• 此前的研究报告一般强调一个家庭母亲角色的缺失将会产生潜在伤害

    Previous reports looked only at the potential damage caused by a mother's absence from the home.


  • 电话母亲愿求马克回来,马克已从声音听出所有的恳求

    Over the phone his mother won't beg him to visit, but he hears the pleading in her voice.


  • 家庭母亲职责显得尤为重要因此肩上的关于家庭的责任重了不少。

    In a Family, the mother's role is particularly important, so heavy responsibilities falls on me.


  • 有些观点提出,促成智商提升并非母乳成分而是母乳喂养过程母亲孩子之间产生情感纽带。

    Some theories suggest that it isn't the content of the milk but the bond between mother and child developed while nursing that accounts for some of the boost.


  • 然而寻找真凶过程母亲却意外地揭开了自己所住的韩国小镇内不可告人的秘密,而自己竟然也是其一部分

    In attempting to discover the identity of the real murderer, though, the mother finds herself a part of the previously unknown dark side of her small Korean town.


  • 玛丽亚大屠杀失去了62母亲

    Maria lost her 62-year-old mother in the massacre.


  • 慢慢地几乎是不情愿地显然不自然的、饱满深情手臂搂住母亲肩膀轻轻地引导回到人群

    Slowly, almost reluctantly, she placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mother's shoulders and gently guided her back into the crowds.


  • 只有母亲教育水平孩子照料质量父亲使用词汇量能有效预测孩子考试能取得高分

    The only predictors of high scores on the test were the mother's level of education, the quality of child care and the number of different words the father used.


  • 实验一位母亲要求正常方式孩子互动然后表情,他们任何视觉上社交反馈

    In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback.


  • 第二家庭一个已故妇女儿子:“如果没有坚持母亲佛罗里达今天应该还活着。”

    At the second home, the son of the other deceased woman said, "If only I hadn't insisted on my mother's going to Florida, she would be alive today."


  • 索法:“可能母亲我们研究衡量到的方式做出了贡献。”

    Pancsofar said, "or it may be that mothers are contributing in a way we didn't measure in the study."


  • 1970年代后期,在文盲母亲孩子婴儿死亡率1000名胎婴儿有110个夭折。

    In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths per thousand live births.


  • 可能研究母亲认为打屁股不是有问题的行为

    It's likely that the mothers in the study didn't consider spanking to be problematic behavior.


  • 传记作为整个国家母亲身份出现或者作为多管闲事的人出现,很难作为一种社会类型出现,或者一个更广泛社会发展可以理解人物出现。

    She emerged from the biography as a mother to the entire nation, or as a busybody, but hardly as a social type, a figure comprehensible in terms of broader social developments.


  • 是从燃烧汽车被救出来的,但是母亲事故丧生了。”凯伦解释说

    "I was rescued from a burning car but my mother died in the accident,'' explained Karen.


  • 在巢停留的时间更长。

    The mother stays more time in the nest.


  • 一个案例,一只母亲将她的脚伸向她哭泣的婴儿,发出信号:“爬到我身上。”

    In one case, a mother presents her foot to her crying baby, signaling: "Climb on me."


  • 的孩子们在见证母亲获得学位的过程也学到了重要的一课。

    Her children have learned an important lesson witnessing their mother earn her degree.


  • 我最近的一次拜访,我抱着活泼的三个月大的双胞胎的其一只(熊猫),它被母亲冷落了。

    On my recent visit, I held a lively three-month-old twin that had been rejected by its mother.


  • 妮弗在努力攻读学位的过程得到了家人的大力支持:她的丈夫做两份工作来填补开销,她68岁的母亲有时会帮忙照顾孩子。

    Jenifer received great support from her family as she worked to earn her degree: Her husband worked two jobs to cover the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.


  • 这些警示标识包含氧气面罩吸烟者图像,还有烟雾缭绕母亲婴儿的图像。

    The labels also include images of a smoker wearing an oxygen mask and a mother and baby with smoke swirling nearby.


  • 成长金钱复杂多少有点晦涩关系母亲对于嫁给很多钱的人感到不安更是火上浇油。

    I grew up with a complicated and somewhat opaque relationship to money, fueled by my mother's unease about having married a man who made a lot of it.


  • 在这过程母亲不断认识到孩子成为一个独立思想感情

    The process continues with a mother's ongoing ability to acknowledge her developing child as a person with independent thoughts and feelings.


  • 科学家们已经知道很多动物母亲拥有丰富资源相对较多的资源时会繁殖更多的雌性子代

    Scientists already know that in many animals, more sons are produced when a mother has plentiful resources or is high ranking.


  • 线粒体DNA位于细胞质母亲传给女儿,它其它任何DNA重新组合。

    Mitochondrial DNA is located in the cytoplasm of the cell and is passedfrom mother to daughter, without recombining with anything else.


  • 永远要记得妈妈因为人的一生母亲只有位!

    If your morher is still around, never forget t olove her more than ever. Always remember to love your mother, because only have one mother in your lifetime!


  • 可能会伤心难过,因为不得不承认,你记忆母亲已经消失了,不会再回来了。

    And that might take some grieving, because to look at it like that you gotta admit that that other mother, the one you remember, is gone.


  • 丈夫试图调解的时候,我会不用担心”,言语没有母亲那种耐心。

    When my husband tries to intervene, I find myself saying, "no, don't worry," although not with quite the same patience attributed to my mother.


  • 丈夫试图调解的时候,我会不用担心”,言语没有母亲那种耐心。

    When my husband tries to intervene, I find myself saying, "no, don't worry," although not with quite the same patience attributed to my mother.


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