• 重点研究了非线性电路幅度变化饱和输出功率影响

    The changes of the step amplitude in non-linear dual step circuits are emphasized which affect saturated output power.


  • 今年夏天英国开他复出演唱会,天啊,五张几野了,

    Michael Jackson is expected to announce a series of summer comeback concerts at the O2 arena in London.


  • 广场高分贝音乐常常造成噪音滋扰因此许多居民反对小区中跳广场舞。

    The high-pitched music of the square dancing often causes noisy disruption, and therefore many residents are opposed to the square dancing in communities.


  • 介绍通信系统基本组成、工作方式以及频通信系统中跳综合器设计要求

    The paper introduces the composition and the operation mode of frequency hopping (FH) communication system and the design requirement of frequency hopping synthesizer.


  • 恋爱关系相当激烈的一旦开始恋爱,你总是关系另一段关系中跳去。

    Your love relationships will be quite intense, and once you start having such relationships, you will always be involved in one affair or another.


  • 迈克尔兄弟杰曼曾经说过,迈克尔演出这种舞步他们之前演出和排练时的舞步不同。

    Michael's brother, Jermaine, once said that Michael made his dance moves up on the spot and that they weren't usually rehearsed before they were performed.


  • 正视现实委身于现实;保持幻想,但不沉溺于幻想。梦想现实一曲酣畅淋漓的舞蹈吧!

    Face the reality, but not committed to reality; keep fantasy, but not to indulge in fantasy. Let the dream dance dance fully and delightfully in reality!


  • 随着2时45分留在第一开关汉密尔顿能够通过一个屏幕失去麦蒂这个过程

    With 2:45 remaining in the 1st, after a switch, Richard Hamilton was able to lose McGrady through a screen, hitting a jumper in the process.


  • 喝过交心酒,切了蛋糕,绝世天劫的配曲完了一支舞,迎来了这个夜晚的迷乱时刻,此时人们已经摆脱他们的同行。

    You reach a certain bleary point in the evening, after the heartfelt toasts, after the cake-cutting, after the first dance to that song from Armageddon, when people drop their guards.


  • 童年生活无忧无虑,让人最大不幸将出来,随着年龄的增大,要逃避不幸却那么容易的心只有完全承受一天打击

    The lightness of infant life can skip aside from the greatest of calamities, but with age evasion is not so easy, and the shock of that day I had to take full on my breast.


  • 韦斯特菲尔德自然保护区进行短途旅行或者池塘练习石块

    Take you up to Westfield's natural preserve for a short hike or to practice skipping stones in the large pond.


  • 特别地震动物会受到影响观察冬眠醒来,老鼠洞穴逃走会狂吠莫名其妙去。

    Animals are also affected, particularly before earthquakes, snakes have been observed to come out of hibernation, rats to flee from their burrows, dogs howl and cats jump about unaccountably.


  • 对于一个DPSI,其符合条件的行在多个分区每个探针分区之间去。

    For a DPSI where qualified rows are in more than one partition, every probe skips between partitions.


  • 每天无数的对话决定都会遇到”——但是选择是否完全取决于你,你怎么逐渐退缩自己决定呢?

    Every day, you'll encounter the bridge in countless decisions and conversations-but the choice of whether to jump or not is completely up to you. How can you back away and make your own choices?


  • 随着妈妈每一汇报齐都会电话尖叫舞来庆祝胜利。

    And with each report from her mother, Kinzie would scream into the phone and do a little dance of triumph.


  • 接着那条扭曲的胳膊,是一次出租车事故撞的,那天他无疑忽略了这套完整的又的仪式。

    And then he shows me the crooked arm which he got in a taxi accident on a day doubtless when he had neglected to rehearse the complete song and dance.


  • 以上定义术语选项列表是指空格二者结合所分隔一系列选项。

    In the above definitions, the term "list of options" means a series of options separated by Spaces, tabs, or a combination of both.


  • 对于大多数基于格的逻辑导航建议组件按您希望选择顺序添加容器

    For the most logical Tab-based navigation, I recommend that you add components to containers in the order you want the Tabs to select them.


  • 餐馆没有音乐伴奏下,和你的恋人慢舞。

    Slow-dance at a restaurant -- when there's no music playing.


  • 弗拉门戈视为西班牙传统文化一部分其实起源于西班牙南部自治区安达卢西亚,当时吉普赛人舞蹈。

    Flamenco is a style of music and dance which is considered part of the culture of Spain, although it is actually native to only one region: Andalusia.


  • 星期五早晨第三棵树早已遗忘木堆拽出时,把了一

    One Friday morning, the third tree was startled when her beams were yanked from the forgotten woodpile.


  • 这些政策反转没有令人感到奇怪但是保守派人士却着实这种迅猛改变速度了一

    None of these reversals is a surprise, but conservatives have been taken aback at the unflinching speed of the changes.


  • 布宜洛斯艾利斯一家餐馆里,一对探戈的舞者,永恒不变美妙旋律旋转滑行着

    In a small restaurant in Buenos Aires, a couple tangos for the diners, pivoting and gliding to timeless melodies.


  • 双人项目林跃火亮一举夺下五个完美10分。

    In the second of six dives, Lin and Huo racked up five perfect 10s in the synchronicity category.


  • 碎片正好打穿一个摆在后院蹦床的家里的妈妈哀叹:“这些可恶孩子……”还有块碎片一辆行驶的汽车玻璃,把司机了一大

    Another piece went right through a backyard trampoline, evoking a mother's lament: "Those damned kids..." Still another piece hit the window of a moving car, startling the driver.


  • 沉浸笑声证明足够自信上快乐地放纵一刻危险继续——;继续——

    Losing yourself in laughter is proof that you are confident enough to risk a moment of joyful abandon. Go on — leap; go on — laugh.


  • 沉浸笑声证明足够自信上快乐地放纵一刻危险继续——;继续——

    Losing yourself in laughter is proof that you are confident enough to risk a moment of joyful abandon. Go on — leap; go on — laugh.


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