• 情态助动词输入处理信息,它表示句子其它部分输入的概念信息语境系列假设之间关系。

    The sentences provide only a linguistically encoded input to be processed together with the sets of assumptions in the context.


  • 情态助动词输入是处理信息它表示句子其它部分输入概念信息语境系列假设之间关系

    Modal auxiliaries provide procedural information that indicates the relation between the conceptual information provided by the rest of the sentence and the assumptions in the context.


  • 警方逮捕了城市系列杀人强奸案件名嫌疑犯

    Police have arrested a suspect in a series of killings and sexual assaults in the city.


  • 本周离奇病症专题系列关于米歇尔·迈尔斯病例报道

    In this week's edition of special series on bizarre medical conditions there's a report of the case of Michelle Myers.


  • 哈利波特系列致命的Expelliarmus 魔法哈利·波特的招牌魔法之一。

    In the Harry Potter series, the nonlethal Expelliarmus charm is one of Harry Potter's signature moves.


  • 本周奇异医疗事件》特别系列关于米歇尔·迈尔斯病例报道

    In this week's edition of special series on Bizarre Medical Conditions, there is a report of the case of Michelle Myers.


  • 系列更加了解职业获得社会工作学位必要步骤、社会工作丰富历史以及社会工作者帮助他人诸多方式

    Throughout this series you will learn more about the profession, the necessary steps to get a social work degree, the rich history of social work, and the many ways that social workers help others.


  • 系列了解更多关于职业获得社会工作学位必要步骤、社会工作丰富历史以及社会工作者帮助他人许多方式

    Throughout this series you will earn more about the profession, the necessary steps to get a social work degree, the rich history of social work, and the many ways that social workers help others.


  • 系列研究研究人员指导芝加哥地区乘坐公共交通工具通勤者附近进行交谈

    In one series of studies, researchers instructed Chicago area commuters using public transportation to strike up a conversation with someone near them.


  • 环境部长托尼·伯克最近公布了这提议,该提议有关澳大利亚沿海地区海洋保护区系列提案最后一项

    Unveiled recently by environment minister, Tony Burke, the proposal would be the last in a series of proposed marine reserves around Australia's coast.


  • 这项研究研究人员设置系列5个实验参与者参加一些标准测试之前要么阅读文学小说流行小说、非小说的散文文学,要么什么都不读。

    For the study, researchers set up a series of five experiments in which participants read either literary fiction, popular fiction, nonfiction or nothing at all before taking some standard tests.


  • 这个特别系列首先我们着眼于大自然奇特的生物之一——变色龙

    In the first of this unusual series, we will look at the chameleon, one of nature's strangest creatures.


  • 只是系列拖延战术一个花招。

    This was just the latest in a series of delaying tactics.


  • 为了离婚恢复过来马不停蹄地投身于系列活动

    To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities.


  • 自然》杂志刊登艺术家研究人员之间合作关系系列文章读者这些描述艺术与科学交融之感。

    These were some of the words that Nature readers used to describe their experience of art-science collaborations in a series of articles on partnerships between artists and researchers.


  • 法国不顾国际社会的强烈反对太平洋进行系列核试验计划第一次。

    France has carried out the first of a planned series of nuclear tests in the south Pacific despite strong international opposition.


  • 肯德基正在大城市学校赞助系列体操比赛

    KFC is sponsoring a series of gymnastics contests for schools in big cities.


  • 为什么化石记录没有记录动物进化过程系列进化变化

    Why does the fossil record not document the series of evolutionary changes during the evolution of animals?


  • 大约2.5亿年前地球历史上严重系列灭绝几乎所有生命物种消失了。

    Roughly 250 million years ago, in the worst series of mass extinction in Earth's history, almost all species of life simply vanished.


  • 这些停顿通常每秒3的速度发生然后目光跳到另一个直到图像几个重要记录下来就像系列快照一样

    These pauses typically occur at about three per second, and the eyes then jump to another spot, until several important points in the image are registered like a series of snapshots.


  • 飞行过程达到了3000英尺的高度一个安全的区域内进行了一系列轻巧转弯

    During its flight, it reached 3,000 feet and performed a series of gentle turns all over a safe area.


  • 系统可能使用智能身份证连接特定计算机数字证书系列在线服务认证用户

    The system might use a smart identity card, or a digital credential linked to a specific computer and would authenticate users at a range of online services.


  • 1945年电影美国大兵的故事》扮演了一个角色,或者说(该角色系列不同美国人格;这部电影基于记者尼·派尔在战争末期时所发生的故事而拍摄。

    He appers as a character, or a collection of American personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle.


  • 1945年电影美国大兵的故事》扮演了一个角色,或者说(该角色系列不同美国人格;这部电影基于记者尼·派尔在战争末期时所发生的故事而拍摄。

    He appers as a character, or a collection of American personalities, in the 1945 movie The Story of GI. Joe, based on the last days of war correspondent Ernie Pyle.


  • 第一针对系列比较通讯媒体诚实度的研究发现人们电话交谈说谎可能性电子邮件两倍

    The first study to compare honesty across a range of communication media has found that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails.


  • 1987年,霍诺顿在“分析”研究数百项自动超感官知觉全域测试结果,这种分析一种统计方法,旨在从系列研究得出全面的结果。

    In 1987, results from hundreds of autoganzfeld tests were studied by Honorton in a "meta-analysis", a statistical technique for finding the overall results from a set of studies.


  • 学院礼堂出现在《哈利·波特》系列电影

    The college hall is used in the Harry Potter films.


  • 它推出的最佳动画系列,包括《海绵宝宝》和《外星侵略者吉姆》在内,许多动画都很优秀。

    Among the best animated series it has offered, many stand out, including Sponge Bob Square Pants and Invader Zim.


  • 的每卷探索了广泛的材料,解释数字系统的主要应用的基本概念,并讨论了它们对日常生活的影响。

    Each volume in the set explores a wide range of material, explains the basic concepts of major applications of digital systems, and discusses the influences they have on everyday life.


  • 美国国家资源保护委员会发现DDT系列使用危险化学品受欢迎一种

    The United States National Resource Defense Council has found that DDT was the most popular of a long list of dangerous chemicals in use.


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