• 地震发生一周之后救援人员救出倒塌屋子下101岁老人,这一次振奋人心的救援工作。

    A week after the quake, there was a remarkable rescue, a 101-year-old man who'd been trapped under the rubble of his home.


  • 应急救援概念社会心理学方面完全被曲解了是因为人们通常是在灾难发生之后获得之前需要那些帮助

    The idea of "emergency relief" is totally distorted in the psychosocial sector because it's often only after a disaster that people get help when they needed it before.


  • 俄罗斯紧急情况部部长谢尔盖伊·索伊古是在这座西伯利亚煤矿周末发生爆炸并且救援人员能够进入部分爆炸区之后发布的上述讯息。

    The emergency minister, Sergei Shoigu, announced the news after rescue workers were able to go down into parts of the Siberian mine hit by two blasts over the weekend.


  • 甘肃遭遇泥石流之后中国西部的暴雨继续造成巨大破坏阻碍救援工作的进行。

    Relentless rain in western China is causing more devastation and hampering relief work after mudslides in Gansu Province.


  • 其他一些地区,很多躲避了早先洪水之后聚集那里处河堤决口救援工人们正在竭尽全力的修复大堤上的这处缺口。

    In another area, where people had gathered after escaping earlier floods, a canal had burst its Banks, and relief workers were struggling to repair the damage.


  • 虽然这些措施无法改变今后发生类似惨剧之后结果但是可以让我们认识到救援行动中攀岩者所起到的重要作用

    Although these actions would not have affected the outcome of this particular accident, it has reminded us of the importance of climbers' role in assisting with rescues.


  • 例子是,发生2005年的自由学校校车辆轿车相撞事故之后,当时在现场救援救火队员到现在依然不能受培根鸡蛋味道,因为这些味道会勾起那些糟糕的回忆。

    One example happened after the 2005 Liberty school bus crash with a car. Firefighters who worked the scene still can't tolerate the smell of bacon and eggs; the smell brings back the memories.


  • 几天之后,带着摄像机救援满怀好奇地姗姗来迟,一起来到的还有悲痛欲绝的孩子家长。而这时,座四层楼高的学校已经只剩下一片断瓦残

    Days later, as curiosity seekers came with video cameras and as parents came to grieve, the four-story school was no more than rubble.


  • 只赤当地的一家救援中心治疗之后被放归大海

    Seven loggerheads were released into the sea after receiving treatment at a local rescue centre.


  • 900多位受过灾难救援恢复训练的工作人员,二月二十二号地震之后几个国家,急速赶往克赖斯特彻奇并且一直小心翼翼地搜寻着废墟

    More than 900 workers trained in disaster rescue and recovery rushed to Christchurch from several countries after the Feb. 22 quake, and have been gingerly picking through the wreckage.


  • 看到人们海啸地震之后捐赠那些破旧、无用之物,救援工作人员批评家们感到心痛,甚至愤怒。

    Stung8 from watching people donate old, useless stuff after the tsunami and earthquake, aid workers and critics bristled9.


  • 2002至2006年西非做救援工作者之后年,他走遍世界各国

    From 2002-2006 he worked as an aid worker in West Africa, and over the next five years he will be traveling to every country in the world.


  • 1998年海啸袭击了巴布亚新几内亚并夺走2000多人的生命之后不久一个国际救援小组派往太平洋群岛国家瓦努阿图教育当地人观察预警征兆

    Shortly after a tsunami hit Papua New Guinea in 1998, killing more than 2, 000 people, an international team was sent to Vanuatu, a group of Pacific islands, to teach locals to spot the warning signs.


  • 1998年海啸袭击了巴布亚新几内亚并夺走2000多人的生命之后不久一个国际救援小组派往太平洋群岛国家瓦努阿图教育当地人观察预警征兆

    Shortly after a tsunami hit Papua New Guinea in 1998, killing more than 2,000 people, an international team was sent to Vanuatu, a group of Pacific islands, to teach locals to spot the warning signs.


  • 由于校门太窄,地震之后前来进行救援工作救护车其他车辆无法进入校园展开工作。

    An ambulance and other rescue vehicles that responded after the earthquake could not fit through the entrance into the school's courtyard.


  • 通过集体行动条款一次救援银行体系,等到2013年之后出”主权债务持有者中间存在矛盾之处。

    There is something inconsistent in bailing out the banking system once again and then "bailing in" holders of sovereign debt after 2013 by introducing collective-action clauses.


  • 紧接112日的地震之后迫切需求救援重伤的患者提供拯救生命医疗,其中成百接受了截肢手术

    Immediately following the 12 January quake, the most pressing need was to rescue people and provide life-saving care for patients suffering from major trauma, hundreds of whom underwent amputations.


  • 很多在强热带风暴袭击之后可能因为救援物资无法分配他们手里而已经死亡

    A lot of them probably have lost their lives since the cyclone because aid has not been able to be distributed.


  • 例子是,发生2005年自由学校校车辆轿车相撞的事故之后,当时在现场救援的救火队员到现在依然不能受培根鸡蛋味道,因为这些味道会勾那些糟糕的回忆。

    One example happened after the 2005 Liberty school bus crash with a car.Firefighters who worked the scene still can't tolerate the smell of bacon and eggs; the smell brings back the memories.


  • 小时之后新发现的尸体满脸灰尘、极其疲惫救援人员从村中了出来,放到了临时的尸体停放场地

    And within a half an hour another three corpses had been added to the sad line in the paddock, carried out of the centre by weary looking rescue workers, their faces caked in powdery dust.


  • 尽管那些失踪之后的人们幸存希望变得越来越渺茫救援工作在继续。

    Resources continue to be pour into the nation\'s massive relief operations even as hopes faded for those still missing more than seven days since the quake struck.


  • 2004年12月印度洋海啸之后救援机构聚集一起回顾他们努力

    AFTER the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, aid agencies clubbed together to review their efforts.


  • 比克距离双子栋楼之外消防局工作,按照日程表没有911的早上工作,但是他在双子塔受到攻击之后急忙过去参加救援

    Wiebicke, who was stationed at a firehouse just blocks away from the twin towers, was not scheduled to work on the morning of 9/11, but raced to get there following the attack.


  • 紧随12月26日海啸消息之后捐赠诈骗救援工作效率低下好心做坏事的新闻

    News of theDecember 26 tsunami was almost immediately followed by news of donation scams, inefficient relief efforts, and good intentions gone awry.


  • 他们通过翻译软件大约25分钟之后紧急救援到达。“最后变成了一起执勤,”

    They talked for about 25 minutes through the translation app before the emergency car arrived. "She ended up manning my post with me," he said.


  • 突击队员全部来自英国皇家海军辅助舰队“维多利亚,在他们收到最初的求援之后他们随同一只美籍护卫舰直奔意大利籍货轮的所在地进行救援

    The commandos were from the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Fort Victoria, which, with a US frigate, had headed for the Italian vessel after receiving the initial call for help.


  • 突击队员全部来自英国皇家海军辅助舰队“维多利亚,在他们收到最初的求援之后他们随同一只美籍护卫舰直奔意大利籍货轮的所在地进行救援

    The commandos were from the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Fort Victoria, which, with a US frigate, had headed for the Italian vessel after receiving the initial call for help.


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