• 午餐时饮酒的人中间了过去。

    She pushed her way through a herd of lunchtime drinkers.


  • 亚当这个培养皿完整微生物中间那个看起来像雪花的是外来入侵者。

    Adam: This plate has a whole herd of bacteria, with one frosty-looking colony in the middle.


  • 很容易就找到了,酒桌旁边,在朋友中间

    I locate him easily enough: he's right next to the wine, in the middle of a group of friends.


  • 把头搭在布满划痕车窗上看着年轻人手笨脚地把一块大石头中间阻断交通

    She let her head fall against the scratched window and watched a group of young men awkwardly roll a large rock into the middle of the street to disrupt traffic.


  • 哈佛大学中间立鸡

    And among universities, Harvard stands out.


  • 我终于意识,自己已经在短吻海豚中间地球最稀有物种之一

    Then a couple more to the left, and more to the right, before I finally realised that I was at the centre of a pod of Irrawaddy river dolphins, one of the rarest species on the planet.


  • 以前常常厨房窗户看到穿梭于操场男孩子中间,她显得那么矮小。

    I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she shuttled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.


  • 课间休息时,哥哥就会玩耍孩子们中间徘徊我们找到彼此后,拉起手来

    When recess began, my brother and I would wander among the crowds of playing children until we found each other and could hold hands.


  • 年轻的追逐者中间最为人所角色伤感电影《恋恋笔记本》中的男主角。

    Among a large group of younger fans, he will always be best known for his role in the weepy the Notebook.


  • 母亲孩子中间苔丝离开她时一样,正在洗一盆星期一洗的衣服,这盆衣服现在同往常一样一直周末了。

    There stood her mother amid the group of children, as Tess had left her, hanging over the Monday washing-tub, which had now, as always, lingered on to the end of the week.


  • 海鸥共四千只,被刚才发生吓得目瞪口呆;一霎时,魔鬼”的声音他们中间爆发,声势浩大,犹如大海上起了风暴

    There were four thousand gulls in the crowd, frightened at what had happened, and the cry DEVIL! Went through them like the wind of an ocean storm.


  • 房间后面名男子记者中间移动并在他们低语

    In the back of the room, a man begins moving from reporter to reporter whispering something in their ears.


  • 也许有些戏剧化加入晚近刚出现这个新闻产业打破陈规旧俗新人中间阿桑无疑鹤立鸡的翘楚。 。

    That may have been a tad dramatic, but there can be no doubt about Mr Assange’s prominence among a group of unconventional new actors in the news business that have emerged lately.


  • 句话第一次出现就演员制作中间立刻赢得了哄笑,但是爱好者们最初之后也就感觉淡漠了。

    That won an immediate laugh from the cast and crew on the first take, but enthusiasm waned after the first few hearings.


  • 中间上部NGC 7319称为斯蒂芬五重星系致密星系

    At top center is NGC 7319 and the compact galaxy group known as Stephan's Quintet.


  • 旁观中间三个阶层较高的年轻男子,肩上背着背包手里拄着粗棍子

    Among these on-lookers were three Young men of a superior class, carrying small knapsacks strapped to their shoulders, and stout sticks in their hands.


  • 只有毒狮子鱼闯进了一大游在一起小鱼中间

    A venomous lionfish breaks into a huge ball of swirling baitfish.


  • 自己置身有自我约束能力中间是有好处的,他们将会鼓励

    It really pays to surround yourself by self-disciplined people who'll encourage you.


  • 相反中间却掀起虔诚热潮,最具代表的就是大大小小的教堂若雨后春笋般兴建。

    The counter-reaction was a rush of piety, exemplified in a wave of church- and chantry-building.


  • 假如机会那儿也许能那一劫后余生动物中间看到这些故事的主角们。

    If you have the opportunity to go there, perhaps in that large group of surviving in the middle of small animals to see these stories of the protagonists.


  • 张照片可以看到列宁夫人中间,一农民他们的孩子在周围成一圈。

    On this shot you can see Lenin with his wife sitting in the middle, surrounded by farmers and their kids.


  • 据悉,普京获得此次提名是因为他曾经现身去年11月电视直播 “为尊重而战”说唱比赛的现场,不过57岁的普京当时看起来有点不知所措,一动不动恣意欢唱的小年轻中间

    The nomination is something of a surprise, since at the time the 57-year-old Mr. Putin looked awkward and stood motionless among a crowd of teenagers as they writhed to a noisy rap song.


  • 2010年美国中期选举共和党取得大胜,国会涌入新的保守主义狂热者,破坏了国会的中间立场,同时立法变得近乎不可能

    The Republican landslide in the 2010 mid-terms swept a new breed of conservative zealot into office, destroying the middle ground and making legislating next to impossible.


  • 根据尼尔森收视调查,2003年起,CBS黄金时段收视年龄中间值多了3ABCNBC多了5岁,斯多了7岁

    Since 2003 the median age of a prime-time CBS viewer has increasedby three years, according to Nielsen, a research firm. Viewers of ABC and NBCare five years older; Fox’s, seven and a half.


  • 以前常常透过厨房窗户看着,边看边笑:操场上,男孩子中间挤来挤去,显得那样瘦小

    I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.


  • 活泼兄弟姐妹中间长大的。

    She grew up amidst a lively brood of brothers and sisters.


  • 莱契·林德,飞行有没有到这样的程度,以致宽恕努力学习有朝一日回到他们中间去,帮助他们提高认识

    Fletcher Lynd Seagull, do you want to fly so much that you will forgive the Flock, and learn, and go back to them one day and work to help them know?


  • 说实话相信正在这样中间观望吗!

    Speaking of gold, can you believe what you're seeing in the middle of this crowd of people!


  • 一大满腔热情赫米挤在中间

    Fahmy and I were jostled by this enthusiastic group.


  • 一大满腔热情赫米挤在中间

    Fahmy and I were jostled by this enthusiastic group.


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