• 加强中间管理首先选拔中间站长。

    To strengthen the management of intermediate station, first of all the best stationmaster must be chosen.


  • 对于来说创业成功二者之间从来就没有一个中间站

    For him there was never a halfway house between beginning a business and succeeding in it.


  • 随着铁路中间编组作业量增大,车辆工作自动化要求越来越

    Increasing along with reorganization work requirement of the intermediate station, automated request for vehicles anti running has been getting higher and higher.


  • 公交中间实现旅客沿途乘降重要基础设施公交系统中发挥着重要的作用。

    Bus stop is a kind of primary facility in bus operation, it is very important for providing possibility of passengers' alighting and boarding.


  • 为此,介绍一种管道加热加热负荷计算方法,以合理确定管道首中间站的热负荷。

    The paper introduces a method for calculating the heating load of initial station or heating station of hot oil pipeline, and gives proof to it.


  • 每次任务发射枚具备火星轨道拍摄火星表面能力人造卫星同时充当与海盗登陆进行联络中间站

    Each mission had a satellite designed to photograph the surface of Mars from orbit, and to act as a communication relay for the Viking lander that each mission carried.


  • 介绍了电信电话公网信道,以数传数据采集传输基础设备中间为汇集的星形远程自动报汛通信网。

    The communication net depends on telephone as warning flood channel; data transmission instrument as data collection transmission base equipment; middle station as merged point.


  • 提升南输管道输送能力,在考虑南输管道现有设备的基础上,提出了启用中间工艺满足南方市场油品的需求。

    Take the equipments in the product oil pipeline into account, the transportation process to start up the Anshan middle station to increase...


  • 条“能源”的建造为了有效地将博洛尼亚市内大人们快速地送往机场Lazzaretto设有一个中间

    The Energy Belt was designed to speedily move people from the main train station in Bologna out to the airport with only one intermediate stop at Lazzaretto.


  • 中间铁路运输基层生产单位投入产出效果关系铁路运营的收入,因此对中间站工作效率有效性进行综合评价很必要。

    The intermediary station is a grass-roots production unit of railway transportation, whose effect of input-output has directive relation to railway income.


  • 车厢里真的很挤,就连过道上有些甚至坐在地板上,人们好像根本没看见中间的那个座位。

    The train is otherwise crowded; the aisles are jammed with standees - all of them ignoring the available middle seat. Some people are even sitting on the floor.


  • 但是其他时间通过中间卖给了墨西哥石油公司加盟燃气——最终进了不知情消费者汽车里。

    But other times it is actually sold by middlemen to Pemex franchise gas stations - and ends up in the cars of unknowing consumers.


  • 约翰回答说是用水洗,有一位你们中间,是你们不认识的。

    "I baptize with water," John replied, "but among you stands one you do not know."


  • 如果两个检查中间五六个来回,也5英里

    If I ran between the two checkpoints five or six times, I could make five miles.


  • 约翰回答说:“用水施洗,一位你们中间,是你们认识的。”

    I baptize with water, "John replied," but among you stands one you do not know.


  • 丽安而且这次直飞航班洛克原本希望中间却是归心似箭。

    Lian: And it's a direct flight this time. Lok wanted a stopover but I want to get back to the family.


  • 但是这位21岁 年轻人表示法国中间靠后位置起跑能够额外动机

    But the 21-year-old admitted that starting from the middle of the pack in France will give him added motivation.


  • 另外操作时人应当沙发中间进行操作,这样使产品受力均匀档位正常运作延长产品使用寿命。

    Furthermore, operation should be down while people in the middle of the sofa in order to make sure the sofa will be uniformly forced and the gear properly worked, which last the life of the sofa.


  • 虽然算是新闻,德国比赛引起较多争议是减震器使用,结构是在垂直弹簧中间加入减震

    Not new, but the subject of much controversy in Germany, the damper takes the form of a free-moving mass inside a vertical spring.


  • 男的左边女的右边反常中间

    Men stand on the left the woman stood on the right abnormal station in the middle hey!


  • 项目前期沟通最终执行落地我们提供服务客户减少中间环节提高效率

    From early stage project communication to final implementation and delivery, we provide full course nonstop services for customers so as to reduce any intermediate links and improve efficiency.


  • 第一会把把邮袋马鞍上卸下,继而扔到马鞍继续前行,中间的停顿仅有两分钟。

    At his first stop, he slipped the mail cover off the saddle. He threw it on the saddle of a new horse. Then he was off again.


  • 瑞士展馆内设多个通道保证游客可以进出移动自如中间的建筑物食物中心,进出需要经过检票

    Much of the Swiss pavilion provides open access areas in which visitors can move around freely, while there is a ticketing system for accessing the food towers located in the center.


  • 2008年国家可再生能源实验室120家加油进行的调查表明添置储罐成本中间XXXX万美元

    An NREL 2008 survey of 120 stations found that the median cost to add a new tank was XXXX.


  • 通过中间理论推导模拟具体数据给出各种方式覆盖范围,得到机场场面优布形式。

    By the theoretical derivation and the simulating with the detailed data, the different distribution coverage value is shown. At last the optimal distribution layout is presented.


  • 太钢降压分布式电缆中间温度水位监测系统硬件组成、点及软件功能

    The measuring and monitor system of temperature of cable connection at TG No. 5 power station, including its hardware component, theory, characteristic and software function, are introduced.


  • 太钢降压分布式电缆中间温度水位监测系统硬件组成、点及软件功能

    The measuring and monitor system of temperature of cable connection at TG No. 5 power station, including its hardware component, theory, characteristic and software function, are introduced.


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