• 某些未满个体,其尾部伸展完全这些个体比较适应英国全年温度的金鱼。

    Tails of some goldfishs stretch completely as they are still younger than one year and they much adapt to grow in British with lower temperature all the year.


  • 除了一些案件比较两个个体是否紧密相关的情况外,DNA文件没有什么可以泄漏敏感信息。

    Aside from the ability in some cases to determine whether two individuals are closely related, DNA profiles have nothing sensitive to disclose.


  • 吸入安慰剂的个体比较那些对自己与母亲关系进行积极评价的人,吸入后叶催产,将母亲回忆一个本质上给予更多关爱鼓励的人。

    Those who described good maternal relationships remembered mom as substantially more caring and supportive after receiving oxytocin, compared with after inhaling a placebo spray.


  • 其他一些人比如哈佛大学GeorgeChurch,采取比较中间位置,运用寡核苷酸芯片来合成个体基因成分然后它们在一起

    Others, like George Church of Harvard University, fall somewhere in the middle, synthesizing individual genetic components using oligonucleotide chips, then piecing them together.


  • 为了验证一点,该报告评估决策过程个体所享受最大化快乐。例如研究引用了Bizrate.com网站比较商品价格的功能。

    For instance, the study cites the use of the website Bizrate.com to compare the costs of goods.


  • 设计能源认证类似,有了能源星级认证,消费者不需要复杂产品规格中苦苦比较挑选合适的节能设备

    The system is designed to be similar to the energy Star ratings, which let consumers pick out an energy-efficient appliance without wading through complicated specs.


  • 个体堆肥制造机相对而言比较便宜而且操作简单,这可以花园里土壤提供高质量的肥料。

    Individual composting systems can be relatively easy and inexpensive, and provide quality inputs for garden soils.


  • 第二旅游地早期竞争中,获得比较优势个体旅游地在竞争取胜关键

    The second, in early days, compared advantage is the key to winning victory in the competition.


  • 分析比较种语义细分法在评价者个体重复性、团组一致性以及成对比较计算结果相关性

    The two procedures are compared at individual′s repetitivity, juror′s consistency, and correlation to results acquired by pair comparison method and by calculation with mathematical model.


  • 事实上某些比较聪明个体到了如果表现出这种方式,就收到特殊注意

    In fact, some clever individuals learn that by displaying in this manner, special attention will be received.


  • 然而当前学界的泰戈尔研究多集中在对个体研究,及其中国个别作家比较上。

    However, current educational world about Tagore studies concentrates in his individual research and the comparison between Tagore and Chinese individual writer.


  • 作为个体,这样的可能性已经出现,作为社会文化比较复杂了

    As individuals, the possibility is already here, but as societies and cultures it's more complicated.


  • 目的比较个体计量声级评价挡车工噪声暴露异同。

    Objective To compare the virtues and disadvantages between the measure results using individual dosimeter and sound level meter respectively.


  • 那年头比较纯朴,芝加哥个体照相师,专营结婚照周年纪念照、 疦毕业其他家庭大事照。

    In simpler times, there lived a self-employed photographer in Chicago who worked weddings, anniversaries, graduations and other family events.


  • 由于目前未有80个体,现在还没人真正比较80的防战和野德。

    Nobody can really compare a level 80 prot warrior to a level 80 feral druid because those individuals don't exist yet.


  • 本文203名青少年白发患者皮纹进行了分析216名正常对照组个体比较

    This paper sought to analyze the dermatoglyph of 203 cases with juvenile poliosis, and make an individual contrast with the control group of 216 normal juveniles.


  • 不同组合所对应个体早期生产性能平均数的比较中,差异显著

    The result is significant on post hoc multiple comparisons of early production performance of different band type combination.


  • 前言: 目的比较紫外线个体生物剂量平均生物剂量治疗银屑病应用中的疗效差别

    Pupose:Comparison ultraviolet ray individual living creature treatment result in the application for measuring and average living creature deal in the treatment silver scraps get sicking difference.


  • 另外研究关于术后斑痕一个问题得分比较术后斑痕个体srs - 24区域

    In addition, the score of one new question regarding postoperative scar was investigated and compared with that of the individual SRS-24 domains.


  • 微观层面社会资本分析个体自我通过社会网络调动资源能力也是比较常见分析社会资本的角度

    The social capital analysis of the tiny view level is an ability to point individual ego transfer the resources through the net work, this is also a social capital Angle in familiar analysis.


  • 纹理数据数据库中的参考信息进行比较确定个体识别

    The texture data is compared to reference information in a database to determine the identity of an individual.


  • 就是这个项目难处-不是个体理论出发-从下而上是比较

    That's the problem with a lot of this work - doesn't start with a theory of the individual - better to build up.


  • 目的两种设计方法三种检验方法个体生物等效检验效能进行比较估计样本含量。

    AIM: To compare efficacy of two designs and three test approaches in individual bioequivalence and estimate sample size.


  • 塞尔力图探讨是原发性经验被体验一般性先验结构以之作为个体生活世界相对性得以沟通比较的先验基础

    Husserl tried to explore the transcendental universal structure of life world, which is the base of communication of the individual experience.


  • 许多研究已经显示国家图像影响一个国家中被做产品消费者评估,在一些情形中如此比较个体打上烙印

    Many studies have shown that a nation's image influences consumer evaluation of products made in that nation, in some cases more so than individual brands.


  • 竞争心理个体竞争认知态度策略动机等方面表现出来比较稳定的心理倾向

    Competitiveness is the psychological inclination demonstrated by individuals 'cognition, attitudes, strategies and motivation towards the competition of the society.


  • 第四研究了风险相依下停止损失再保险保费比较问题,主要考虑个体风险模型中若干变量之间存在相依关系时的再保险保费的比较

    In the forth chapter we stated the comparison of stop-loss reinsurance premium about dependent risks. We mainly discussed the premium comparison of stop-loss reinsurance in the individual risk models.


  • 本文若干个颇具时代特色的个体量词进行考察,并五代及其以前的有关资料相比较,从而描绘出它们与唐五代及其以前不同用。

    This article studies some individual classifiers in Qing Dynasty, showing the difference between individual classifiers in the book and those used in the classical works before Song Dynasty.


  • 本文若干个颇具时代特色的个体量词进行考察,并五代及其以前的有关资料相比较,从而描绘出它们与唐五代及其以前不同用。

    This article studies some individual classifiers in Qing Dynasty, showing the difference between individual classifiers in the book and those used in the classical works before Song Dynasty.


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