• 主要客户日本韩国西班牙欧美国家分布珠江三角洲长江三角洲。

    Our main customers are from Japan, South Korea, Spain, Europe and the United States and other countries, located in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta.


  • 目前全球超过55,000 名员工主要客户奥迪宝马梅赛德斯-奔驰通用大众等等

    XLMAIER Group employs about 55.000 employees worldwide. Main customers are Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, GM and VW etc.


  • 根据这项调查,主要客户担忧安全36%受访者提及,以及宕机风险

    The main customer concerns, according to the survey, were security - cited by 36 percent of respondents - and the risk of downtime.


  • 一家公司(TCS重要客户)的主要部门遗留应用程序需要之开发一个基于浏览器用户界面

    A major division of a large company (an important client for TCS) has a legacy application for which a browser-based user interface needs to be developed.


  • 性能很大影响但是一个主要缺点客户不能立即识别规则更改

    This has a great impact on performance, but there is one major drawback: the clients do not immediately recognize changes made to the rules.


  • 篇文章 主要我们客户以及其他类似担心或者热心发现提高学问工作人员能力提供改进方法人编写的。

    This article is written for our customers and others who have a similar concern or passion for discovering and providing new and innovative ways of improving the abilities of knowledge workers.


  • 比如说一个客户奢侈品生产商并且主要侧重品牌视觉效果上。

    Say you have a client who's a luxury goods manufacturer, and is heavily focused on branding and look and feel.


  • ——回头客旅游零售代理商主要客源三分之二咨询是来自客户

    Repeat customers were a major source of business for retail travel agents with two-thirds of total enquiries coming from existing clients.


  • 那种类型软件更好主要取决于客户实际情况这家公司是否足够资金?

    Whether one or the other type of software is a better deal depends on a customer's circumstances. Does a firm have cash to spend?


  • 那种类型软件更好主要取决于客户实际情况:这家公司是否足够资金?

    Whether one or the other type of software is a better deal depends on a customer's circumstances.Does a firm have cash to spend?


  • 如果Gmail主要电子邮件客户并且许多电子邮件,你机会成为标签功能的重要用户

    If Gmail is your primary email client, and you go through a lot of emails, chances are you also make heavy user of labels.


  • 记账公司获取客户财政材料主要方法三种

    The accounting company to obtain customer financial materials, there are three main ways.


  • 折扣经纪商兜售”低接触”服务,主要通过电子邮件,电话技术,而不需要面对面.这对那些要求更苛刻的,资金更充裕的客户有吸引力么?

    Discount brokers peddle a “low-touch” service, heavily reliant on e-mail, telephones and technology, not firm handshakes.


  • 主要负责大型结构混凝土工程商务谈判,负责实力大型设计院合作,共同客户制定合理设计方案

    Business negotiation of large-scale steel structure and concrete engineering, in charge of cooperation with large designing institute with strength and making right design schemes for clients.


  • 霍尔·塞特无锡公司的MR涡轮增压器中国市场领先地位很大客户其中包括了中国主要卡车制造商

    Ltd. Wuxi Holset enjoys a leading position in MR turbos in the Chinese turbocharger market and serve an extensive customer base including leading Chinese truck manufacturers.


  • 主要应用货舱高压清洗机汽油发电机割草机多种型号可以选择根据使用环境客户要求产品进行改进

    Mainly for cargo vehicles, high pressure cleaner, gasoline generators, mowers, etc., can choose a variety of models. According to the products used to improve the environment and client requirements.


  • 公司主要产品各种规格铝合金灯架背景网架活动舞台机箱,具体规格根据客户不同的需求订做设计

    The company's main products are: all kinds of aluminum truss, background stands, truss, movable stage, chassis, etc., specifications can be customized according to customer requirements and design.


  • 比如赫尔曼位咨询客户一家房地产公司工作的职责主要保证租户按时支付租金”,但是成为一名金融分析师

    For example, one of Hellmann's coaching clients worked for a real estate firm, mostly "making sure tenants paid their rent on time," but he wanted to be a financial analyst.


  • 第一种海外客户主要中国客户新加坡当地公司密切业务联系

    Firstly they are the overseas customers which mainly customers in China which had close links with their local companies in Singapore.


  • 主要产品卫生用品系列护垫、护翼、婴儿尿不湿四十个品种,并以独特的款式及过硬的质量深受国内各大中城市客户的好评。

    The main products are " CAIDIE" brand hygienic use paper series, such as: sanitary cushions, sanitary wing, baby bumf trousers and so on nearly 40 series.


  • 主要出口为主,竭诚欢迎国内外客户前来订购我们提供出口一条服务需要客户提供到达货物通关协助

    The main export-oriented and dedicated to welcome domestic and foreign customers order. We can provide a service export, but also for the needs of customers arrived at the cargo clearance assistance.


  • 案例研究:最后,我们再说真实故事一家公司主要宠物护理帮助客户效地照顾他们的宠物

    Case Study: Let me close with a true story that went viral in a company that was focused on pet care and helping customers effectively care for their pets.


  • 公司主要产品发夹皇冠项链胸花耳环戒指十几大类数万品种,并可根据客户要求开发相关产品。

    Our company specializes in the production of jewelries such as hairpins, crowns, necklaces, brooches, earrings, rings, and waist chains etc. more than 10categories and thousands of varieties.


  • Work breakdown structure一个文件,它通过确定项目目标主要项目可交付成果,形成了项目团队和项目客户之间达成一致的基础

    What is the document that forms the basis for an agreement among by identifying both the project objectives and the major project deliverables A. Project statement of work B.


  • 我司主要业务:我公司可客户提供机场接送用车,并可接受客户委托机场代接或代送客人

    We provide customers with special airport transport, as well as meeting seeing off guests under the consignment of the clients.


  • 与此相反公司称,搜索引擎优化(SEO)可能得到2009年许多主要广告客户最后跳到船上

    In contrast, the company says search engine optimization (SEO) is likely to get its due in 2009 with many major advertisers finally jumping on board.


  • 与此相反公司称,搜索引擎优化(SEO)可能得到2009年许多主要广告客户最后跳到船上

    In contrast, the company says search engine optimization (SEO) is likely to get its due in 2009 with many major advertisers finally jumping on board.


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