• Scrum团队成员可以通过任何可行的方式进行协作团队产品成功作出贡献

    A member of a Scrum team is expected to collaborate and contribute in whatever way they can to the over-all success of their team and product.


  • 没有其他工作能够提供这么途径帮助他人学习成长承担责任和取得成就而获得认可以及团队成功作出贡献

    No other occupation offers as many ways to help others learn and grow, take responsibility and be recognized for achievement, and contribute to the success of a team.


  • 俄罗斯继续两个峰会工作作出贡献

    Russia will continue to contribute to the work of both summits.


  • 这些特征引起了人们安全处理标准化兴趣许多专家标准作出贡献避免出现任何个人疏漏

    These characteristics make standardization of security handling appealing, allowing many experts to contribute to a standard and avoid any individual's oversights.


  • 我们伙伴国家进行合作,帮助他们获取解决各自面临的问题需要手段能力解决世界性共同问题作出贡献

    And we are working with our partner countries to help them obtain the tools and capacity that they need to solve their own problems and contribute to solving the world's Shared problems.


  • 应该有更多从事有关编程工具如何工作深入研究,各抒己见、博采众长寻求此类知识整个用户社区作出贡献

    More people should take up the deep study of how programming tools work, come out of their shells, and contribute to the overall communities of those who seek such knowledge.


  • 最后现在架构师可以通过构建(或者帮助构建)团队其余成员实际能够使用工件直接项目作出贡献

    Last but not least, the architect can now contribute directly to the project, by building (or helping to build) an artifact that the rest of the team can actually use.


  • 希望解决方案一部分继续公司的成功作出贡献

    I wanted to be part of the solution and continue to contribute to the success of this firm.


  • 中国包括利比亚在内阿拉伯国家保持经常性沟通磋商,继续推动中东问题早日解决作出贡献

    China is ready to maintain frequent communication and consultations with the Arab nations, including Libya, so as to work to promote the early settlement of the Middle East issue.


  • 日本贸易顺差减少其他国家作出贡献尽管他们自己而言算不上安慰。

    Although it is no consolation for the Japanese, their shrinking trade surplus contributes to the growth of the rest of the world.


  • 这个目的操作性通常被认用户体验作出贡献重要属性

    To this end, manipulation is often considered the most important attribute that contributes to the UX.


  • 最后感谢过去18个月使TPC - C结果现实作出贡献一个人。

    Finally I want to thank everyone involved in making the TPC-C results of the past 18 months a reality.


  • 使全球化经济亚太地区共同繁荣作出贡献

    Only in this way can globalization and New Economy contribute to the common prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.


  • 借此机会长期以来推进中韩友好合作作出贡献经济界人士,致以诚挚的问候!

    I also wish to take this opportunity to send my warm greetings to the business communities of both countries for your contribution to China-ROK friendship and cooperation over the years!


  • 封信法国德国意欲欧盟春季理事会准备工作作出贡献整个欧洲G20 集团峰会上同声共气。

    Through this letter, France and Germany intend to contribute to the preparation of the spring European Council and enable the Europeans to speak with a single voice in the run-up to the G20.


  • 争论言语大西洋星巴克曼德尔森评论回复他们将继续英国作出贡献

    As word of the argument spread across the Atlantic, Starbucks responded to Mandelson's comments by insisting that it was still committed to the UK.


  • 在线订购OpenBSD购买 OpenBSDCD其他商品或者直接这项事业作出贡献

    OpenBSD online ordering: Purchase OpenBSD CDs and other goods, or just to contribute to the cause.


  • 对于希望dojo作出贡献(dojo . data其他部分),鼓励这样

    For anyone who wants to contribute to dojo, dojo.data or not, I highly encourage you to do so!


  • 虽然源代码可用的,但是可以KVMJab合并到商业软件之前必须KVMJab的开发作出贡献

    Although the source code is available, you have to donate to KVMJab development before you can incorporate it in your commercial software.


  • 工作可能不会自己方式世界作出贡献然而许多只是他们的工作或是接下来职位的升迁来定义自己

    Your job might not enable you to contribute to the world in a way you would like, yet so many people define themselves by their jobs, or their next big promotion.


  • McAdams资助计划加快捐助机构免疫方案作出贡献的速度,帮助确定了一般取决于年度预算援助流动

    The financing plan accelerates donor contributions to immunization programs and helps lock in aid flows, which usually depend on annual budgets, says McAdams.


  • NAC创始人之一而出名Sol Plaatje第一塞茨瓦纳语书写作出贡献作家

    Sol Plaatje, now best known as one of the founders of the ANC, was the first writer who contributed to the history of written Setswana.


  • 我们期待这次会议推进亚太合作作出贡献

    We expect this meeting to contribute to enhanced Asia-Pacific cooperation.


  • 公司充分利用安哥拉资源这个国家作出贡献满足安哥拉的内容需求。

    The company will fully utilize Angolan resources to contribute to the country and meet Angolan Content requirements.


  • 他们国家福祉作出贡献危机时刻展现全球团结

    They contribute to national well-being and show global solidarity at times of crisis.


  • 他们觉得无法人们现在通过电子手段所能获得大量信息相匹敌,更说不上作出贡献了。

    They feel unable to compete with-much less contribute to-the quantity of information that is now available electronically.


  • 诸位慷慨资助有力支持后盾,我们坚信中国新加坡商会能够华新加坡社群的幸福作出贡献

    With your generosity and strong support, I have confidence SingCham will be able to fulfill our mission for the betterment of the Singaporean community in China.


  • 指明可以冲破任何艰难险阻世界作出贡献

    When love is your guiding light, you can break through barriers to be of loving service to the world.


  • 指明可以冲破任何艰难险阻世界作出贡献

    When love is your guiding light, you can break through barriers to be of loving service to the world.


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