• 空气质量方面预计今日我市空气质量指数55- 75,空气质量等级

    Empty temperament measures a respect, predict our city empty temperament measures exponential 55-75 now, air quality grade is fine.


  • 广富林遗址文化晚期M 24、J 14出土了一陶器渚文化研究提供了资料

    The pottery vessels unearthed from M24 and J14 of late period of Liangzhu culture provide new data for the studying of this culture.


  • 阿托品服从性:78%的患者,18%的患者为良,3%的患者,1%的患者

    Compliance in the atropine group was excellent in 78% of patients, good in 18%, fair in 3%, and poor in 1%.


  • 希望国内外更多专家学者关注文化,积极承接课题渚文化这一人类文明瑰宝保护研究献出智慧

    We hope both Chinese and international experts pay more attention to Liangzhu Culture, participate in the researches and undertake subjects.


  • 研究者估计佩带眼罩服从性,49%患者,34%的患者为良,13%的患者中等,5%的患者

    Researchers estimated the compliance rate with patching to be excellent in 49% of patients, good in 34%, fair in 13%, and poor in 5%.


  • 哈德皇帝统治时期时公元117至公元138年),人数至少12500大约在公元80年的时候达到人数的顶点

    The total numbers were at least 12,500 men up to the reign of the emperor Hadrian (A.D.117-138), with a peak around A.D.80.


  • 这些非洲加大步伐-常常冒着巨大的个人牺牲甚至风险他们国家带来和平政和正确的政策,成希望理由

    It is those Africans who are stepping up - often at great personal sacrifice and even risk, to bring peace, good governance and sound policies to their countries that are the reason for hope.


  • 满意率喀拉拉90%(),在德里86%(到优),北方邦的章普尔显示满意率70%。

    The satisfaction rating was 90% (good to excellent) in Kerala, 86% (good to excellent) in Delhi, while Jaunpur district in Uttar Pradesh showed a 70% satisfaction rating.


  • 云南省农民牵着一只马已经干涸河床上。

    A farmer and his horse walk on a dry reservoir bed in the drought-hit Luliang County, Yunnan province.


  • 结论人工置换骨术治疗脊椎原发恶性肿瘤及椎体单个转移灶不失替代重建方法。

    Conclusion: Artificial vertebral body replacement and auto bone grafting for the patients with spinal tumor provides a valuable alternative measure for spinal reconstruction.


  • 斐济一个迷人太平洋岛国螃蟹栖息地几百英里海岸线成了火螃蟹的居家所(神奇动物)。

    A beautiful South Pacific island nation, Fiji is the native habitat of the Fire Crab. Hundreds of miles of coastline there have been turned into a Fire Crab reservation (FB).


  • 目的寻求简便有效方法恶性水进行鉴别诊断

    Objective To find an easy and effective method for the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant hyolrothorax.


  • 结果高频超声肿块物理性质诊断方面符合率达100%,肿块恶性鉴别诊断方面符合率87.4%。

    Results The coincidence of high-frequency ultrasound examination with tumor's physical character attained 100% and in differential diagnosis of benign or malignant tumors was 87.4%.


  • 本文以紧性理论基础引入了L-不分明完备映射概念证明了这种映射可乘的。

    The concept of L-fuzzy perfect mappings based on the N-compactness is introduced. We show that the L-fuzzy perfect mappings are multiplicative.


  • 丁韪关于中国诗歌论述后人提供了比较文学视角

    His discussions of Chinese poetry provide a useful perspective of comparative literature.


  • 方法30结核性28例癌性胸水ldh比较分析得出LDH活性差异明显区别恶性指标

    Methods the clinical data of 30 cases of malignant pleural effusion were compared to 28 cases of benign pleural effusion and the measure of LDH was studied as a malignant indicators.


  • 结论选择性血管造影可以鉴别、恶性病变,肾切除止血栓塞提供依据

    Conclusion: Selective angiography is very valuable in differential diagnosis of renal tumor and helpful for nephrectomy and embolization.


  • 我们一则故事介绍15岁的马义妈妈年只会回家一次,如何兄弟姐妹相依

    In our first story, we introduce you to 15-year-old Ma Yiliang. He and his siblings look after themselves while their mother is away for the whole year.


  • 公司企业理念缩影:“旨在追求卓越杰出;“旨在诚信

    Jie Liang and I are the epitome of corporate philosophy: "kit" aimed at the pursuit of excellence and outstanding; "good" is designed to honesty, kindness for the industry.


  • 在此谨代表他们所作出的大量工作表示感谢

    Here, on behalf of Feng Liang International Art College, I would like to give my great thanks to their work.


  • 公司一如既往提供最好服务更好产品共创美好未来

    Jian Liang companies continue to provide you with the best service, better products, and you create a better future.


  • 接着当代艺术中的中国元素先生的作品阐述意象造型当下意义

    Then, with the contemporary art of "Chinese elements" and Mr. Guan's work, for example, described "teapot" in the present meaning.


  • 最大限度的减少纤维流失一般配用杂质分离机沉渣打井含有浆料的杂质进行处理,回收

    For reducing the fibre to drain . Generally uses the impurity separating machine to process useful impurity in order to recycle the good thick liquid.


  • 结果CT上述肿瘤定位正确率78.5%,恶性鉴别的正确率85.7%。结论:CT值可确定囊性、实性和囊实性;

    Results: The finding rate for the above rnentinal tumors by CT was 78. 5% and the proper rate for differential diagnodis either benign or malignant was 85. 7% .


  • 结果CT上述肿瘤定位正确率78.5%,恶性鉴别的正确率85.7%。结论:CT值可确定囊性、实性和囊实性;

    Results: The finding rate for the above rnentinal tumors by CT was 78. 5% and the proper rate for differential diagnodis either benign or malignant was 85. 7% .


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定