• 由于要求调查Antifa海外乌克兰组织联系尤先科本人也深陷其中。

    Yushchenko himself got involved by demanding an investigation into links between Antifa and foreign anti-Ukrainian organizations.


  • 上周世界卫生组织团队乌克兰工作后说第二流行看来这种预测已经变成现实

    Last week, the World Health Organization team working in the Ukraine stated that there would be a second wave of the epidemic. This prediction appears to be coming true.


  • 世卫组织继续建议不要关闭边界,不要限制国际旅行包括不限制前往乌克兰

    WHO continues to recommend no closing of borders and no restrictions on international travel, including to Ukraine.


  • 1986年乌克兰发生切尔诺贝利反应堆事件后世界健康组织的发现生活在其附近甲状腺孩子数量急剧增长

    Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in the Ukraine in 1986, the World Health Organization recorded a dramatic increase in thyroid cancer among children in the vicinity.


  • 乌克兰试图加强西欧美国的联系,去年曾寻求加入北大西洋公约组织(译者注:即北约)和欧盟

    Ukraine tried to increase ties with western Europe and the U.S., seeking membership to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization last year and the European Union.


  • 指出组织乌克兰土地改革排除贷款条件外,原因宏观经济稳定没有起到多大的作用。

    He points to the removal of conditions related to land reform from the IMF package in Ukraine because, though useful, they were not essential for macroeconomic stabilisation.


  • 世界卫生组织巴西哈萨克斯坦墨西哥俄罗斯南非乌克兰导致危险行为酗酒普遍现象,其它地方呈上升势头

    Binge drinking, which often leads to risky behavior, is now prevalent in Brazil, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and Ukraine, and rising elsewhere, according to the WHO.


  • 乌克兰卫生部要求,世卫组织正在部署一个多学科专家小组协助国家当局减轻流行影响

    In response to the request from the Minister of Health of Ukraine, WHO is deploying a multi-disciplinary team of experts to assist national authorities in mitigating the impact of the pandemic.


  • 来自白俄罗斯拉脱维亚匈牙利罗马尼亚塞尔维亚乌克兰应急救援组织官员称这一举动非同寻常。

    That is quite different, officials stress, from the emergency rescues of Belarus, Latvia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.


  • 俄罗斯乌克兰格鲁吉亚发出警告如果两个国家加入北约组织,将造成不良后果

    Russia is warning of negative consequences if Ukraine and Georgia join the NATO defense alliance.


  • 据国际货币基金组织官员透露可不是另救援乌克兰匈牙利拉脱维亚的方案,而是一笔未雨绸缪无条件透支——这笔透支提供给有着最良好的条件的债方。

    This was not a bail-out like those for Ukraine, Hungary and Latvia. It was a precautionary and unconditional overdraft offered only to top-quality borrowers, say officials.


  • 重要的是即使卡·什维利愚蠢行为准入变得更加艰难乌克兰格鲁吉亚加入北约组织计划应该因为俄罗斯入侵而遭到推迟

    Most importantly, although Mr Saakashvili's foolishness makes admitting Georgia harder, Russia's incursion should not delay plans to let Ukraine and Georgia into NATO.


  • 节省开支可以减少企业大亨起诉(一个著名例子牵涉乌克兰网站)穷的新闻组织面临的困难。

    Cutting costs would reduce the problem for small, poor news organisations that are being sued by tycoons (a notable example involves a Ukrainian website).


  • 乌克兰恐慌急剧增加,他们担心乌克兰可能会因为拒绝遵守国际货币基金组织(IMF)救助期限拖欠债务

    Fears rose that Ukraine might refuse to abide by the terms of an IMF bail-out and default on its debt.


  • 记者乌克兰安全会议的邀请嘉宾这一会议组织乌克兰鹰派人物相当的衣衫褴褛

    YOUR DIARIST is a guest at a conference on security organised by Ukraine's rather tattered hawks.


  • 经济危机蔓延之时,乌克兰巴基斯坦等国纷纷国际货币基金组织求助,希望能改善经济萧条的现状。

    As the crisis has spread, the IMF has been called in to cure ailing economies from Ukraine to Pakistan.


  • 国务卿克林顿离开基辅第二天,国际货币基金组织乌克兰达成一项期限超过总值达149亿美元的贷款援助协议

    The day after Mrs Clinton left Kiev, the IMF agreed on a $14.9 billion financing deal for Ukraine over two and a half years.


  • 乌克兰匈牙利已经转向国际货币基金组织贷款

    Ukraine and Hungary are already turning to the IMF for loans.


  • 国际货币基金组织近来一直致力于帮助几个国家包括乌克兰冰岛

    The IMF has been working to help several nations, including Ukraine and Iceland recently.


  • 但是对于俄罗斯接管克里米亚这件乌克兰以及包括美国在内的多个国家均表示接受而且这件事令北约组织的多名领导人感到困扰,这其中就包括拉脱维亚领导人。

    But Russia's takeover was something that Ukraine and several other countries, including the U. S., did not accept, and it troubled leaders throughout NATO, including those in Latvia.


  • 上合组织成员国支持俄罗斯乌克兰问题上立场,赞成乌克兰国内谈判继续进行

    Thee SCO members essentially backed the Russian position on Ukraine and said that they voiced support for continuing talks in the country.


  • 这个会议一直一个紧张聚会,正是欧安组织揭发乌克兰大选舞弊行为

    It was always going to be a tense gathering, given that the OSCE was the body that blew the whistle on Ukraine's election fraud.


  • 同样变异别处致命轻微病例发现包括巴西日本墨西哥乌克兰美国,世界卫生组织

    The same mutation has been found in both fatal and mild cases elsewhere, including in Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Ukraine, and the United States, said the WHO.


  • 欧洲市场局势也是动荡不安,布达佩斯欧洲中央银行提出贷款申请;基辅也承认向国际货币基金组织寻求贷款“以帮助稳定乌克兰金融体系”。

    European markets were unsettled as Budapest asked the European Central Bank for credit and Kiev confirmed it was seeking an IMF loan to "stabilise Ukraine's financial system".


  • 乌克兰依靠俄罗斯出口似乎已经放弃个月国际货币基金组织达成协议协议是164亿美元的救助计划一部分

    Ukraine, dependent on exports of steel and coal to Russia, seems to have abandoned the deal it struck with the IMF only three months ago as part of a $16.4 billion bail-out.


  • 乌克兰依靠俄罗斯出口似乎已经放弃个月国际货币基金组织达成协议协议是164亿美元的救助计划一部分

    Ukraine, dependent on exports of steel and coal to Russia, seems to have abandoned the deal it struck with the IMF only three months ago as part of a $16.4 billion bail-out.


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