• 中心做为收银台咖啡操作台

    The central island on the first floor is used as cashier desk and coffee operating table;


  • 中心为商务区,所有建筑全部青砖青瓦,斗拱出挑、飞檐翘角。

    With a business zone on the central island, the whole construction is built by black brick and grey tile, with outstanding brackets and angled cornices.


  • 围绕中心建设四个功能区,分别主题公园区休闲总部产业南区、产业北区。

    Around the center island, will be built in four functional areas, namely, the theme park, recreation area headquarters, industrial South and industrial North.


  • 中心通过天花形成均匀的整体照明宛如室内灯笼咖啡座则围绕中心散布于周边

    With soft membrane ceiling, the center island has a homogeneous integral illumination, which is just like indoor lanterns, and the coffee booths are interspersed around the center island.


  • 木地板的盛情条目信息与看法单独饭厅,一个宽敞中心厨房后院访问毗邻的家庭居室正式一个大客厅

    Gracious entry with hardwood flooring leads into a large formal living room with water views, a separate dining room, a spacious centre island kitchen with backyard access and adjoining family room.


  • 实际上南部支流外流更多格陵兰中心冰原水源,所以那边的冰川消退导致大规模流量

    The southern tributary actually drains a larger portion of Greenland's central ice sheet, so a retreat there could lead to a more substantial ice discharge.


  • 还有些人声称建造者只是用光材料因为他们中心这么石头没有可耕耘土地了。

    Others claim that the builders simply ran out of materials and since they had scooped so much rock from the centre of the island, there was no land left to plough.


  • 计划细节不受欢迎海军基地普天间机场冲绳中心冲绳县搬名护市边野古位于冲绳西海岸的寂静海滨。

    It details plans to move an unpopular Marine base, known as Futenma, from the centre of the Okinawan city of Ginowan to a quiet bay on the island's east coast, called Henoko.


  • 水族馆表示与此同时,为纪念保罗成就而进行捐款用于按计划希腊扎金索斯修建一家海龟永久救援中心

    Meanwhile, donations made in honor of Paul's achievements would help to fund a planned permanent rescue center for sea turtles on the Greek island of Zakynthos, Sea Life said.


  • 闭幕式举行同时广州市中心安全部队保持着高度的警戒,通往闭幕式现场海星沙道路封闭,周边水域也有警力巡逻

    Security forces were meanwhile on high alert in the centre of Guangzhou, blocking off roads and patrolling the waters off Haixinsha island, the venue of the closing ceremony.


  • 斯德哥尔摩沿着匹次卑尔根西侧向北航行,雷达屏幕中心只有一个孤独三角形,自从熊以来我们没有看见任何船只。

    A solitary triangle in the centre of an icebound radar screen, the Stockholm advanced north along the west coast of Spitsbergen.


  • 霍德利海上援救协调中心·卡用“特别出色来描述这次救援他说,“这架飞机确确实实救了个人。”

    Ray Carson of the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Holyhead, who described the rescue as ‘outstanding work given the conditions’, said: ‘The copter crew definitely saved the life of two men.’


  • 同时,这项工作加利福尼亚州Lemoore海军航空站、加利福尼亚州PointMugu的海军空战中心武器、华盛顿州Bremerton的海军航空站Whidbey进行。

    It will also perform work at the Naval Air Station in Lemoore, Calif.; the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division in Point Mugu, Calif.;


  • 佩内明德(Peenemünde),一个坐落波罗海(BalticSea)乌瑟多姆Usedom)上的村庄,当时德国军事研究中心所在地,这里是类似想法的聚宝盆

    The army research center at Peenemünde, a village on the Baltic Sea island of Usedom, was a cornucopia of such ideas.


  • 带着33名演员菲律宾吕宋中心群山间去过三个星期完全切断了与外界的联系。

    I took 33 actors into the mountains of Central Luzon in the Philippines for three weeks, completely cut off from the outside world.


  • 今年刊登一项西西里中心地区研究发现虽然有30%的表示教堂,但实际上只有18%付诸行动。

    A study of central Sicily, published this year, found that only 18% of people actually went to church, although 30% said they did.


  • 为了应对海啸威胁大约有11,000已经四个人口中心疏散转移,该部

    In response to the tsunami threat, about 11, 000 people have been evacuated from four population centers in the Kuriles, the ministry said.


  • 由于之前的天气问题,运载火箭延迟天于周五下午日本的种子航天中心卫星送入太空。

    The rocket carrying the satellite lifted off from Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan early Friday afternoon, following a one-day weather delay.


  • 丹尼尔·克里登是位于伦敦中心餐厅的大厨主管,他怀特一位供应商手里大量冰冻蟋蟀蝗虫

    Daniel Creedon, head chef and manager of Archipelago restaurant in central London, buys frozen cricket and locusts in bulk from a supplier on the Isle of Wight.


  • 现在我们都知道,所谓“准备地最充分”就是这样大一针反应堆完全丧失电力供应,使核反应堆中心装置核废料冷却水中断供应。

    This, we now know, is what "well prepared" looks like: total loss of power at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor, which deprived the reactor core and spent-fuel pools of cooling water.


  • 吉拉德女士曾经呼吁帝汶成立一个地区审理中心但是仅得到很少支持

    Ms Gillard has called for a regional processing centre to be set up in Timor-Leste, but has won little support.


  • 亲昵伙伴面孔可以降低主要疼痛产生中心活跃度,比如左右

    Thefaces of romantic partners also decreased activity in major pain-processingareas, such as the left and right posterior insula.


  • 这个今天占据伊斯帕尼奥拉三分之一面积,(邻居相比)相对贫困拥挤国度,曾经世界上富庶蔗糖殖民地中心,它18世纪末宗主国法国提供了四分之一的财富。

    The poorer, more crowded third of the island of Hispaniola, it was once the heart of the world's richest sugar colony, providing France with a quarter of its wealth in the late 18th century.


  • 火箭是从位于种子太空中心吉信发射区发射。

    The rocket was launched from Japan's Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the Tanegashima Space Center.


  • 也许他们经年中心城区办公室里忙碌,却不曾停下来看一眼碧波中的加弗纳斯

    Or they may work in a midtown office and may let a whole year swinground without sighting Governors Island fromthe sea wall.


  • 这种红外热成像技术已经使用多年应用多种领域天文学法律实施,到军事,”普拉动物疾病中心研究主管路易斯·罗德里格斯说

    This IRT technology has been used for years and has applications for a variety of fields, from astronomy to law enforcement to the military,” says PIADC research leader Luis Rodriguez.


  • 巴林可能会夺回习惯自居经济中心地位,较之海湾其它地方它能有助于击退全球金融危机

    Bahrain may return to its habitual role as a perky financial hub that weathered the global crisis a lot better than some others in the Gulf.


  • 巴林可能会夺回习惯自居经济中心地位,较之海湾其它地方它能有助于击退全球金融危机

    Bahrain may return to its habitual role as a perky financial hub that weathered the global crisis a lot better than some others in the Gulf.


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