• 主机对准底板向里听到”的一声,主机安装到位

    Installtion: Push the host machine forward to the designed track hear "ka", the host machine is install in place.


  • 监控主机安装客户端软件,实现对监控点视频浏览摄像机姿态调整等功能。

    Monitor host installation client software, used to browse the video from each monitor node and adjust the camera gesture.


  • 主机全部线条U型垫(线条板需安装调整螺栓),放置到机组旁边以便主机安装使用

    Put all line plates and U-shaped filling blocks of the unit beside the engine, so they can be used conveniently later. The line plates shall be fitted with adjustable bolts.


  • 任何没有指定端口使用它们默认当前安装中将唯一的,但是保证相同主机系统不同安装之间也是唯一的。

    Any ports not specified will take their default values, which will be unique across the current installation, but are not guaranteed to be unique across multiple installations on the same host system.


  • 如果多个物理节点上运行DB 2分区数据库系统那么必须每个数据库主机上的相同路径安装数据库软件

    If you are running a DB2 partitioned database system on multiple physical nodes, you must install the database software on each database host in identical paths.


  • 如果系统提示输入密码,那么远程主机安装公共密钥再次尝试连接。

    If you are prompted for a password, rectify the problem by installing your public key on the remote host and try again.


  • 描述与现有目标概要文件相关信息例如安装目录主机服务器端口

    The only information it preserves is the information that is specific to the existing target profile, such as installation directory, host name, server name and ports.


  • 右边窗格提示输入安装模块虚拟主机名称询问是否应该jsp预编译

    The right pane prompts for the name of the virtual host on which to install the module and asks if the JSPs should be precompiled.


  • 安装应用程序应该安装虚拟主机

    When installed, applications should be installed to the new virtual host.


  • LPAR最终配置相关;可以安装过程使用动态主机配置协议DHCP)。

    This relates only to the final configuration of the LPAR; you can use the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) during the install process.


  • 正如前面所提到的,为了确保数据收集,DCI需要每一运行应用程序主机启用(安装运行)。

    As mentioned earlier, to ensure that data is collected, the DCI needs to be enabled (installed and running) for each host that the application runs on and from which you want to collect data.


  • 此外,应该安装DB 2服务器同一个主机运行其他应用程序

    You shouldn't run any other application on the same machine on which DB2 server has been installed.


  • 输入额外主机之后,DB 2安装程序验证每一台主机如图15所示。

    After each additional host is entered, the DB2 installation program will validate each new host, as shown in Figure 15.


  • 对于DB 29客户可以主机多次安装DB 2软件一个SAP DB 2实例分配不同的DB 2安装

    With DB2 9, customers can install the DB2 software several times on the host machine and assign a SAP DB2 instance to different DB2 installations.


  • 注意每一个主机输入后DB 2安装程序进行有效性验证,保证主机所有配置正确,如图15所示。

    Note that after each host is entered, the DB2 installation program does validation checking to ensure everything is configured properly for the new host, as shown in figure 15.


  • 很难找到没有安装PHP主机

    You'd be hard pressed to find a web host who didn't have PHP installed.


  • 直接现成的Linux主机安装YAZE,把工作复制虚拟中,然后完成项目

    Just install YAZE on any handy Linux host, copy your work into its virtual machine, and finish your project.


  • 客户领导现在可以需要安装配置在线主机环境上试用许多Rational产品

    Your customers or leads can now test-drive several Rational products in an online hosted environment with no installation or configuration required.


  • 设置节点步骤通过相同或是不同主机安装WebSphereApplicationServer产品完成

    Set up a node, which is done by installing a WebSphere Application Server product on the same or a different host.


  • 尽管使用托管服务来压缩网址的替代方案并不,但是我们还是找到自己托管的解决方案可以自己的主机帐号上安装这两个网址压缩服务:z.i ps . meShorty

    While there aren't too many alternatives to using hosted services for short links, we did come across two self-hosted solutions that you can install on your own hosting account: z.ips.me and Shorty.


  • 使用本地主机地址访问Apache安装因此可以输入任意电子邮件地址。

    You will access your Apache installation using the localhost address, so enter whatever domain and E-mail address you like.


  • 服务器主机节点安装aixVersion 5.2或更高版本。

    AIX Version 5.2, or higher, is installed on the server or host nodes.


  • VMware建议开始安装Linux外来操作系统之前禁用主机屏幕保护程序

    VMware recommends that you disable the screen saver of your host machine before starting the installation of the Linux guest operating system.


  • 主机服务器安装VirtualizationManagerAgent 时,选择稍后创建映像并且不要物理服务器克隆虚拟服务器中。

    When installing the Virtualization Manager Agent on the host servers, choose to create the master image later, and don't clone the physical server to a virtual server.


  • Database选项卡上输入服务器相关的JDBC连接参数包括服务器安装IDS主机、端口号希望连接数据库

    On the Database tab, you enter server-specific JDBC connection parameters, including server name, host where IDS is installed, port number, and the database that you wish to connect to.


  • Eclipse供应问题凸显出来了,Miles DaffinJeremyNelson都介绍了多种不同主机管理Eclipse安装两个不同方法

    The subject of Eclipse provisioning was also raised, with both Miles Daffin and Jeremy Nelson presenting two different ways of managing Eclipse installs across a variety of hosts.


  • 安装Xen guest之前,需要主机件事

    Before installing the Xen guests, you need to do two things on the host.


  • Kerberos5服务主体包括安装服务主机完全限定域名(FQDN)。

    Kerberos 5 service principals include the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the host that the service is installed on. The generic service principal format is.


  • 今天互联网连接着5.65亿台电脑主机预计2020年,数十亿安装建筑桥梁上的传感器接入互联网

    Today, the Internet has 575 million host computers. Expect billions of sensors on buildings and bridges to be connected to the Internet by 2020.


  • 我们同样选择典型安装并且输入了localhost作为主机名,如图2所示。

    We also selected a typical installation, and entered localhost for the Hostname, as shown in Figure 2.


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