• 爱尔兰援救方案葡萄牙的纾困请求都无助于稳定主权债务市场

    Neither the Irish rescue package nor Portugal's request for one did anything to calm sovereign bond markets.


  • 虽然欧洲央行成功稳定了欧洲主权债务市场,但欧洲银行业压力

    While the ECB has managed to stabilize European sovereign bond markets, there is a creeping sense of stress in the European banking sector.


  • 但是对于拥挤不堪主权债务市场发行债务的国家而言,意味着可以走些弯路

    But for issuers in a crowded sovereign-debt market, it means fewer trips to the well.


  • 欧洲央行ECB正在执掌总计一万亿美元欧元紧急储备也是该机构首次授权干预欧洲主权债务市场

    The European Central Bank (ECB) is administering that $1 trillion emergency reserve for the euro, and is also being allowed for the first time to intervene in Europe's sovereign debt markets.


  • 测试情况并不完全包括结果虽然令人吃惊,但是市场担心的还是主权债务重组问题。

    It is striking, though, that the scenarios for the tests do not fully include the outcome the markets are most concerned about: restructuring sovereign debt.


  • 金融市场已经准备主权债务危机蔓延德国欧元残局单一货币“定海神针”看来要倒下投资人开始远离德国债券

    Global financial markets prepared for the euro's endgame after the sovereign debt crisis spread to Germany, the "stability anchor" of the single currency, and investors shunned its government bonds.


  • 现在市场正迫使欧洲领导人当机立断,就如何收拾主权债务危机残局做出决定

    The market is now forcing European leaders to quickly decide how they want the rest of the sovereign debt crisis to play out.


  • 因为更强大缓冲机制有利于银行消化进一步削减主权债务带来的压力,化解市场清偿能力疑虑

    The larger cushion would allow the Banks to absorb greater haircuts on their sovereign debt holdings and deflect market skepticism as to their solvency.


  • 如果说证券市场哨兵角色上犯了错,希腊主权债务当成了德国的,欧洲央行在取得抵押品借贷银行犯了这个错误。

    And if bond markets failed in their vigilante role by treating Greek sovereign debt as if it were German, the ECB did just the same when it came to the collateral it accepted for lending to Banks.


  • 欧洲应对主权债务危机所必须财政紧缩可能欧洲推向经济衰退,使那些盈利高度依赖欧洲市场美国公司受到冲击。

    The austerity required in Europe to deal with the sovereign debt crisis is likely to push Europe into a recession. This will impact US corporations dependent on important profits from Europe.


  • 个月欧洲债务危机使市场恐慌主权风险时,所有人转向了美元

    THREE months ago, when Europe’s debt crisis had markets panicking about sovereign risk, it seemed that all roads led to the dollar.


  • 金融市场出现诸如货币危机房地产崩溃或者主权债务危机等问题时候,由于他们神秘特性使之成为替罪羊

    When something goes wrong in the financial markets—a currency crisis, a housing collapse or a sovereign default—they are quick to be blamed, their shadowy character making them ideal scapegoats.


  • 与此同时二级市场主权债务收益会对那些援助国企业银行借贷产生重要影响

    Meanwhile, high sovereign-debt yields in secondary markets have a knock-on effect on the borrowing costs of firms and banks in affected countries.


  • 在对欧洲主权债务危机的持续关注股票市场又迎来动荡的一周

    Stockmarkets had another rocky week amid more concern over sovereign debt in Europe.


  • 市场本来期待上周三欧洲能给出一个方案,解决旷日持久的欧洲主权债务危机

    The big solution to Europe's long-running sovereign debt crisis was supposed to be unveiled today.


  • 容克先生意大利财长朱利奥特·雷蒙蒂倡议将欧洲债券部分主权债务结合起来,或许能安抚市场

    Joint Eurobonds for part of the sovereign debt, 【 called for by Mr Juncker and the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, 】 might also reassure the markets.


  • 容克先生意大利财长朱利奥特·雷蒙蒂(Giulio Tremonti)倡议将欧洲债券部分主权债务结合起来,或许能安抚市场

    Joint Eurobonds for part of the sovereign debt, called for by Mr Juncker and the Italian finance minister, Giulio Tremonti, might also reassure the markets.


  • 人们对于欧洲金融稳定机制赎回主权债务价格存在争议但是大部分认为价格当前已然低于面值市场看齐。

    The price at which the EFSF would pay for the debt is controversial, but most see it paying the current market price for the bonds, which is below face value.


  • 美国拥有世界最大的主权债务(国债)市场可信机构。 因此,跟希腊相比,美国承受更重的债务负担

    With the world’s biggest sovereign-bond market and trusted institutions, America will be able to carry a higher public-debt burden than Greece.


  • 上周四美国股市出现大幅抛售根源或许来自欧洲因为意大利西班牙主权债务违约担忧造成市场恐慌投资者纷纷抛售股票以避免损失

    The massive selloff in U.S. markets on Thursday appears rooted in Europe as fears of a sovereign debt default in Italy and Spain caused traders to panic and run for cover.


  • 上周四美国股市出现大幅抛售根源或许来自欧洲因为意大利西班牙主权债务违约担忧造成市场恐慌投资者纷纷抛售股票以避免损失

    The massive selloff in U.S. markets on Thursday appears rooted in Europe as fears of a sovereign debt default in Italy and Spain caused traders to panic and run for cover.


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