• 美国中部一个以乡村为主知道你们是否熟悉

    It's a rural state in the middle of America, which I don't know if you guys are familiar with.


  • 美国中部一个以乡村为主知道你们是否熟悉

    It's a rural state in the middle of America, which I don't know if you guys are familiar with.


  • 又使想起密西西比吉恩以及星光美国中部倾斜而下的河流

    This made me think of Mississippi Gene too, and as the river poured down from mid America by starlight.


  • 例如19世纪场大地震改变密西西比河,一条流经美国中部大河流向。

    For example, in the 1800s a monstrous earthquake changed the course of the Mississippi River, a large river flowing in the central part of the United States of America.


  • 美国南加州大学位于城市中部好多朋友那里

    USC, is in the middle of city, and I have a lot of friends who go there.


  • 19世纪80年代美国中部高地平原草原农民牧场主开垦的。

    The vast grasslands of the High Plains in the central United States were settled by farmers and ranchers in the 1880s.


  • 美国中部南部发现北部远至德克萨斯州佛罗里达州目击

    It is usually found in Central and South America but you will get sightings as far north as Texas and Florida.


  • 许多北美温带森林沼泽、草地等地区繁殖鸟类冬季飞去热带加勒比海地区或者美国中部南部过冬。

    Many of the bird species that breed in the temperate forests, marshes and backyards of North America spend the winter months in the tropics of the Caribbean, and Central and South America.


  • 华盛顿同样元素设计史蒂夫横跨美国中部商店

    The Washingtons used a similar element in their design for Steve Madden stores across Central America.


  • 美国中部东部遇到有关地震问题双重的:地震波部分古老寒冷的地面上传播的较快,所以危害传播广

    The problem with quakes in the central or eastern us is two-fold: Seismic waves travel farther in the colder, older crust under that part of the country, so the damage can be more widespread.


  • 美国西海岸中部位于阿巴拉契亚山脚下几个州执法人员报告这一趋势

    Law enforcers on the west coast of the US and in the middle states straddled by the foothills of the Appalachian mountains are reporting a common trend.


  • 加拉拉蓄水层美国中部平原饮用灌溉用水主要来源

    The Ogallala aquifer is a major source of drinking and irrigation water for America's central plains.


  • 看到几张气温图可以想像这个结论墨西哥美国加拿大中部瑞典还有俄罗斯北部许多居民来说不可思议

    Looking at these maps, though, you can imagine how surprising that conclusion might have been to many residents of Mexico, the United States, central Canada, Sweden, or northern Russia.


  • 白色薄雾笼罩海湾上空(可能烟雾来自美国中部大火),浮观测部分模糊

    Pale white haze (possibly smoke from fires in central America) hangs over the Gulf, partially obscuring the view of the oil slick.


  • 一个处于收入分布中部典型美国工人真实工资已经2001复兴之开始下降了4%。

    The real weekly wage of a typical American worker in the middle of the income distribution has fallen by 4% since the start of the recovery in 2001.


  • 现在我们北来到美国中部,我们来到达·

    Now we travel to the north central part of the country. We are in the state of South Dakota.


  • 自己自动驾驶编程计划无人机美国中部火山——“因为,”他说。

    He programmed his own autopilot and plans to fly his unmanned aircraft into volcanoes in Central America - "just because I can," he said.


  • 其中一位朝拜者来自美国中部威斯康辛州尼科尔斯

    Among the worshippers was Jim Nichols from the central U.S. state of Wisconsin.


  • 远离非洲来到美国中部印第安州哥伦布市,制造引擎的康明斯公司代表在公司总部来访者作导览

    Far away from Africa, in the central U.S. state of Indiana, in the city of Columbus, a representative for the Cummins engine-making company gives a tour of headquarters.


  • 据了解近日美国中部南部遭遇几次风暴造成至少40死亡

    It is now known that a series of powerful storms in the central and southern United States in recent days has killed at least 40 people.


  • 奥族部落儿子上学时候爸爸放羊;而,是一个来自美国中部的白人新教徒草原民族的女儿。

    He was a son of the Luo tribe who, when not in school, had herded his father's goats; she was the daughter of white Protestant prairie folk from the American heartland.


  • 这些西行之路著名一条就是俄勒冈之路,条路引导着位于美国中部密苏里州的人们来到西北角的俄勒冈

    One of the most famous of these trails was the Oregon trail, which led from the state of Missouri in the center of the country to the state of Oregon in its northwestern corner.


  • 亚洲付出代价发现自己无法躲开美国欧洲吹来刺骨寒风原因,与西方企业在一起的亚洲资本越来越多

    Asia has found out, to its cost, that it cannot isolate itself from icy winds blowing from the us and Europe, not least because increasing amounts of Asian capital are tied up in western companies.


  • NOAA报道几个月来全球各地温度高于平均值显著的是秘鲁美国中部东部以及亚洲东部和西部

    Temperatures warmer than average spread throughout the globe in recent months, most prominently in Peru, in the central and eastern United States and in eastern and western Asia, according to NOAA.


  • NOAA报道几个月来全球各地温度高于平均值显著的是秘鲁美国中部东部以及亚洲东部和西部

    Temperatures warmer than average spread throughout the globe in recent months, most prominently in Peru, in the central and eastern United States and in eastern and western Asia, according to NOAA.


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