• 很明显我们出发点建立不同的主观标准

    Clearly our set points are based on different subjective criteria.


  • 疏忽大意过失预见能力宜采取客观标准为主主观标准为辅。

    The ability to predict under careless negligence, should be judged mainly by objective standard with the help of subjective one.


  • 疏忽大意过失预见能力宜采取客观标准为主主观标准为辅。

    The ability to predict under careless negligence, should be judged mainly by objective standard with the help of subjective o...


  • 至于如何匹配取决于主观标准比如你的(耳机的)声音,器材搭配审美取向

    And the matching amp will depend on highly subjective criteria like your sonic, feature set, and aesthetic preferences.


  • 波音投诉核心美国空军以主观标准做出有利于KC-45决策使波音的较小飞机一开始就处于不利地位。

    The nub of Boeing’s complaint was that the USAF had used subjective criteria to reach its decision in favour of the KC-45, which had inherently disadvantaged its smaller plane.


  • 标准问题不同主题讲认识实践问题三个不同方面检验途径客观标准主观标准和检验的主体

    The different theme of criterion involves three different aspects on knowledge and practice: channels of inspection, objective criterion and subjective criterion, and subjects of inspection.


  • 波音投诉核心美国空军以主观标准做出有利于KC - 45决策使波音的较小飞机一开始就处于不利地位。

    The nub of Boeing's complaint was that the USAF had used subjective criteria to reach its decision in favour of the KC-45, which had inherently disadvantaged its smaller plane.


  • 毕竟内容是非结构化质量标准更加主观随意

    Content, after all, is unstructured, and quality standards are thought of to be more subjective or arbitrary.


  • 非功能特征用于定义粒度更为主观因此不能作为进行粒度量化唯一标准

    Nonfunctional characteristics, when applied to the problem of defining granularity, are more subjective in nature and, thus, are inadequate as the sole means for quantifying granularity.


  • 数据依据来自对标准意见一致专家小组这个标准下,他们每种毒品主观评定

    The data are based solely upon a group of experts who met, agreed upon some criteria, and then gave their subjective ratings of each of the drugs on each criteria.


  • 国家统计局已经开始20万成就感、焦虑压力这些所谓的“主观标准进行年度综合家庭调查

    The ONS has already started surveying 200, 000 people about their level of fulfillment, anxiety, and stressthe so-called ‘subjective’ measures – in its annual Integrated Household Survey.


  • u评估要以客观表现标准为基础而不是主观品性

    Appraisals were based on objective performance criteria, not on subjective personality traits.


  • 标准不能丝毫模糊,否则标准变得主观(员工某个特殊领域中学专长应设定标准)。

    Standards might be unambiguous (a course has been completed) or it might be more subjective (the employee has some measure of expertise in a particular area of learning).


  • 审视自己用词判断标准主观臆断还是公正合理的

    Define your terms and examine whether your standards are arbitrary or fair.


  • 绿色翡翠颜色评价,目前只能凭借经验对翡翠的颜色进行主观观察缺少客观同一度量评价标准

    However, during the evaluation of the color of jadeite jade, people rely on experience to observe, but an objective and uniform metric evaluation criteria is lacked.


  • 其次必须知道一个意见形成是与个人标准背景有关只是个人的主观想法而已。

    Second, you must know that in forming an opinion, one bases on the criteria, background, standards and points of view of one's own.


  • 证据总体标准证据确实充分兼具客观性主观双重要求

    The overall standard of evidence is sufficient evidence that it combines the dual requirements of objectivity and subjectivity.


  • 笔者认为无论是客观主义立场还是主观主义立场,违法性进行判断具体标准虽然不同(益侵害说与社会相当性说)。

    The author thinks no matter hold the objectivism position or subjectivism position, though concrete standard judged to person who breaks the law.


  • 然而有些学界人士提醒,这种由数据主导历来评判标准主观这一特质重视可能最终会将管理者引入歧途

    But some academics caution that a data-driven emphasis on what has traditionally been a subjective trait could ultimately lead executives astray.


  • 可以重复的人类经验。“可重复性”这个标准排除神话神迹声称个人主观经验。

    Evidence is repeatable human experience. The criterion of repeatability excludes myths, miracle claims, and individual personal subjective experience.


  • 相同速率下,VMR-WB语音声码器主观质量性能现有窄带宽带编码标准都有明显的提高。

    The subjective quality and performance of VMR-WB is superior to that of existing narrowband and wideband coding standards operating at the same bit rates.


  • 计算结果表明方法有效复原图像客观标准评价主观视觉效果方面都有明显改善

    Numerical results show that these methods can effectively restore original image, and the objective standard evaluation and subjective visual effect are improved significantly.


  • 哲学认识论领域主观化”倾向日益明显使当代知识标准来源生产方式等发生了重大转换

    It is the subjective tendency in the field of philosophy epistemology that brings about great change of contemporary knowledge in standard, source and production way.


  • 第三部分主观批评标准功能

    The third part: the criteria and the functions of subjective criticism.


  • 作为标准弊端国际贸易技术壁垒产生有着比较深刻原因客观主观层面分析其产生根源。

    Another one irregularity, international trade technical barrier, is produced from deep reason, the article analyzed the source of its creation from objective and subjective sides.


  • 虽然托尔看好银行帐面价值衡量标准持怀疑态度,他认为资产评估一个主观过程

    Mr. Dator, though he isn't a bull on bank stocks, is skeptical of using book value because he says valuing assets is a subjective exercise.


  • 目前折现定义没有形成公认标准主观因素影响很大。

    The generally accepted standard about the definition and identification of the discount rate has not come into being and so it is likely to be influenced by many subjective factors.


  • 该生活质量评价方法充分考虑生活质量评价中标准模糊性主观幸福感满意满足感所具有的模糊性,科学准确

    Fuzzy synthetic evaluation gives consideration to the fuzziness of evaluation criterion, the feeling of happiness, contentment and satisfaction, and gets more scientific and veracious.


  • 该生活质量评价方法充分考虑生活质量评价中标准模糊性主观幸福感满意满足感所具有的模糊性,科学准确

    Fuzzy synthetic evaluation gives consideration to the fuzziness of evaluation criterion, the feeling of happiness, contentment and satisfaction, and gets more scientific and veracious.


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