• 乐观人辩称持股未必一定会出售股票他们同时指出2007年解除禁售股票当中,进行交易的尚不足5%。

    Optimists argue that it is not inevitable that the holders will sell out, and point out that less than 5 per cent of the shares that were unlocked in 2007 were traded.


  • 饱经风霜的脸上发着光彩,使产生一种乐观感觉

    There was a glow on his face, wrinkled by a life time of suffering, that inspired one with a feeling of unshakable optimism.


  • 随着最近文化主题电视节目的增长,一些乐观的认为,有助于整个国家再次热爱文学

    With the recent boom of culture-themed TV shows, some are optimistic that this will help the country love literature again in general.


  • 组织扩张增加时,晋升机会加薪以及一个充满活力组织联系在一起的兴奋感,会让产生乐观情绪

    When organisations are expanding and adding personnel, promotional opportunities, pay rises, and the excitement of being associated with a dynamic organisation create feelings of optimism.


  • 小时候的艾恩观察了一些,他们虽然贫穷残疾生病仍然乐观朝气面对生活

    Eyen as a child observed people who were poor or disabled or ill, but who nonetheless faced life with optimism and vigor.


  • 在许多对情商有误解,以为情商就是的性格中无法通过智商测试来衡量的一切可取的东西,例如性格、动机、自信、心理稳定性、乐观以及“际交往技巧”。

    Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and "people skills."


  • 他们普遍认为下半年增长率只有3%,一些觉得这种预测太乐观

    The consensus is for a modest 3% growth rate in the second half, but some forecasters call that optimistic.


  • 更加乐观是,欧洲一家实验室表示,他们并不能确定污染了蔬菜这次大肠杆菌爆发源头

    Optimism has been further tempered by one European labouratory which says it can't be sure that, as thought, contaminated vegetables were definitely the source of the E.coli outbreak.


  • 虽然利比亚的局势有些动荡,但发现这个地方的生活节奏很轻松利比亚也很乐观想象的更好接触和交往。

    Despite some trepidation, he has found Libya to be a surprisingly relaxed, optimistic place and Libyans easier to befriend than he had anticipated.


  • 经过反复研究,科学家们发现步入中年其实总体上会使更加乐观而不是闷闷不乐,抑郁寡欢。

    Over and over they find that middle age, instead of being a time of depression and decline, is actually a time of being more optimistic overall.


  • 然而大多数欧洲大陆表现得乐观,因为长期英国批评的状况结束了

    Yet most continental Europeans were breezily optimistic. The long years of being lectured about their inadequacies by the Anglo-Saxons were over.


  • 黄色认为是乐观颜色黄色房间会使容易发脾气,使婴儿更容易哭闹

    While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more.


  • 话来说,或许不是那些疯狂——他们只是乐观

    In other words, maybe it's not that people are crazy - they're just optimistic.


  • 认为阿拉伯无论今昔,都冷静乐观理由

    But I would argue that there is cause for sober optimism in both the Arab present and in the Arab past.


  • 表现解释为什么有些乐观态度仍然需要耐心球队做出价值的贡献

    His play showed why some are optimistic he can be a valuable contributor to the team, but also why that optimism must be tempered.


  • 不过我们依然可以找到许多理由怀疑至少其中一部分预测太过乐观了。

    But there are plenty of reasons to suspect that at least some of these predictions will prove overly optimistic.


  • 乐观悲观的个性,影响对不确定性反应会受到不确定性的影响。

    Optimism and pessimism are personality traits that condition people's reaction to uncertainty, but they are also influenced by uncertainty.


  • 另一些表示乐观认为会谈至少已经进入第二

    Others have expressed optimism that the talks have at least made it into a second day.


  • 确实数据都是乐观的。

    Admittedly the data were not uniformly bullish.


  • 里昂那多。迪卡普里奥气质和年轻乐观和瑞福一样背负同样包袱

    Leonardo DiCaprio has the right air of blessed, youthful optimism but he carries the same baggage that Redford did.


  • 目前已经有关于乐观各种各样研究虽然极端乐观主义持有保留意见,但一个无法否认乐观强化成长中所起到作用的。

    There have been various studies carried out on optimism and while I have a few reservations on extreme optimism, one can't deny the role optimism plays in enhancing your personal growth.


  • TI公司创始彼得·艾根更为乐观

    Peter Eigen, the founder of ti, is more optimistic.


  • 德州乐观主义者他们对于邻近墨西哥会是这个孤星长期的巨大力量来源深信不疑

    Texans above all are optimists, and few of them seem to doubt that Mexico's proximity is a huge long-term source of strength for the Lone Star state.


  • 本能而言,企业领导都是心态乐观积极之一次没几个相信公司未来掌握自己手中

    Business leaders are by instinct glass-half-full type of people but, this time, few believe their companies' future lies in their own hands.


  • 大部分乐观商业经济学家或者偏见。

    I think there's a bias towards optimism among business economists or among business people in general.


  • 是的,声音乐观呼吸着成功一样花钱饮料

    That was it, it was the voices of men, optimistic men, men who breathed success and spent their money for drinks like men.


  • 环境领域许多行业认同世界面临大灾难观点,”,“对于我们所提出未来乐观看法,这些当中有许多表示愤慨。”

    "There's lot of apocalyptic people in environmental circles," she said. "a lot of those people were outraged that we presented an optimistic view of the future."


  • 不是最重要因为最后我们一起出现球场上因为我们朋友所以一切都乐观

    That's not vital, because at the end of the day you only really need to click on the pitch, but because we're friends it makes everything very positive.


  • 不是最重要因为最后我们一起出现球场上因为我们朋友所以一切都乐观

    That's not vital, because at the end of the day you only really need to click on the pitch, but because we're friends it makes everything very positive.


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