• 一种矛盾,目的为了幸福,其方式是牺牲

    A convent is a contradiction. Its object, salvation; its means thereto, sacrifice.


  • 为人父母我们希望我们孩子安全为了幸福未来能够受到最好训练

    As parents we like our children to be safe and to have the best training for a happy future.


  • 但最后他们还是被上了梁山,为了自由为了保卫自己家园为了幸福,他们必须战斗

    Finally, they were forced to fight for freedom, for protect their homeland and for their happiness.


  • 每个人都有脆弱时候,让我们为了幸福而战斗。 能够适应,踏上人生旅途重要件事。

    A good supply of resignation is of the first importance in providing for the juourney of life .


  • 活着为了幸福幸福我们追求我们崇尚这样生活人生旅途上我们寻找着追逐着

    To live for happiness, and happiness, is our pursuit, we advocate such a life, in the life of the journey we seek, chasing.


  • 那么上面列出习惯选择条,重复21变成了一习惯你们幸福夫妻

    So select one of the behaviors in the list above to do for 21 days and voila, it will become a habit... and make you happier as a couple.


  • 人生第一真理是:为了幸福应该感觉良好、感觉不好、感觉舒服都当成成长过程中必不可少组成部份。

    The First Splendid Truth holds that to work on happiness, we should think about feeling good, feeling bad, and feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth.


  • 关系的人,“非常高兴幸福负责任爸爸”,“他感受到了重重的责任,他会努力爸爸”。

    One close relation said "He is greatly pleased to be a happy and responsible daddy Sang-woo "and" 'He feel a heavy sense of responsibility. He will strive to be a good dad.


  • 我们大多数习惯性认为金钱等于成功——由于这种想法根深蒂固因此他们看来为了幸福放弃高薪想法似乎是愚蠢的。

    So conditioned are most of us to the idea that success is money-so much so that the thought of giving up a good salary for happiness seems foolish.


  • 我们大多数习惯性认为金钱等于成功- - -这种想法如此根深蒂固,以至于在大多数人看来为了幸福放弃高薪想法似乎是愚蠢的。

    So conditioned are most of us to the idea that success is moneyso much so that the thought of giving up a good salary for happiness seems foolish.


  • 亚里士多德来说,获得幸福终极最高形式的

    The attainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.


  • 让我们过得更幸福,他们一直在努力工作。

    They work hard all the time in order to give us a better life.


  • 国人民希望万事如意(中文中的“圆满”),在一年中的第一个月圆之夜吃汤圆是为了祝愿家人能够团结、和睦、幸福、满意。

    The Chinese people hope that everything is satisfactory (yuanman in Chinese), and to eat glutinous rice dumplings on the first night with a full moon in a year is to wish that family members will remain united, harmonious, happy and satisfied.


  • 但是他们这一点为了我们现在享受幸福难道值得我们付出毁灭地球代价吗?

    But I would ask them this: isn't the death of the planet a price worth paying for the happiness we now enjoy?


  • 书呆子们总是浪费很多时间试图生活过去未来为了得到幸福必须培养生活在当下能力

    Nerds tend to spend a lot of time in the past and future, but to achieve happiness you have to cultivate the skill of living in the present.


  • 一些本地人推测哈里斯-莫尔盗窃并不是为了金钱而是为了体验童年不曾有过幸福家庭生活

    Some locals speculate that Harris-Moore burgles not for the money but to experience the fantasy of the happy home life he never had as a child.


  • 孩子们胜过一切为了他们的安全和幸福,我甘愿任何事情。

    I love my children more than I ever thought possible and would do absolutely anything to ensure their safety and happiness.


  • 为了使婚姻健康幸福、有保障,免受诱惑婚姻中其他问题的困扰,我们可以提供一些极好的主意帮助建立适合你篱笆界线

    We have some great ideas for you on what kind of hedges or boundaries you can erect to keep your marriage thriving, healthy and safe from the dangers of temptation and extra-marital affairs.


  • 幸福豪富所以放纵求婚就是为了免得你发生什么意外

    I wish you very happy and very rich, and by refusing your hand, do all in my power to prevent your being otherwise.


  • 无意重提为了我们两人幸福无法很快忘记愿望

    I have no intention of mentioning again wishes which, for the happiness of both of us, cannot be too soon forgotten.


  • 你们蜂拥着去积极心理学”这门课——课程代号“心1504”——幸福科学门课,不就是为了听点人生“小贴士”?

    You have flocked to courses likePositive Psychology” — Psych 1504 — andThe Science of Happinessin search of tips.


  • 为了探寻幸福婚姻秘诀牛津互联网研究所调查了1,000对夫妻生活习惯

    A survey carried out by the Oxford Internet Institute, looked at the habits of 1, 000 couples to find the secret of a happy relationship.


  • 具有一种天生本领,让自己感觉到为了未来幸福自己需要如何

    You have a natural ability right now to be able to "sense" what is happening & what you need to do to ensure your future prosperity.


  • 柳波默斯基的目的并非仅仅为了检验这些对策有效性,更主要的是为了深入考察产生幸福心理机制

    Her aim is not merely to confirm the strategies' effectiveness but to gain insights into how happiness works.


  • 柳波默斯基的目的并非仅仅为了检验这些对策有效性,更主要的是为了深入考察产生幸福心理机制

    Her aim is not merely to confirm the strategies' effectiveness but to gain insights into how happiness works.


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