• 为众雕刻象牙佛像世界最小雕刻只有米的五分之四

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four-fifths of a grain of rice.


  • 中国当代雕刻工艺师为众雕刻象牙佛像世界最小雕刻。 这个象牙佛像只有米的五分之四

    The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculptor, is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice.


  • 欧洲传说乌鸦塑造信差

    European lore depicts the crow as the divine messenger of the gods.


  • 事办的甚速,西家喜乐,是预备的。

    Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced at what God had brought about for his people, because it was done so quickly.


  • 甚速,西家喜乐,预备的。

    And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people: for the thing was done suddenly.


  • 至圣所,祭坛行取洁礼,为众司祭和全会人民行赎罪礼。

    And he shall expiate the sanctuary and the tabernacle of the testimony and the altar, the priest also and all the people.


  • 追逐阳光的线条,随风翩然起舞即兴画作喝彩

    Follow me please to chase the sun lights, to dance lightly with the wind and wave, and to cheer for the improvisational paintings from the gods.


  • 到了第三法老生日臣仆设摆筵席,把酒政和膳提出监来。

    Now the third day was Pharaoh's birthday, and he gave a feast for all his officials.


  • 到了第三法老生日为众臣仆设摆筵席,把酒政和膳长提出监来。

    And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast unto all his servants: and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants.


  • 德国古老神话中欧丁神圣诞节那天死去的勇士举办盛大狩猎狂欢会。

    In proto - Germanic mythology, the god Odin would host a great hunting party for the gods and fallen warriors each year at yule.


  • 神和大自然融合古希腊人解释世界的方法——一大群超凡的居住奥林匹斯宙斯为众神之王。

    Gods infused in nature were the way the Greeks made sense of their world-a whole dynasty of extraordinary characters residing on Mount olympus-led by Zeus.


  • 哥本哈根大学医院研究人员难以解释所周之的密度脂蛋白胆固醇导致阻塞动脉动脉粥样硬化

    The researchers at Copenhagen University Hospital said this was "difficult to explain" as LDL, or bad, cholesterol is known to cause atherosclerosis which can block arteries.


  • 虽然希腊神话一种过度膜拜,但我们无法隐藏事实就是神所建造的那些壮丽的庙宇会堂是后人无法超越的。

    Although the Greek mythology could be considered to be an idolatry, we could never hide the fact that the beautiful temples and basilicas made for the gods are unsurpassed.


  • 例如,他们使用专门科学项目任意类型的项目筹集资金平台

    For one, they use a crowdfunding platform that specializes in raising money for science, and not just any kind of project.


  • 我们利用理解确定了设计交付他们所关心解决方案

    We use this understanding to design and deliver solutions that address the concerns of a defined set of stakeholders.


  • 需求采集期间,需求目标提取需求。

    During requirements gathering, stakeholder needs and goals are refined into requirements.


  • 始终工厂选择最好也是先进设备工艺以及综合信息系统

    Zhongpin consistently selects the best and most advanced equipment, processes, and integrated information systems for its plants.


  • 我们明显地准备让其问世,我们可以开始我们应用程序提供需求项目一起合作

    We are clearly not ready to spring this onto the world, but we can start working with the stakeholders who are providing the requirements for our application.


  • 功能上风险也许项目关键功能性提供了模糊需求或者几个需求项目系统核心的有关。

    Functional risks might relate to areas in which stakeholders have provided fuzzy requirements for critical functionality, or to several requirements that are core to the system.


  • 应该有更多从事有关编程工具如何工作深入研究,各抒己见、博采寻求此类知识整个用户社区作出贡献

    More people should take up the deep study of how programming tools work, come out of their shells, and contribute to the overall communities of those who seek such knowledge.


  • 模型很多方面预期系统质量系统的某些方面变化时推理特定的属性各种沟通关键的系统特征

    Models are used in many ways: to predict system qualities, reason about specific properties when aspects of the system are changed, and communicate key system characteristics to various stakeholders.


  • 他们背后公园中心圆形喷泉,顶部竖立着一座青春女神赫珀的铜像神中的载者,奥林匹斯神提供花蜜豚草

    Behind them, at the center of the park, was a circular fountain atopwhich stood a bronze statue of Hebe, the cup bearer of the gods, who plied theOlympians with nectar and ambrosia.


  • 创建了一个健康关注价值的方式,确保做的工作都将他们目标向前推进。

    This creates a healthy focus on value to the stakeholders, ensuring that whatever is worked on furthers their goals.


  • 项目生命周期团队成员提供可见度决策

    The project lifecycle provides stakeholders and team members with visibility and decision points throughout the project.


  • 这种情况下需要服务提供者(创建服务业务)描述希望服务完成什么工作

    In this case, you need the service providers (the business stakeholders for whom you're creating this service) to describe what they want the service to accomplish.


  • 这种情况下需要服务提供者(创建服务业务)描述希望服务完成什么工作

    In this case, you need the service providers (the business stakeholders for whom you're creating this service) to describe what they want the service to accomplish.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定