• 个人预防措施例如蚊帐;

    personal preventive measures such as bednets;


  • 他们同样指出,预防治疗抑郁情绪时应该家庭夫妻为单位,尽量避免视个人问题。

    "Likewise, prevention and intervention efforts for depression in parents might be focused on the couple and family rather than the individual," they said.


  • 预防静脉血栓栓塞问题个人旅行之前医生咨询

    Individuals with questions regarding prevention of VTE should consult their physicians before travelling.


  • 然而船上妥善安装适当的个人漂浮装置一种有效预防溺水策略

    However, the availability of properly-fitted and appropriate personal flotation devices in boats is an effective drowning prevention strategy.


  • 教育个人社会了解溺水溺水有关危险掌握水域生存技能似乎是前景看好预防溺水战略

    Individual and community education on drowning awareness, risks associated with drowning and learning waters survival skills appear promising strategies to prevent drowning.


  • 努力显著增加获得艾滋病毒治疗预防莱索托启动全世界项计划使该国了解自己的艾滋病毒状况

    In an effort to dramatically increase access to HIV treatment and prevention, Lesotho will launch the world's first plan to have every person in the country know their HIV status.


  • 母乳喂养、良好个人卫生环境卫生习惯预防腹泻

    Diarrhoea can be prevented with exclusive breastfeeding and good hygiene and sanitary practices.


  • 个人防护蚊虫叮咬则是预防疟疾一道防线

    For individuals personal protection against mosquito bites represents the first line of defence for malaria prevention.


  • 适当储存保护卫生兽医工作人员个人防护设备以及采购用于治疗预防抗病毒剂的工作正在继续

    Stockpiling of personal protective equipment to protect health and veterinary workers, and procurement of antivirals for treatment and prophylaxis, as appropriate, is continuing.


  • 第五任何单位个人维护消防安全保护消防设施、预防火灾报告火警义务

    Article 5 Any unit and individual shall have the obligation of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, preventing fire disaster and reporting fire alarm.


  • 最近东南亚国家联盟倡议615订为登革热日,这个办法值得称赞,可促进社区个人层面提高认识鼓励采取负责预防行为

    The recent ASEAN initiative to mark dengue day on 15 June is a commendable way to improve awareness and encourage responsible preventive behaviours at the community and individual levels.


  • 疟疾卫生保健费用包括用于预防治疗个人公共支出

    The health costs of malaria include both personal and public expenditures on prevention and treatment. In some heavy-burden countries, the disease accounts for


  • 对于而言,处理这些信息最佳方法就是自己健康负起更多责任预防疾病,不产生高昂医疗费用

    The best way to deal with those is for individuals to take more responsibility for their own health and prevent problems before they require costly hospital visits.


  • 更多研究投入到早期有效预防长期效益结果的比照中应予优先考虑。

    More research into effective early intervention in this population and the comparison of long-term benefits and outcomes should be a priority.


  • 测试中现在皮埃尔博士要求个人自己放到教室前面防止作弊之前的二十特拉华生涯中没有采用项这样的预防措施。

    During quizzes, Dr. St. Pierre now requires everyone to leave their books at the front of the classroom to prevent cheating, a precaution not taken during any of his two decades at Delaware.


  • 因此社会预防犯罪争端放在首位是以牺牲个人隐私来实现

    Society, she said, has therefore placed a priority on preventing crime and disputes and that has come at the expense of privacy.


  • 明天医疗预计到达当地,这提醒棚户居民移动诊所上,可以免费打预防针。

    A medical van is expected to arrive tomorrow. One man alerts camp residents that vaccinations will be available at the mobile clinic.


  • 这些无保人员只能得到极少预防药物但是根据法律医院有义务他们提供(昂贵的)急救服务,从而又增加了其他个人花费

    The uninsured get too little preventive medicine, but hospitals are, by law, obliged to offer them (expensive) emergency care, thus raising costs for everyone else.


  • 艾滋病威胁着家庭,每一个人因此预防艾滋病社会责任

    AIDS threatens every family, every one, so the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society.


  • AANCHOR全国性关于责任另类课程强调家长参与个人责任预防青少年怀孕重要性

    AANCHOR, an alternative national curriculum on responsibility, stresses the importance of family involvement and individual responsibility to prevent adolescent pregnancy.


  • 预防心脏病方面,有些感到自己无能为力:许多风险因素似乎个人出生之际便已形成。

    But some people feel powerless to prevent it: Many of the risk factors seem baked into the cake at birth.


  • 同普逊列出处理全球抉择,抉择就是现在并且已经影响我们环境因此选择并非预防

    Thompson listed three options humanity has for dealing with global warming which, he says, "is here and is already affecting our climate, so prevention is no longer an option."


  • 艾滋病疫苗的成功研制至少时间,期间个人注意预防艾滋病毒感染者也得到抗逆转录治疗

    The vaccine is at least 10 years away, and in the meantime everyone needs prevention and people living with HIV need access to anti-retroviral treatment.


  • 个人家庭其他群体提供宣教,内容涉及健康教育疾病预防妊娠分娩等开发各种健康促进项目

    Instruct individuals, families and other groups on topics such as health education, disease prevention and childbirth, and develop health improvement programs.


  • 疾病预防控制机构医疗机构不得泄露涉及个人隐私有关信息资料

    Disease prevention and control institutions and medical agencies shall not divulge any information or materials relating to personal privacy.


  • 大约1,100,000美国艾滋病毒呈阳性,疾病控制预防中心估计个人个人知道自己呈阳性。

    About 1.1 million people in the United States are HIV-positive, and as many as 1 in 5 don't know it, estimates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 安全冻结信用档案一种预防避免身份被盗用工具﹐它可以阻止诈骗者利用个人资料建立信贷记录。

    A credit file "security freeze" is a preventive tool to help you avoid identity theft and to block impostors from using your personal information to establish credit.


  • 安全冻结信用档案一种预防避免身份被盗用工具﹐它可以阻止诈骗者利用个人资料建立信贷记录。

    A credit file "security freeze" is a preventive tool to help you avoid identity theft and to block impostors from using your personal information to establish credit.


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