• 他们的主要活动而言,筹集资金次要的。

    Fund-raising is peripheral to their main activities.


  • 克雷仍然认为古印度安人灭绝上的责任即使不是主要,也是次要的,他认为人类在其他地方造成了当地物种灭绝。

    Still, Krech attributes secondary if not primary responsibility for the extinctions to the Paleoindians, arguing that humans have produced local extinctions elsewhere.


  • 有时主要群体关系次要的群体关系演变而来

    Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships.


  • 所有项目都遵循相似的过程因此管理者设计一个命名约定,它包括主要发布版本次要的发布版本,以及开发测试阶段

    All projects follow similar processes; therefore, the managers devise a naming convention that includes the major release version and minor release version, along with the development and test phase.


  • 一些其他税收可能下放,不过主要都是次要的税收,飞机旅客,以及其他显然的纳税大户,如企业税北海石油天然气税。

    A few other taxes might also be devolved (mostly minor ones, such as air-passenger duty, and explicitly not big earners such as corporation tax or North Sea oil and gas levies).


  • 意味着主要RS次要服务器数据同步的。

    That means data is in sync at both the primary and RS secondary server.


  • 一旦检查点传输rss节点开始来自主要服务器日志记录存到RS次要服务器上的日志暂存区域

    Once a checkpoint is transferred to the RSS node, it will start staging the log records coming from the primary in a log staging area at RS secondary server.


  • 主要服务器故障恢复新的次要节点(SDSHDR)上不会影响存档或者存档的影响,RSS节点上会制作外部存档。

    Primary fail-over to a new secondary node (SDS or HDR) will not impact the archive, or be impacted by the archive, while an external archive is being taken on an RSS node.


  • 一个次要后果,最主要行为——理性思考过程——必须每个单独实现。

    It is a secondary consequence. The primary act-the process of reason-must be performed by each man alone.


  • 我们早期注意到每个分别表示主要次要事件情境

    As we noted earlier, every use case has a set of scenarios representing the main and alternate flows of events, respectively.


  • 不论测试用例中使用角色什么,测试数据都将一样的,因为对于主要次要角色来说事件一样的。

    No matter which persona you use in a test case, the test data will be the same, because the flow of events is the same for the primary and secondary personas.


  • 虽然干扰可能重要次要任务而且无法放弃但是确实分散团队主要的任务上的注意力

    Since the interruption is an important secondary task it cannot be dropped, however, it does divert teams attention from the primary task.


  • 次要角色额外的需求如果满足这些需要进行变更符合描述就可以使用主要角色界面

    A secondary persona has additional needs; people who fit this description can use the primary persona's interface only if changes are made to address these needs.


  • 因为互操作性网络工具一个主要功能,它不是次要问题,所以这是非常有吸引力的特性

    Since interoperability is a primary functionality for networking tools, not a secondary consideration, that's a very attractive feature.


  • 服务规范版本在逻辑上具有 <主要版本.次要版本>号码形式基于OSGI改编而来的向后兼容性

    The service specification version logically has the form of a number <major.minor> and is based on backward compatibility adapted from OSGI.


  • 转换这些主要交付内容带来了一略微次要的派生挑战

    These primary deliverables of the transformation create a secondary, consequential set of challenges to implement.


  • 每次更改应用程序代码数据以及构建好一个rpm时,一定增加版本版本,以分别反映主要次要更改

    Each time you change your application's code or data and make a new RPM available, be sure to increment the values of Version and Release to reflect major and minor changes, respectively.


  • 等到了那儿困惑了——吴先生坚持让我坐在主要位子上,他自己所有同伴安置在次要的席位。

    I was more puzzled when I got there - Mr. Wu insisted that I be seated in the most prominent spot, and placed himself and all his associates at the table in lesser positions.


  • 解除服务器阻塞,将应用RS次要服务器上来自主要服务器的已暂存逻辑日志文件之后自动删除它

    When the server is unblocked, staged logical log files from primary server at RS secondary server are automatically removed after being applied.


  • 同样通过进一步分析标识含义可以产生主要标识”次要标识”词汇定义

    Similarly, further analysis into the meaning of "identification" may yield the definition of further terms such as "primary identification" and "secondary identification".


  • 除了主要足迹次要碳足迹主要由于购买习惯产生

    As well as your primary carbon footprint, there is also a secondary footprint that you cause through your buying habits.


  • 运行测试用例构建基于主要角色测试数据然后根据次要角色检查附加的易访问性足够了

    To run a test case, it is sufficient to construct the test data based on the primary persona and then do additional accessibility checks based on the secondary personas.


  • 参数表示次要节点上保存来自主要服务器日志目录

    It is the directory in which logs are staged at the secondary node that are coming from primary server.


  • 问题不再HTML次要特性成为规范主要目的

    Each concern is no longer a secondary feature of HTML but a primary goal for a new specification.


  • 如果我们不能有效处理次要服务器的工作,那么次要服务器上的问题反过来影响主要服务器(阻塞主要服务器),于是就会出现阻塞检查点的情况

    Blocking checkpoints occur if we don't process the things efficiently on secondary, and the problem in secondary will back-flow and impact primary (blocks primary).


  • 已经一些来自文法信息:二元语法格式需要switch语句两个语句套在主要部分中的次要部分。

    You already have a little information from the grammar: the bigram format calls for two switch statements, which are the minors nested inside the majors.


  • 迄今为止,一旅行部分类似于迭代开发项目初始(Inception)阶段一些版本定义的(主要)特性若干次要看是去很好的特性普通的

    So far, this trip partly resembles the Inception phase of an iterative development project: it's common to have a few release-defining (primary) features and several secondary or nice-to-do features.


  • 对于很多XML应用程序而言,相对于快速方便地XML文档访问数据这个主要目标完全验证支持是个次要目标,为了这个目标,JiBX已经提供了一种很好的方法。

    For many XML applications, full validation support is secondary to the main goal of fast and convenient access to data from XML documents, and for this goal JiBX already offers a great alternative.


  • 每个角色覆盖所有用户(用户角色)相关联,并且主要角色(primarypersona)、次要角色(secondary persona),补充角色(supplemental persona)、负面角色(negative persona),等等原型进行标记

    Each persona is associated to all the users (user Roles) it covers, and is flagged with the stereotypes of primary persona, secondary persona, supplemental persona, negative persona, and so on.


  • 今年许多时候,格林斯潘都在为自己统领Fed时期的决策辩护竭力地辩白外部因素才是引发危机主要因素,自己的决策次要得多

    Mr. Greenspan has spent much of this year defending his record at the Fed, trying to take apart arguments to show how his decisions were far less significant than outside forces in causing the crisis.


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