• 作者认为现实意义比较实施效果更有效

    Author thinks it has relatively strong practice and the effects of implementation.


  • 有了细致入微数字地图,管理道路交通有效了。

    Thanks to detailed digital maps, maintaining such things as roads and equipment will also become much more efficient.


  • 由于这个原因我们有一套额外臼齿我们也更有效

    For this reason, we had an extra set of molars to make the larger mouth more productive.


  • 聪明人的脑部脉冲速度快,而且处理信息有效人脑基于此作出判断。

    The impulses are going faster and they are just more efficient at processing information, and then making a decision based on it.


  • 选择兴趣相关的听力阅读材料。专注兴趣领域使学习有趣有效

    Choose listening and reading materials that relate to what you are interested in. Being interested in the subject will make learning more enjoyable - thus more effective.


  • 现在,有了农信通伙伴,消息灵通有效生意通过网络手机完成。

    Now, since partnering with Nongxington, he's more informed and more efficient, and does much of his business online and over his mobile.


  • 一些同意一整天时间用户相比找到愿意花小时用户容易有效

    It is much easier and more effective to find a diverse set of users who will consent to an hour with a designer than it is to find users who will agree to spend an entire day.


  • 虽然原本可以使用XML进行数据传递客户机,JSON容易处理有效

    You could have used XML for the data transfer, but JSON is slightly more efficient and easier to work with on the client.


  • 说明故事混合使本书不仅可读有趣而且有效因为真正展示读者如何应用Black原则

    This blend of instruction and story makes the book not only more readable and interesting, but also more effective, because it actually shows the reader how to apply Black's principles.


  • 服务供应商具备丰富市场知识,并不断开发盈利项目使得印刷客户可以个性化顾客沟通也更有效

    The market knowledge of service providers and their willingness to keep on developing new portfolio elements allow clients to increasingly personalise and improve their communications with customers.


  • 然而试验结束被要求评价两个人时人们还是得到奖励那个聪明,天赋有能力,也更有效

    Still, when asked later to evaluate the two men, people said the one who got the award was smarter, more talented, better at solving puzzles and more productive.


  • 教育者学习者其他持有信念者正在汇聚成为这种世界性努力一部分,大家希望教育能够容易获取有效

    Educators, learners and others who share this belief are gathering together as part of a worldwide effort to make education both more accessible and more effective.


  • 我们的用意在于阻止人们访问Facebook或者检查是否收到邮件,我们只是帮助人们通过合理也更有效方式处理事情。

    We're not out there to stop people from using Facebook or e-mails, just to help them do it in a smart and efficient way.


  • 帮助开发基础设施例如片土地边远地区建立机场使有效对点运输成为可能。

    It helps to develop infrastructure, as small airfields are set up in smaller and remoter cities, allowing for more efficient point-to-point transport.


  • 这样搜索引擎会变得现在有效用户精确地找到所要寻找信息

    Thus, search engines become more effective than they are now, and users can find the precise information they are hunting.


  • 企业快速运输货物方面取得了长足进展,创建有效供应链减少捆绑库存上的运营资金

    Companies have made strides to move products quickly, making their supply chains more effective and reducing the amount of working capital tied up in inventory.


  • 其实概念一点儿复杂只要有些简单代数知识,心算,这样谈判起来就有效了。

    The concepts are actually not complicated, and with a few simple algebraic tips you will be able to do the math in your head as well, leading to more effective negotiation.


  • 可能改变少量东西使UCM有效时,你可能希望什么

    While you may change things around a bit to make things more efficient in UCM, you most likely won't need to do anything.


  • 我们非常看到教学数据得到整理收集这些资源得到更有效利用,我们非常欢迎新的学习模式出现。

    We'd like to see data being gathered, and see these materials being improved, and we'd like to see new models of learning.


  • 其他项目考虑同样方法但是他们纠结怎样更有效分享那些能够人们能够预防治疗疾病的基因信息。

    Other projects are considering such steps but are still wrestling with the issue of how to share results in a meaningful way that might allow people to prevent or treat diseases.


  • 发现交易比较复杂的情况下,公司私人合同有效

    He also found that where transactions were complex, companies were more efficient than individual contracts would be.


  • 发挥了重要作用细胞生化反应使它们有效

    Water also plays an important role in biochemical cell reactions and makes them more efficient.


  • 为了实现一个相似的功能,编写的代码可能各有相似,可能截然不同,所以版权专利来的有效

    The code could even be developed completely differently and could look similar. So even in copyright, which is much much better than patents, it can get nasty.


  • 最主要优点之一工作过程更有效率,另外不必时间无聊寒暄以及流言八卦上了。

    One of the main is the high efficiency of the process of work, furthermore not a lot of time is spent for the idle talks, spreading silly rumors and gossiping.


  • 究竟锻炼不能脂肪转化成肌肉难道肌肉不能脂肪有效率地消耗多余热量吗?

    After all, doesn't exercise turn fat to muscle, and doesn't muscle process excess calories more efficiently than fat does?


  • 现在恢复大学时的体重眉毛回来了而且工作有效

    I am now backat my college weight, my brow is back, and I'm more productive at work.


  • 邮件职场交流迅速有效率,但是可能会被滥用

    Email makes workplace communication faster and more efficient — but it can also be overwhelming.


  • 邮件职场交流迅速有效率,但是可能会被滥用

    Email makes workplace communication faster and more efficient — but it can also be overwhelming.


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