究人为故障部件备用可修复系统模型

    In this paper, the model of the standby maintenance system which is with two units under human failures is studied.


  • 一些公司声称,已建立具有“被动安全(passively safe)”特性的核电站发生故障无须人为机械干预即能自动停止,它依靠物理学定律遏制失控反应

    Several claim to buildpassively safe” plants that need no human or mechanical intervention to close after a fault, but rely on the laws of physics to contain runaway reactions.


  • 电力系统运行时常经受各种自然人为干扰故障的发生难以避免。

    The power system often suffers natural and artificial disturbances during operation, so malfunction is inevitab.


  • 保外维修分为人为产生故障是因为机器经过了保修期限

    The warranty repair is divided into two kinds, one is the fault generated artificially, the other is because the machine has been a one-year warranty period.


  • 公司保证确保服务不会出现人为失误机械故障造成的错误,包括遗漏中断延误损失缺陷

    Company does not warrant or ensure that services will be free from errors, including omissions, interruptions, delays, losses or defects, whether human or mechanical.


  • 造成不合格产品原因设备故障工艺参数的不合理各种因素

    Some of the reasons for the failure resulting products, equipment failures and the process parameters such as irrational factors.


  • 尽管电脑这些场合备受“谴责”,然而大多数情况下故障最终原因实际上人为失误

    Although computers have often taken the "blame" on these occasions, the ultimate cause of failure in most cases is, in fact, human error.


  • 恶劣天气岩石冰山设备故障人为错误更多悲剧类型派出船只坟墓

    Bad weather, rocks and icebergs, equipment failures, human error, and many more types of tragedies have all sent ships to watery graves.


  • 传统故障分析中,类似人为错误模糊不精确事件不能得到有效地处理。

    In conventional fault tree analysis (FTA), the ambiguous and imprecise events such as human errors can not be handled effectively.


  • 维修测试可以排除人为因素引起安装到位参数调试不合格、管路不到位避免治疗过程中引起故障出现医疗事故。

    The test after maintenance can remove such personal factors as bad installation, disqualification of parameter debugging, fault in pipeline, etc. It avoids some malpractice during the treatment.


  • 由于包括人为因素在内各种各样的原因,使得船舶冷藏集装箱故障时有发生从而造成经济损失公司信誉受损

    Because of different reasons, concluding human factors, faults related to Marine refrigerated container often take place, and cause economic loss and damage reputation of company.


  • 轴承故障发生率比较部件简易诊断法难免出现人为判断误差

    The bearings are the parts with higher malfunction occurrence rate, and it is hard to avoid appearance of the man-made judgment errors to utilize the simple diagnosis method.


  • 城市电网配电系统由于覆盖的地域极其辽阔运行环境极其复杂以及各种人为因素影响,电气故障发生不能完全避免的。

    Municipal power distribution system, with its extensive coverage, its operation environment is very complicated and all kinds of human factors, the happening of electrical accident is unavoidable.


  • 其中使用率老旧设备人为因素引发故障教育装备发生故障特点

    Among them high utilization rate, equipment old, human factors trigger high failure rate is the failure characteristics of education equipment.


  • 老化磨损可靠性灾害事故使用环境不合理储存人为因素等都引发教育装备发生故障原因。

    Aging wear, poor reliability and disasters and accidents, use environment, unreasonable storage, human factor etc cause of education equipment failure.


  • 大多数非人为是因为燃料不足或者引擎故障

    It is widely believed that Lin's plane ran out of fuel or that there was a sudden engine failure.


  • 发生错误原因多样例如磁盘故障电源故障软件故障机房火灾甚至人为破坏

    There is a variety of causes of such failure, including disk crash, power failure, software error, a fire in the machine room, or even sabotage.


  • 它们的确空难事故中糟糕例子,不幸的的是,只有一起是由于机械故障,而其他的人为错误而导致的。

    They truly are the worst of the worst and, unfortunately, are all but one are caused by human error or deliberation rather than an unfortunate mechanical accident.


  • 目前采用方法人为地在线路上制造故障附加指令设置固定故障

    The method used at present is to make faults artificially or set up fixed faults by additional command in circuits.


  • 一些公司声称,已建立具有“被动安全(passively safe)”特性的核电站发生故障无须人为机械干预即能自动停止,它依靠物理学定律遏制失控反应

    Several claim to build "passively safe" plants that need no human or mechanical intervention to close after a fault, but rely on the laws of physics to contain runaway reactions.


  • 使FATNTFS文件系统中恢复文件,即使磁盘被格式化、重新分区、中了病毒或者是因为电源故障软件原因或人为故意破坏,也照样恢复。

    Recover your files from an NTFS/FAT drive when the data is no longer accessible due to formatting, fdisk, virus attack, power or software failure.


  • 具体体现人为失误导致机械故障,机械故障进一步导致人员操纵失误最终导致发生碰撞事故

    Embodied in the human errors leading to mechanical failure, mechanical failure further lead to the manipulation of mistakes and then result in a collision accident.


  • 这些机械故障人为过失引起并不包括欺诈破坏形式所引起人为滥用

    These are caused by machine or human error and do not include human misuse in the form of fraud and sabotage.


  • 出现非或者说明书规定要求以内所造成故障退零售商直接退还厂家更换

    If meet some problem which is caused by impersonal factors or that within the Statement of the specification, you can send it to the retailers or to the factory directly for replacing.


  • 出现非或者说明书规定要求以内所造成故障退零售商直接退还厂家更换

    If meet some problem which is caused by impersonal factors or that within the Statement of the specification, you can send it to the retailers or to the factory directly for replacing.


- 来自原声例句

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