• 表示考古学发现更早案例,那石器时代的战士,按照男性的方式埋葬

    She said that archeologists had uncovered an earlier case dating from the Mesolithic period where a female warrior was buried as a man.


  • 其他许多家庭这种瓷器银器优雅已经让位给石器和不锈钢的随意着装也同样呈现出周五休闲样子

    In many other homes, this china and silver elegance has given way to a stoneware and stainless informality, with dresses assuming an equally casual Friday look.


  • 保存阿尔卑斯山一带村庄石器时代的长柄紫杉木质勺子一直留存现在,其历史可以追溯到公元前3000年。

    Long-handed Neolithic spoons of yew wood preserved in Alpine villages dating to 3000 B.C. have survived.


  • 这些绘画作品石器时代晚期人们认为艺术经济重要性有关观点一致

    The paintings are consistent with the idea that the art is related to the importance of hunting in the economy of Upper Paleolithic people.


  • 除了其他艺术品石器时代晚期遗址发现了夸张形式表示人类女性雕像

    In addition to other artworks, figurines representing the human female in exaggerated form have also been found at Upper Paleolithic sites.


  • 另外,他们使用的简单石器想象要落后。

    Their simple stone tools also are less advanced than one might have expected, the researchers said.


  • 十九世纪大英非洲部落之间发生战争,在现代工业化国家石器时代部落人类之间的冲突,使嗜食同类的行为再次出现。

    In the wars between the British Empire and African tribes in the 19th century, clashes between a modern industrialised nation and Stone Age tribes people, cannibalism reared its head.


  • 我们思想并不现代,事实上,生活许多不幸我们石器时代的心理特征以及当下生活世界之间的不相匹配有关。

    Our minds are not modern, and many of our woes have to do with this mismatch between our Stone-age psychologies and the world in which we now live.


  • 他们居住靠打猎为生能够使用制造简单石器

    They lived in caves and hunted and they could use and make simple stone-made tools.


  • 研究者希望欧盟规章反映上述现象。 他们两岁儿童接触众多污染源比作当代石器弓箭,正如这些杀戮武器一样,这些化学物飞来横祸

    It wants this to be reflected in the regulations, citing its discovery of the many sources to which the two-year-olds are exposedmodern slings and arrows, as it were, of outrageous fortune.


  • 人类行为通常被解释热带大草原上或者石器时代的生命进化的固定的伴随产物。

    Human behaviors are often explained as hard-wired evolutionary leftovers of life on the savannah or during the Stone Age.


  • 猛犸骨头下颚骨头骨建造房屋,在石器时代猛犸狩猎文化普遍

    The use of mammoth bones, jaws, and skulls to build structures was common among the mammoth-hunting cultures of the Upper paleolithic.


  • 石器时代展厅展览19世纪末叶尼塞河畔所发现巨大象牙

    TheOld Stone agehall displays the real mammoth tusks, found on the bank of the Yenisey in the end of the 19th century.


  • 调查出的众多原因发现男人是从石器时代就开始刮脸了。

    Among the many reasons I found while doing some research men began shaving in Stone Age times were.


  • 一些关于石器时代死亡率分析表明- 250万群居生活20万年前结束-约七分之一的在战斗死亡

    Some analyses of mortality in the Stone Age - those 2.5 million years of living in small groups that ended just 200,000 years ago - estimate that one in seven people died in combat.


  • 部分古生物学者还是这样分析容量缩小原因,他们认为在石器时代,古代人类可能需要在复杂的环境下生存,比如大量咬嚼大块食物(野兔、狐狸、马匹等)、从而直接锻炼了脸部、甚至脑部的发达,另外,脑容量越大、适应野外寒冷环境的能力更强。

    Several theories have been advanced to explain the mystery of the shrinking brain. One is that big heads were necessary to survive Upper Paleolithic life, which involved cold, outdoor activities.


  • 第二阶段(1961-1970年)深入调查基础目的的进行发掘石器文化辨认出富河文化

    In the second stage (1961-1970), on the ground of deep research, some excavations were carried on purposively, Fuhe culture was recognized from miro- cultures.


  • 但是,并没有证据表明石器时代时间洞穴建立商店

    But there is no evidence that Stone Age peoples set up shop in caves for very long.


  • 红山文化一些制的石器件,那是用来生产生活工具

    In Hongshan culture also has some rough cast stone implement and the jade, that USES for the tool which produces and the life USES.


  • 科学界无休无止地讨论有些营养学家反驳说,谷物牛奶豆类这些被旧石器饮食严格禁止食品包含有益的营养成分,诸如钙质、维生素B、维生素D抗氧化物和纤维。

    The science has been endlessly debated: Some nutritionistscounter that verboten foods like grains, dairy and beans contain valuable nutrients, such ascalcium, vitamins B and D, antioxidants and fiber.


  • 使用这种石器他们食物增添了肉类。肉植物提供丰富能量蛋白质

    With the tools, they added meat to their diet, a richer source of energy and protein than plants.


  • 广西石器时代遗址型遗址深厚的文化内涵具有举足轻重地位

    The ruins of shell mound has the pivotal status in the Neolithic Age in Guangxi for its profound cultural connotation.


  • 石器时代石器时代之间间隔曾经被认为是个一个真正间隔现在时期时代所填补

    The gap between the Old Stone Age and the New Stone Age once supposed to be a real hiatus, is being filled by a Middle Stone Age.


  • 石器时代出土玉器种类占有一席之地。

    Jade Cong plays an important role in the jade articles from the Neolithic Age.


  • 你们印象我们仍然是一生活在石器时代的原始人。

    In your mind, we just like some primitives in Stone Age. Surely you think like this, as always.


  • 你们印象我们仍然是一生活在石器时代的原始人。

    In your mind, we just like some primitives in Stone Age. Surely you think like this, as always.


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