• 庆祝乔治小王子即将到来周岁生日,英国王室公布一张小王子的照片。

    The British Royal family has released a photo of Prince George to mark his upcoming first birthday.


  • 众所周知威廉王子自己惯用左手颇感自豪现在乔治小王子似乎可能是个左撇子

    Prince William is known to be proud of the fact that he is left-handed and now it seems Prince George might be a lefty too.


  • 最后一张照片里夏洛特公主乔治小王子惊人地相像正在把藤椅调皮地回过头来望镜头

    The final photograph shows Charlotte's startling resemblance to George as she clambers on a wicker chair, playfully glancing back towards the camera.


  • 过之后乔治小王子恢复了平日宝宝的样子因为爸爸参观展览中的直升机其它飞机

    But after a teary arrival, Prince George was soon back to his well-behaved self, as his father showed him around the helicopters and aircraft on display.


  • 乔治小王子第一次海外出访,各宴会中露面很少,小王子一直奶妈玛丽亚·德莱萨·塔里奥·巴哈罗在照顾。 。

    Thee Prince George's engagements have been kept to a minimum during his first tour and he spends much of the time with nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.


  • 乔治小王子今天又抢头条啦!本来爸爸妈妈一起参观空军的,这个平时乖巧的娃刚到达目的地不久就开始发脾气。

    But after a teary arrival, Prince George was soon back to his well-behaved self, as his father showed him around the helicopters and aircraft on display.


  • 这一消费需求我们惊讶我们原本没有预料乔治小王子穿带有名字的婴儿照片,会促使我们的同款婴儿服迅速光。

    The demand took us by surprise. We weren't expecting to see a shot with Prince George wearing a jumper with his name and our similar jumper sold out quickly.


  • 小孩子有时候难缠,可能最小事上耍脾气,所以我们猜想今天早晨是乔治小王子自个儿衣服然后父母就让那么穿着

    Toddlers can be tricky customers, prone to tantruming about the smallest of things, so we're assuming Prince George picked out his own outfit this morning and his parents just let him get on with it.


  • 虽然按照传统,皇室新生儿出生前期应皇宫里,但乔治小王子却是在妈妈娘家巴克伯理(Bucklebury)度过人生的第一

    Despite the tradition that royal newborns spend their first days inside palace walls, Prince George spent his at the duchess family home in the village of Bucklebury.


  • 乔治小王子自豪地泡沫块上还要一边爸爸以防万一摔着。乔治王子父亲祖父还有曾祖母站在一起自己一张邮票摆好造型拍照。

    Perched proudly on a pile of foam blocks, but holding daddy's hand just in case, Prince George poses for his very first postage stamp alongside his father, his grandfather - and the great-grandmother.


  • 现年44岁娜塔莉·劳伦斯德国订购洋娃娃身体部分材质为硅胶。 之后,花了两个时间,十分仔细地乔治小王子面部,还安哥拉山羊毛给洋娃娃了一头金发

    Natalie Lawrence, 44, ordered the doll's silicone body from Germany before she spent more than two months painstakingly painting on George's face and sewing on his golden locks with Angora goat hair.


  • 小王子乔治有着棕色眼睛可爱浅黄色卷发小王子澳洲、新西兰之行中赚足了人们的眼球。

    With his big brown eyes and adorable quiff of light brown hair, Prince George is wasting no time in wowing the crowds Down Under.


  • 小王子乔治有着棕色眼睛可爱浅黄色卷发小王子澳洲、新西兰之行中赚足了人们的眼球。

    With his big brown eyes and adorable quiff of light brown hair, Prince George is wasting no time in wowing the crowds Down Under.


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