• 美联储20年前危机一举,在20年中威日增.

    The Fed emerged from the crisis 20 years ago with its reputation not just unscathed but also enhanced.


  • 移动星星被大脑认知后,一般V5区域刺激到。果然发现这个任务进行,V5 区域活跃的,因此人们感知到移动的星场的。

    Normally area of V5 would be stimulated as those moving stars are perceived and sure enough, Lavie found that during the task area of V5 was active, so people were aware of the moving starfield.


  • 视频游戏公司代理律师斯科特·特林配音演员“在制作视频游戏工作了1%不到十分之一的比例”。

    Scott Witlin, the lawyer representing the video game companies, says voice actors "represent less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game."


  • 内维·坎贝尔饰演的悉妮又重回荧幕了,一旦出现声尖叫的电影那么意味着鬼脸杀手又兹堡横行肆虐了。

    Sidney, played by Neve Campbell is back on screen. And if you see her on Scream, it only means that Ghostface is out to wreak havoc, now in the town of Woodsboro.


  • 很多场景人类不得不同时出现卡梅伦还希望能够普通真人电影一样一边拍摄现场走来走去一边指导影片的拍摄。

    Humans and na 'vi had to appear together in many scenes, and Mr Cameron wanted to be able to direct the filming while moving around on the set, as with an ordinary live-action film.


  • 福井声称本田被迫推出了一些促销举措汽车行业算是“最少的”。

    Honda has had to offer some incentives but, claims Mr Fukui, they are "the least" in the industry.


  • 迪士尼米老鼠动画《汽船首次登场的超过80之后准备一款电脑游戏作为主角实现回归

    More than 80 years after he first appeared in Steamboat Willie, Disney's Mickey Mouse is poised to make his return as the lead character in a computer game.


  • 格勒利博士说, “猕猴桃果皮氧化剂含量是果肉的能对抗葡萄球菌大肠杆菌这些导致食物细菌。”

    The skin contains three times the anti-oxidants of the pulp; it also fights off bugs such as Staphylococcus and E-coli, which are responsible for food poisoning.


  • 一年年轻获得了国际赛事第一个人项目金牌结束了总拿第二历史

    That year, the young gymnast won his first individual gold medal in international competition, ending his history as a runner-up.


  • 减少社区传播危险重点活动包括热省城镇村庄强化社会动员健康教育

    To reduce the risk of transmission in the community, priority activities include intensive social mobilization and health education in the towns and villages of Uige Province.


  • 选定行长之前执行董事沃尔福先生世行政策规划执行的减贫使命有关问题进行了讨论

    Prior to the selection of the President, Executive Directors had discussions with Mr. Wolfowitz on issues related to the Bank's policies, programs and ongoing mission of poverty reduction.


  • 今年新片《知道希·瑟斯彭身陷三角恋爱焦头烂额,但是荧屏之外这位奥斯卡奖得主目光仅仅锁定了一个男人

    Reese Witherspoon finds herself in the middle of a love triangle in her latest film, "How Do You Know," but beyond the big screen, the Oscar-winning actress has her eye set on just one man.


  • 教授在加拿大属哥伦比亚大学科罗拉多大学任教目前正在休假

    Professor Wieman is currently on leave from the University of British Columbia and the University of Colorado.


  • 光纤宽带接入服务投入巨大,因此奇怪希望尽可能避免乏味监管

    Verizon has invested heavily in fibre-optic broadband access. That it wants to avoid tedious regulation is not a surprise.


  • ”这个名字太阳图片光圈菜籽油一张绿色图片

    The "Wesson" name is haloed by the image of the sun, and the Canola Oil features a picture of a green heart.


  • 本周早些时候事故热的省立医院医生直接接触了正在普通病房接受治疗的马尔堡患者血液没有采取充足的感染控制

    On two occasions earlier this week, doctors at Uige’s large provincial hospital were directly exposed to blood from Marburg patients being treated on general wards, without adequate infection control.


  • 一天官方会见,沃尔福茨表达安得拉邦农村所见所闻的热衷。

    In official meetings over the course of the day, Wolfowitz Shared his enthusiasm about what he had seen in rural Andhra Pradesh.


  • 这项研究来自阿姆斯特丹大学芭芭拉。耐同事们发现先入为主的自我欣赏会妨碍团队作出成功决策

    In the study, Barbora Nevicka and colleagues from the University of Amsterdam discovered narcissists' preoccupation with self-brilliance hinders successful group decision-making.


  • 5 - 0狂扫根的阵容曼联更换四名首发,鲁尼发现锋线只有自己一人,而其他人都

    The United team showed four changes from the 5-0 romp at Wigan, and Rooney found himself on his own up front as the home side packed midfield.


  • 邮件来自德文德力士夫人明显在责备29小姐四月前往德文郡的家拜访他们行为举止不得体。

    In the email, Mrs Bourne, from Dawlish, Devon, apparently tells off Miss Withers, 29, for the way she behaved when visiting the family in Devon in April.


  • 英国街景地图的“引路人以英国家喻户晓儿童读物《寻找利》那个身着标志性裤子白条套头衫、头戴红白条帽子、手拿拐杖主人公利为原型。

    Hidden within the Street View imagery in the UK will be well-known children's story book character "Wally" wearing his trademark blue trousers, red and white striped hat and jumper and walking stick.


  • 这些信贷衍生潜在预计损失体现在了伯克希尔-哈撒一季度的收益报告

    The potential and expected losses from these credit derivatives were reflected in Berkshire's first-quarter results, Mr. Buffett said.


  • 可能影片最大的腕儿数艾伦·里克曼,就算美国影迷知道他,也不过《虎胆龙恶棍

    Perhaps the biggest star is Alan Rickman, previously known to American cinema-goers (if at all) as the villain in "Die Hard".


  • 杰克·迪金卡创作的“晨曦俯瞰托洛,1987”正在怀俄明州杰克逊的提顿图书馆展出。展览将持续7月19日。

    Jack Dykinga's Toroweap Overlook in Morning Light, 1987, on display at the Teton County Library in Jackson, Wyoming through July 19.


  • 尽管29岁的大充满胆量挽救了这个赛点,随后底线对攻再次胜出。

    A brave second serve from the 29-year-old saved that one but another quickly followed as Serena again came out on top of a baseline exchange.


  • 尽管29岁的大充满胆量挽救了这个赛点,随后底线对攻再次胜出。

    A brave second serve from the 29-year-old saved that one but another quickly followed as Serena again came out on top of a baseline exchange.


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