• 我们一定不能桌上苏珊因为那可能会引起哮喘辣椒会让打喷嚏所以我们最好不要放。

    We mustn't have flowers on the table, Susan, because I understand they give her asthma. And pepper makes her sneeze, so we'd better not have it.


  • 令人费解为何他们辣椒需要包括一个结块的物质,二氧化硅(称为玻璃粉末)。

    It's puzzling to try to understand why their chili would need to include an anti-caking agent such as silicon dioxide (also known as sand, or glass powder).


  • 此外还有流质减肥法,称为柠檬减肥法:水里混合枫树汁、柠檬辣椒

    Then there's the master cleanse, otherwise known as the lemonade diet: water mixed with maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper.


  • 指甲钳子拔掉了,她的下颌全部被拔掉了——现在不得不假牙——她的鼻子灌过辣椒,”翻译

    "She had her nails prised off with pliers, all her lower teeth were pulled out - she now has to wear false teeth - water with hot chillis was put up her nose," the interpreter said.


  • 第二一起,将辣椒洋葱鳄梨沙拉酱酸奶莎莎辣调味汁放入温热面饼中。

    Step 2: Along with the meat, throw side servings of capsicum, onion, guacamole, sour cream and salsa into a warm, flour tortilla.


  • 但是,必须声明一点,我辣椒痴迷有节制的,我不会去买那些绘着烈焰红唇痛苦即享受”字眼的怪异T恤

    I have to say that I drew the line at getting a capsaicin molecule tattoo. And I did not buy the T-shirt with the flaming red mouth and the legend “Pain Is Good.”


  • 青岛地区谁的辣椒包装的高档,那个多功能玻璃储物罐可是相当漂亮

    dared to say that no chili patse was more beautiful than mine in packaging in Qingdao area.my glass storage jar was quite beautiful,and I was bullish on this was different from others in fact.so


  • 我们球花甘蓝干贝辣椒放到一起我们看来,完全意大利南部的风格,同时属于唐人街,属于意大利。

    We do broccoli rabe with dried scallops and chilies and in our mind that's totally Southern Italy at the same that it's Chinatown and it's Little Italy.


  • 这些臭虫西红柿辣椒不放过。

    They feast on her tomatoes and her peppers.


  • 人体研究确定是否辣椒碱能如传说的那样引起听觉损耗

    Human studies could also confirm whether the habanero, as legend has it, can cause hearing loss.


  • 我们辣椒中获取痛苦体验同时,清醒意识到这种刺激我们自身不会真正的危险

    Perhaps we seek out the painful experience of snacking on chillies while consciously maintaining awareness that there is no real danger to ourselves.


  • 说,并不是只有辛辣食物才能获得辣椒营养素,因为甜椒里含有类似成分

    He added that eating hot, spicy food may not be necessary to gain the benefits of chillis because similar compounds are present in sweet peppers.


  • 每个有耐心的消费者一个忠告如果现在超级想吃奶酪通心粉,就算加了辣椒可以狼吞虎咽那么最好小心了,这样的食物组合可能会导致患病住院。

    Here's a tip for all you potential consumers: if you want macaroni and cheese so badly that you're willing to eat it in a push pop, you have an illness and need to reach out to a professional.


  • 但是同一品种辣椒,其辣度有差别,这取决于辣椒产地的气候土质

    But heat levels may also differ within the same variety, depending on climate and soil conditions where the chiles were grown.


  • 辣椒用来作为炎药抗氧化剂

    Cayenne is thought to act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.


  • 广西广东西边一个省,同样拥有强调清淡辣椒酱的美食

    Guangxi is the province to the west of Guangdong, a.k.a. Canton, and has cuisine that also emphasizes light, non-spicy sauces.


  • 辣椒口味千差万别形状各有千秋,颜色多彩缤纷,当然——名称五花八门。

    Chiles come in a variety of flavors, shapes and colors — and names.


  • 辣椒中含有辣椒素,这是一种可以提高息时热量燃烧化学物质减少饥饿感食物摄入量

    Hot peppers contain the active ingredient capsaicin, a chemical that can enhance calorie burning at rest as well as reduce hunger and food intake.


  • 华威大学专家测验后,官方声明Naga Viper世界辣的辣椒,同时Naga Viper荣登世界吉尼斯记录。

    Experts at Warwick University carried out tests on the chilli and officially declared it the world's hottest chilli in the Guinness Book of world Records.


  • 阿里补充说道菜里放强劲多塞特·辣椒Jolokia叫印度它们都被认为世界上辣的咖喱品种

    The dish contains the potent Dorset naga and the Jolokia, or ghost naga, both reputed to be among the hottest varieties chillis in the world, Ali added.


  • 所以流浪狗发射自个兵器辣椒素,那种辣椒变得辣辣的东西

    So, he strays toward launching out a weapon of self - capsaicin, that is the kind of spicy chili become something.


  • 道三明治里面点缀着一些甜味辣椒,这MannaOne面包房卖的叉烧包里面的甜味洋葱有几分相像,这家面包房位于凯瑟琳,是他们最喜欢中式面食店。同时,他们三明治中融入了对猪肉炒辣椒的模仿,猪肉炒辣椒是圣吉纳罗节上人们常吃的道菜。

    A garnish of sweet roasted peppers echoes the sweet, mushy Onions in the char siu bao from Manna One bakery on Catherine Street, his favorite Chinese bakery, and they also turned it into a.


  • 永远不会成为印度人,无论生吃多少绿辣椒不会改变这个事实。

    You cannot become a Hindu, and no amount of eating raw green chilies will change that.


  • 这些东西生活的必须品。辣椒喝浓茶长大的。我爱和咖啡

    They are my life. I was raised on hot chilly peppers and strong tea. Coffee is my favorite, too.


  • 母亲院子里种了蕃茄辣椒这些生长中的植物散发出强烈气味难闻,使受不了。

    His mother had planted tomatoes, and peppers, and the smell of the growing plants was thick and acrid and very melancholy to him.


  • 撒上香菜芝麻加入辣椒

    Sprinkle with parsley, sesame, can also add hot peppers.


  • 公社种庄稼诸如小麦玉米马铃薯大豆萨格菜花椰菜白萝卜胡萝卜菜,辣椒洋葱生姜大蒜

    The commune produces crops such as wheat, maize, potatoes, soybean, "saag, " cauliflower, radish, carrot, pulses, chillies, onion, ginger, and garlic.


  • 公社种庄稼诸如小麦玉米马铃薯大豆萨格菜花椰菜白萝卜胡萝卜菜,辣椒洋葱生姜大蒜

    The commune produces crops such as wheat, maize, potatoes, soybean, "saag, " cauliflower, radish, carrot, pulses, chillies, onion, ginger, and garlic.


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