• 灌溉条件下产量指标明显高于干旱地区。

    The location under irrigated conditions had a higher yield value than under dry land conditions.


  • 表示天然气市场钻井设备数量”(一种产量指标)支持价格上涨可能性警告称库存依然高企需求疲弱

    He says the "rig count" in the natural gas market - an indicator of production - supports a possible price rise, but warns inventories are high and demand weak.


  • 一些收缩指标比如工业产量19701980年代衰退相比

    The contraction in some indicators, such as industrial production, is still comparable to the recessions in the 1970s and 1980s.


  • 出口量全部禽肉产量30%巴西,作为潜在产量变化早期预警指标日龄鸡苗价格大幅度下降

    In Brazil, where exports account for approximately 30 percent of total poultry output, the price of day-old chicks, an early warning indicator of potential production changes, is down sharply.


  • 据报出口产品占30%巴西刚孵出一天小鸡价格(潜在产量变化早期指标)下降了50%。

    In Brazil, where 30 percent of products are exported, the price of a day-old chick, an early indicator of a possible change in production, reportedly fell by 50 percent.


  • 马丁斯没有表露出担忧情绪。表示作为一个能够较好预示钢铁产量指标中国铁矿石需求增幅正在放缓。

    But Mr Martins shows few signs of worry. He says that the growth in demand for iron ore in China - a good indicator of steel production - is slowing down.


  • 连续加热炉操作水平直接影响产品质量产量生产消耗指标

    Continuous operation of the furnace directly affect the level of product quality, yield and production consumption indicators.


  • 根据田间观察资料玉米产量,对11种土壤抗旱指标进行了评价。

    Based on the data of field observation and maize yields, 11 drought resistant indexes of soil are evaluated.


  • 子叶面积大小鉴定棉花产量性状早期形态指标同一类型棉花品种中,子叶叶面积单铃籽棉存在相关

    Cotyledon area was an index of yield in early growth period of cotton and existed positive correlation to seed cotton weight per boll.


  • 通过田间试验研究了膜下滴灌棉花作物产量品质作物缺水指标(CWSI)定量关系

    A field study was conducted to determine the relationships between Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI), yield, and quality of cotton under drip irrigation with mulch.


  • 由于多方面原因一直运行很不平稳严重制约了管道化系统产量运转率进一步提高熔出工艺指标的优化。

    For many causes, the salt pump always worked unstable which affect seriously the further improvment of system production, work efficiency and process index.


  • 本文分析温度粮食产量关系指出作物遭到低温危害原因类型指标及其地域分布规律。

    In this paper the relationship between the temperature and crop yield was analysed and the causes, types, indexes and distribution of low temperature damage on crops were noted.


  • 周期影响堆浸厂产量经济技术指标重要参数

    The ore heap leaching cycle period is an important parameter that affects the output and economic technological index.


  • 由于工艺设计设备制造等方面存在不足化肥装置运行稳定产量消耗三废排放等各项指标均达不到设计要求

    Due to inadequacy in process design and equipment fabrication, the chemical fertilizer plant does not run stably, and the output, consumption and waste discharge do not reach the design figures.


  • 结果表明模式产量、节拍、生产准备周期人工效率车位利用率多项指标都有明显改进

    The result indicates this mode can improve preparing cycle, output, artificial efficiency and utilization ratio.


  • 诊断指标实际上就是稻谷产量最高适叶色。

    The LCT is the optimum leaf color at which maximum grain yield is achieved.


  • 理想水稻株型选育与高产育种密切相关,角度构成水稻理想株型重要指标之一,同时也是影响水稻产量的重要因素。

    High rice yield was contributed by ideal rice architecture greatly, and flag leave Angle was one of the most important components of the ideal rice architecture, which effects rice yield gaining.


  • 介绍企业冶炼工序设计,总结生产中的改进改进后取得明显效果,产量、质量、定额指标达到设计要求。

    It describes the designs of one kind of indium metallurgy and the progresses in production. After these process improvement, designing target level have reached.


  • 采用室内盆栽方法研究不同杂交玉米品种生理生长发育特征以及经济产量指标水分胁迫的响应。

    Studies have been made on the coefficient of water stress with the features of growth, physiology and conformation, and the economical output about various crossbreed maize by a pot experiment.


  • 阿氏假囊酵母原生质体再生过程具有较高突变率维生素B_2产量指标突变率为12.14%。

    Many mutants appeared in the regeneration strains on solid medium. Positive mutation ratio was 12.14% by determining the yield of Vitamin B_2.


  • 生产车间执行产量质量主要业绩指标挂钩的质量等级计件工资制

    The quality rank piecework wage system which means wage depends on the key performance indication, such as output, quality and so on, was carried out in the production workshop.


  • 盆栽试验条件下,研究氮肥不同用量氮、配施青菜产量品质生理指标影响

    Pot experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen and potassium on the yield quality and physiology indices of garden sass.


  • 通过适量地下水在育苗中的使用,使蟹苗在抱、大眼幼体产量生长速度成活率等技术指标上有明显提高中华绒螯育苗研究和指导养殖有重要意义。

    The egg mass rate, megalopa yield, growing rate and the survival rate of the young Chinese mitten crab are promoted significantly while proper ratio ground water is applied to the cultivation.


  • 产量为中心,对7个辛夷品种15个性状遗传参数作了测定,并分析产量选择指标,建立了产量选择指数。

    Focused on the yield, this paper analyzes the genetic parameters of 15 characters and selective index of yield for 7 varieties of Flos Magnolia.


  • 同时利用双向导入群体,分别在正常条件下考察相应形态指标生理指标产量性状

    A set of reciprocal introgressive line populations was used to study phenotypic index, physiological index and yield characteristic of rice under normal and low-N conditions.


  • 同时利用双向导入群体,分别在正常条件下考察相应形态指标生理指标产量性状

    A set of reciprocal introgressive line populations was used to study phenotypic index, physiological index and yield characteristic of rice under normal and low-N conditions.


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