• 开采权拍卖巨资。

    5 to pay big sums at auctions for drilling rights.


  • 读者也更愿意之买单,就想其他产业服务费一样。

    Instead, readers seem happy to pay for it-just as they pay for services in any other industry that offers something worthwhile.


  • 人们喜欢按常规办事.都有各自的兴趣爱好娱乐方式,而且可以几个小时不间断.但是人们习惯性动作越多,大脑参与的活动就越少.为了让大脑保持青春状态就要刺激它.改变路线,改用另一只开门,吃饭改为先吃餐后吃的甜点与水果.所有这些都会把大脑习惯唤醒,重新充满活力.

    Change routes to the grocery store, use your opposite hand to open doors and eat dessert first. All this will force your brain to wake up from habits and pay attention again.


  • 实习实际上包含着工作(必须要工资)培训(不须工资),在方面出现了概念的混淆

    Ambiguity arises when internships mix work (which must be paid for) with training (which need not be).


  • 声明必须银行这里保证金,要不那样做,要不就在金库存钱,并且表明作为存款的储备金。

    It says that you have to keep deposits with us here at the central bank; either that or else keep vault cash and show that you have it as reserves for your deposits.


  • 为了使想法之于现实,使用(记住)这个问题应用博客设计改进地方

    Just take this question and apply it to areas you want to improve in your blog design in order to get ideas going.


  • 我们这些绝大多数给毁了。”43,他是普洱茶叶市场幸存下来少数人之一

    "Most of us are ruined," said Fu Wei, 43, one of the few tea traders to survive the implosion of the Pu 'er market.


  • 最近民调客户取样群体发现巴西老百姓(包括穷的)已经觉悟他们偏高事实

    In recent polls and focus groups he has found that Brazilians, including the poorest, have woken up to the fact that they pay high taxes.


  • 他们反对保守党计划结束教师统一允许学校根据教师的贡献支薪水的做法。

    The unions also oppose Tory plans to end central pay bargaining for teachers and to allow schools to pay according to merit.


  • 为什么餐馆服务员给就得给他小费,而在飞机上的乘务员提供同样的服务,就不必小费呢?

    Why am I supposed to tip a waiter for bringing me food when I'm not expected to tip the flight attendant on an airplane for doing the same thing?


  • 这样一来,就像报道的:消费者趋向点钱买下一套晚礼服而不再愿意每次去借

    So, the report says, "consumers are more inclined to pay a marginally higher price to own their formal wear rather than rent it for each occasion."


  • 这样一来,就像报道的:消费者趋向点钱买下一套晚礼服而不再愿意每次去借

    So, the report says, "consumers are more inclined to pay a marginally higher price to own their formal wear rather than rent it for each occasion.


  • 勉强挤坐在奶奶狭窄相当整洁临时营帐然而,这并不足以开启老人的回忆

    Scarcely had Zhang sat down in Fu's cramped but impeccably tidy room in her barracks-like row of temporary housing, however, than she gave vent to her memories.


  • 1580年的版本我们能看到海伦正在沉睡她身着16世纪服饰(:海伦娜生活在公元250年至公元330年间),还有件披风面纱,头戴王冠

    In the 1580 version, we see Helena sleeping, wearing 16th century clothes (note: Helena lived from 250 to 330 a.c.), with a cloth and a veil, secured by her crown.


  • 作为维萨万事达规模小的公司,发现公司(此举)希望2.3亿支用户一部分人,能他需要申请一张新正的发现信用卡

    As for Discover, a smaller player than Visa and MasterCard, it hopes some of PayPal's 230 million customers will sign up for a shiny new credit card while they're at it.


  • 在即即用协作人们根据需要访问服务

    In Pay-As-You-Go Collaboration people access services as needed.


  • 年前搬进公寓的。完小费打发走搬运工人以后所做第一件事就是:在箱子坐下打开我的笔记本,嗅探空气Wi-Fi信号

    When I moved into my apartment three years ago, the first thing I did after I tipped the movers was sit down on a box, crack open my laptop and sniff the air for wi-fi signals.


  • 另一个问题回答超过40%的人说如果2倍租金通勤时间从45分钟降为10分钟他们幸福。

    In response to another question, over 40% said they would be happier paying twice the rent to enjoy a shorter commute of ten minutes, rather than 45.


  • 信用卡详情必须存储Amazon有未帐单无法进入—它现收现模型

    The credit card details must be stored with Amazon, they cannot simply be entered when a bill is due-it is a pay-as-you-go model.


  • 宏集团高级总裁Phuong Chung:“孩子的时候,父母就是开始保险费了。”

    "Parents start paying premiums when a child is small," says Phuong Chung, senior vice-president at Manulife-Sinochem.


  • 但是长时间以来说客们造成税法许多漏洞,一些公司分文不其他公司则全部买单

    But for far too long, lobbyists have rigged the tax code with loopholes that let some corporations pay nothing while others pay full freight.


  • 摆脱权利意识责无旁贷。你必须发生你生活每件个人责任

    Shed your entitlement mentality. The buck stops with you. You must take personal responsibility for everything that happens in your life.


  • 长时间以来说客们利用税法许多漏洞,一些公司分文不其他公司全部买单

    But for far too long, lobbyists have rigged the tax code with loopholes that let some corporations pay nothing while others pay full freight.


  • 分期抵押借款甚至允许人们每月部分利息剩余部分加贷款本金增加的是贷款额,并不是存款额。

    "Negative amortisation" (neg-am) mortgages even let people pay only part of their interest each month and to add the rest to the principal, increasing their debt, not their savings.


  • 易货贸易商品与商品进行交换;在私人赔偿,以资产资产。

    In barter, goods are exchanged for goods, and in private compensation, assets against assets.


  • 在写这个故事过程马利嘴里还抢回其他一些东西(「梳子就是这样被他叼走了!」)包括一张薪金用的支票一条项链

    Other items wrenched from Marley's jaws during the course of this story ("so that's where my comb went! ") include a paycheck and a gold necklace.


  • 测井曲线进行氏变换纵向分辨率可以分析振幅斜率变化获得

    Used Fourier transforming the nuclear logs, its vertical resolution can be achieved from analyzing the changes of amplitude spectrum slope.


  • 关玉焦急地看着挖掘机瓦砾寻找儿子祖父母

    Fu Guanyu watches anxiously as an excavator pulls through the rubble in search of her son and his grandparents.


  • 关玉焦急地看着挖掘机瓦砾寻找儿子祖父母

    Fu Guanyu watches anxiously as an excavator pulls through the rubble in search of her son and his grandparents.


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