• 随着世界食品安全崩溃个别国家自身利益行事实际上在加剧许多国家的困境

    As the world's food security falls to pieces, individual countries acting in their own self-interest are actually worsening the troubles of many.


  • 由于自身利益争吵不断,四者发现难以采用人性化定价方式。

    Locked in perpetual squabbles over the spoils, they find it hard to adopt more sensible pricing techniques.


  • 埃罗尔·莫里斯那么仅仅威尔逊夫人夺权,自身利益夺权吗?

    ERROL MORRIS: so it was just a grab for power, power for its own sake, by Mrs. Wilson?


  • 第三条道路全球化理论隐含着偏颇危险,是西方国家自身利益服务工具

    But the globalism of the Third Way has the imperfection and danger in itself, and the western countries use it as a tool serving their own profits.


  • 日耳曼将军们有时会利用他们军事力量自身部族获取更多利益

    Germanic generals sometimes used their military power to advance their own and their tribes' interests.


  • 事实上如今专家们办公室政治定义工作场所追求自身利益正当

    In fact, today, experts define office politics as proper behavior used to pursue one's own self-interest in the workplace.


  • 根据这种看待事情方式敌人就是那些隐藏真相操纵公众羞辱盟友——一切的,是自身利益无情追求——的美国外交家

    According to this way of seeing things, the enemy is those US diplomats who conceal the truth, manipulate the public and humiliate their Allies in the ruthless pursuit of their own interests.


  • 这不只是新的经济计划责任--一种共同道德社会价值基础的责任,一种以自身利益基础的责任,一种后代留下一个更加美好的世界的责任,即一个平等、和平、安全的世界。

    This is not just a new economic program. It is an obligation, an obligation based on shared moral and social values.


  • 与此同时欧盟委员会一位发言人美国必须自身全世界利益承担责任发挥其领导作用。

    Meanwhile, a European Union Commission spokesman said the United States must take responsibility and show leadership for its own sake and the sake of the world.


  • 人类而言,合作自身利益这一差异或许构成了人类黑猩猩社会重大差异。

    For humans, collaboration is rewarding for its own sake, a behavioral split that may underlie key differences between human and chimpanzee societies.


  • 研究发现对于什么自身重要的,男性女性有着广泛共识,而女性地位上升是以牺牲男性利益代价观点也一不复返了。

    The study found that men and women were in broad agreement about what matters most to them; gone is the notion that women's rise comes at men's expense.


  • 新的丑闻表明无论躲过多少暗算AK党那些自身既得利益遭到侵害而忿不已人的目标

    This new scandal suggests that, no matter how many conspiracies it survives, AK will remain a target of those who resent its encroachment on their traditional bastions of power.


  • 明显,ComVentures强烈兴趣为自身利益强迫这次收购这么时间里,又是节假日,基本上不可能找到其他买家。

    It's clear that ComVentures had a significant interest in forcing a sale to Fabrik on such a short timetable, during the holidays, when competitive bids would be impossible to find.


  • 普遍利益做过什么事情吗?那么好,我从自身得到奖赏心灵总是想到一点,决不停止这种

    Have I done something for the general interest? Well then I have had my reward. Let this always be present to thy mind, and never stop doing such good.


  • 事实上只要他们喜欢保护他们自身利益,他们真是把这规矩随意乱的。

    Indeed, they really dare to change carelessly their trading rule anytime, if they like, just for protecting their own profits.


  • 劳动者逐渐具备了“平民等级意识开始争取自身利益而斗争

    Laborer had gradually gotten the hierarchical consciousness of "civilian" and began to struggle for striving for one's own interests.


  • 企业实现自身利益最大化,偷排、超标排放污染物事件屡有发生,造成我国生态环境恶化

    It is frequently observed that enterprises discharge pollutant without permission or beyond pollution limits to maximize their profits, which deteriorate the ecological environment of China.


  • 竞争涵义经济主体市场上实现自身的经济利益既定目标不断进行角逐过程

    Competition is the meaning of the ongoing competition process of the main economic players in the market to achieve its own economic interests and objectives.


  • 教导人类个贤能善良人,自身利益起见应以优秀最贤明的人榜样遵循他们的教导。

    It has taught men to be holy and good, and for their own profit to follow the precept and example of better and wiser men.


  • 但是英国殖民政策并非利他主义的,事实上,英国的殖民化是完全以自身利益优先考量

    But the British colonial policy was not altruistic. In fact, the British colonization was always putting their own priority firstly.


  • 波黑战争内因外因,既是潜伏多年历史积怨爆发也是外部势力扩展其自身利益插手的结果

    The Bosnian war was not only an explosion of the resentment left over and piled up by history, but also the result of the interference by external forces after more vested interests.


  • 通过的方式企业筹资得到的不仅仅还有忠诚消费者基础,出于自身利益,众筹也鼓励投资者企业代言人

    Funding a business with the crowd not only raises cash but can also attract a loyal customer base and encourage funders to be company ambassadors due to their vested interest.


  • 知名作品《云图》,仅04年的曼布克咫尺之遥,但是评委们不免怀疑如果只是自身利益(即获奖),这本书是否做得有点聪明过头了

    His best known book, "Cloud Atlas", came within a whisker of winning the award in 2004, but the judges could not throw off the suspicion that it was just a bit too clever for its own good.


  • 相关行动者追求自身利益讨论政策问题,进行劝说讨价还价空间

    It is a space where relevant actors discuss policy issues and persuade and bargain in pursuit of their interests.


  • 相关行动者追求自身利益讨论政策问题,进行劝说讨价还价空间

    It is a space where relevant actors discuss policy issues and persuade and bargain in pursuit of their interests.


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