• 加热工艺提取中龙血素A龙血素B含量高于传统工艺提取的血竭。

    The contents of loureirin A and loureirin B in Sanguis Draxonis from heating free technology were higher than traditional technology.


  • 1992年的影片《超级战警》中扮演了一个西尔维斯特·史泰龙敌对的反面主角。

    He also played a villain opposite Sylvester Stallone in Demolition Man (1992).


  • 这个特别系列首先我们着眼于大自然奇特的生物之一——变色龙

    In the first of this unusual series, we will look at the chameleon, one of nature's strangest creatures.


  • 周二晚上电视讲话中,马克龙出人意料地表示希望大教堂年内重建

    In a surprise televised address on Tuesday evening, Macron said he wanted to see the cathedral rebuilt within five years.


  • 来自玩具总动员》的短篇中,克斯那只绿色暴龙看起来真的屏幕里跳出来,使观众大为赞叹

    In a short story from "Toy Story", Rex's green tyrannosaurus really seemed to jump out of the screen, and the audience was impressed.


  • 他们究竟填补了哪些进化中的生态位有待讨论主要是因为过去50年里没有龙的骨骼

    Just what evolutionary niche they filled is up for debate, largely because no one has seen a spinosaurus skeleton for the last 50 years.


  • 中国文化中,龙是一种伟大的生灵。

    The dragon is a great animal in Chinese culture.


  • 通过测量海波数据中的这些能量指纹,研究小组估计出泉水一带丰富其他沉积

    By measuring these energy fingerprints in Hyperion data, the group estimated the abundance of sulfur and other deposits at the spring.


  • 《变色龙》只是40艺术家220幅作品中的幅。

    The chameleon is one of some 220 images by more than 40 artists.


  • 很久以前北方博克岛上维京少年小嗝嗝加入到镇上与龙战斗队伍中去,此前那些持续不断的袭击他们城镇

    Long ago up north on the Island of Berk, the young Viking, Hiccup, wants to join his town's fight against the dragons that continually raid their town.


  • 作为法国形象大使,阿兰德龙将会专门世博会开辟“法国馆频道”中,为游客讲述中国的不解之缘。

    As the spokesman of France Pavilion, Alain Delon will tell you his close ties with China at the "France Pavilion Channel" specifically set up for the pavilion exhibition.


  • 墨尔本足球俱乐部,百分之八十五球员都有着亚洲背景

    Eighty-five percent of the players at the Southern Dragons Football Club in Melbourne have an Asian background.


  • 威尼斯电影节上,史泰龙获得一个特别奖项在致辞中阐述了电影背后思考

    Speaking at the Venice film festival, where he is receiving a special award, Stallone explained the thinking behind the movie.


  • 伤口不足以杀死水牛但是科莫多龙那一口中包含着毒素防止伤口愈合

    The wound may not be enough to kill the buffalo, but the Komodo's bite contains venom that prevents the wound healing.


  • 粉丝网站访谈中,描述电影场景时取笑自己史泰龙口才

    In an interview with a fan website, he described the scene, poking fun at his and Stallone's trademark verbal dexterity.


  • 发现推动了一些之前被认为属于鳄鱼家族化石中的物种祖龙这一边进化链靠拢,这也证实了恐龙家族有着之前推测更深厚根源所在

    The find moves several species thought to belong to crocodile family fossils to the archosaur side of species lines, and indicates the dinosaur family had deeper roots than previously suspected.


  • 仙境,杰西·阿龙斯莱斯莉·巴克的友情很好地映照两个平凡人的特殊关系

    This special connection between two people who consider themselves outsiders is mirrored in Jesse and Leslie's friendship in Bridge to Terebithia.


  • 那些友谊亲密关系引起协同提升者发现有龙之造梦的参与,因此人生带来一个美好梦想的变革。

    Those who cause synergy in friendship or partnership will discover dragon dreaming interludes that foray for a beautiful dream in the life.


  • 之前想法一直是,霸王龙形成庞大体型的进化过程中,它们需要调整全身骨骼的大小,以便能够适应食肉动物的行动。

    The thinking has been that as tyrannosaurs developed to a truly giant size, they needed to modify their entire skeleton so they could function as predators.


  • 社交变色龙”指某个社会环境能够通过吸收模仿其他参与者所遵循社会准则进入融入环境

    A social chameleon is an individual who has the ability to enter social situations and blend in by adopting or mimicking the social norms displayed by the other participants in the situation.


  • 可能将龙地下巢穴使龙蛋在孵化过程中能够吸收水分营养,这常见于现代蜥蜴

    It is likely that pterosaurs buried their eggs in underground nests, allowing the eggs to soak up water and gain mass during incubation, a technique used by modern lizards and snakes.


  • 敢死队》一片中,史泰龙饰演率领整个雇佣兵队伍神枪手巴尼·罗斯

    In the Expendables Stallone plays Barney Ross, the mercenary marksman who leads the team.


  • 可能影片中最大的腕儿数艾伦·里克曼,就算美国影迷知道他,也不过《虎胆龙威》中的恶棍

    Perhaps the biggest star is Alan Rickman, previously known to American cinema-goers (if at all) as the villain in "Die Hard".


  • 令人期待莫过于提利昂·兰尼斯特。 《魔的狂舞》中他的故事还继续,这个尖刻聪明“小矮人”,幽默无畏和个性十足的性格,成为了系列中最瞩目的人物(还是个酒鬼)。

    Best of all, “Dragons” puts us back in the company of Tyrion Lannister, a bitter but brilliant dwarf whose humor, swagger and utter humanity make him the (often drunken) star of the series.


  • 我们拉乌尔这种高度不寻常(在家族中独树一帜天然特征的保守解释是岛屿栖息地所带来的副作用表现

    ZC: Our most parsimonious explanation for the highly unusual (autapomorphic ) nature of Balaur is that it represents a by-product of its insular habitat.


  • 出土的五千以前文物中,人们发现了“玉雕龙”。

    Among the unearthed cultural relics which have the history of more than five thousands years are there Jade pig dragon and Jade dragon.


  • 出土的五千以前文物中,人们发现了“玉雕龙”。

    Among the unearthed cultural relics which have the history of more than five thousands years are there Jade pig dragon and Jade dragon.


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