• 此外,在所研究案例几乎有一半(46%)案例杀手其“仪式”不断变换。

    Moreover, in almost half the cases studied (46 percent), the killers' ritualistic behaviors changed over time.


  • 客人们如果饿的话可以来一两份),而且盛放食物的器具多次取用食物的方法更为方便卫生

    Guests can always take second (or third!) servings if still hungry, and it is much easier (and hygienic) to use leftovers from serving platters for future meals.


  • 清单1 源代码给出了简单例子这个环境存在火星的地心引力,里面有一个具有向上速度

    The source example in Listing 1 shows a simple world with Mars' gravity and a sphere that currently has some upward velocity.


  • 这些教程宣称整个应用程序只用了大概35C#代码75行XAML页面/用户控件标记”,并且使用了Silverlight内置的控件和函数”。

    He claims that the "entire application is implemented in about 35 lines of C# code and 75 lines of XAML page/user-control markup" and "only uses controls and libraries built-into Silverlight".


  • 布什共和党11月国会选举面临艰难挑战

    Bush's Republican Party faces a tough challenge in midterm congressional elections in November.


  • 恐龙化石坚硬砂岩

    The fossils at Dinosaur Cove are embedded in hard sandstone.


  • 这些衣服很多顾客的姓名牌衬里

    Many of the garments have the customers' name tags sewn into the linings.


  • 他们拿出一沓一沓的纸,整理放入信封

    They took sheets of paper off piles, collated them and put them into envelopes.


  • 尽管瓦尔一生许多钱,但挥霍如此之巨,以至贫困死去

    Though Vivaldi had earned a great deal in his lifetime, his extravagance was such that he died in poverty.


  • 德语haus一词英语house同源

    'Haus' in German is cognate with 'house' in English.


  • 植物空气吸收二氧化碳,从泥土吸收水分

    Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil.


  • 玛丽安娜碗柜拿出几个杯子,把茶袋迅速地放入每个杯子

    Marianne got a couple of mugs from the cupboard and popped a teabag into each of them.


  • 我们这种食肉动物利用蛋白质肉类脂肪锻炼肌肉储存能量

    Carnivorous animals such as ourselves use the carbon in protein and the fat in meat to build muscles and store energy.


  • 一项面向120个高管团队研究发现,团队只有不到10%的成员人员组成问题达成一致。

    In a study of 120 teams of senior executives, he discovered that less than 10% of their supposed members agreed on who exactly was on the team.


  • 个人生活电台广播许多出版物以及现代著作经典著作翻译都有应用

    It is used in personal contexts, on radio broadcasts and in a number of publications as well as in translations of both modern works and classics.


  • 现在已经CA证书存储在所选目录文件

    You now have the CA certificates stored in files in the chosen directory.


  • 科学家越来越知道到底发生了什么因为他们认为北极全球变暖煤矿金丝雀”——是世界其他地方即将发生事情的警告

    Scientists are increasingly keen to find out what's going on because they consider the Arctic the "canary in the mine" for global warming—a warning of what's in store for the rest of the world.


  • 人体自身细胞、在每个器官细胞、在人体几乎组织同样事情最终都会发生

    In the cells of the human body itself, in the cells of every organ, of almost every type of tissue in the body, the same thing will happen eventually.


  • 然后导入那个文件夹所有项目工作区

    Then import all the projects in that folder into that workspace.


  • 为了理解灵魂正义必须言语付出巨大努力建设这座城市吗?

    Must the massive effort to be made in words to construct the city in a speech in order to understand justice in the soul?


  • 两个音乐小组儿童智商平均提高了7

    The IQ of the children in the two musical groups rose by an average of seven points in the course of a year.


  • 认定工厂遗址在这里熔化金属水渠流出来,然后倒入模具

    This has been interpreted as the remains of a workshop where molten metal was scooped up from the channel and poured into molds in the holes.


  • 如果苏美尔人,这个单词哪个音节对应英文翻译whenhehadmadeitsuitableforher代词“it”,他们回答没有”。

    If you were to ask which bit in the Sumerian word corresponds to the pronoun "it" in the English translation "when he had made it suitable for her", then the answer would have to be nothing.


  • Sieminski写道,代号,比如在朝鲜战争的“行动杀手越南战争的“行动捣毁机”,媒体报道引发了争议

    Nicknames like "Operation Killer" during the Korean war and Vietnam's "Operation Masher", Sieminski wrote, caused controversy when reported in the press.


  • 浓度肉类少见,在坚果的含量也其他植物资源较少,这很好证明吃肉的好处,从而使得饮食也更加均衡。

    Very low concentrations of vanadium, which is scarce in meats and somewhat lower in nuts than in other plant resources, are good evidence of meat consumption and thus a better-balanced diet.


  • 儿童广告,“名人往往流行卡通动画人物

    In children's advertising, the "celebrities" are often animated figures from popular cartoons.


  • 论游客在哪里,整个园林都映在镜子,园子的水池或湖泊也可以起到这个作用。

    The whole garden will be seen in the mirror wherever the visitors are, a pool or a lake in a garden also serves this purpose.


  • 们可能从自己的生活、从观察周围的世界、或者从阅读获得灵感。

    They may get ideas from their own lives, from watching the world around them, or from reading.


  • 们可能从自己的生活、从观察周围的世界、或者从阅读获得灵感。

    They may get ideas from their own lives, from watching the world around them, or from reading.


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