• 共同所有权代替个人所有权真正打破所有权凝聚。

    The collecting of ownership was not broken until personal ownership was replaced by commonly-owned ownership.


  • 共同所有权代替个人所有权真正打破所有权凝聚

    The collecting of ownership was not broken until personal ownership was replaced by commo


  • 个人所有权重新演变为共同所有权私有制采取共有制形式表现。

    Because personal ownership over again becomes commonly ownership, private ownership has taken the form of ownership by the common.


  • 补充说,很多都瞒着自己另一半单独前来询问是否办理婚前财产个人所有权认证

    He adds that many people come to him as individuals, asking whether they can conduct the required ownership verification of prenuptial property by themselves alone - without telling the future spouse.


  • 功能上,因征收而使物权发生变动方式能够直接导致个人所有权的丧失。

    In function, it's a special way of transforming real rights and could deprive ownership directly.


  • 最终目的完全终结汽车个人所有权--从而使得时间浪费(汽车不被闲置)。 。

    Uber's ultimate goal is a complete end to car ownership - and it's wasting no time.


  • 然而由于社会所有制排斥职工个人所有权缺乏职工所有制企业所有权安排,造成了最终的解体。

    However, since the society ownership excluding the individual ownership of workers, lacking the ownership arrangements of worker ownership enterprises, it dismissed finally.


  • 就像民间故事领域里的一般情形一样,没有声称对本书中的任何一个故事拥有个人所有权或者绝对著作权

    True of folk tales in general, individual ownership or absolute authorship of none of the included stories is claimed.


  • 比如说将来要定居泰国外国人可以买到一栋个人所有权只要泰人拥有这栋楼其他部分的百分之五十一。

    So, for example, a prospective resident can buy a condominium as long as Thais own at least 51 percent of the rest of the space in the building.


  • 集体代码所有权没有单独能“拥有”一个模块所有开发者任何时候针对代码库的任何部分进行工作

    Collective code Ownership: No single person "owns" a module. Any developer is expect to be able to work on any part of the codebase at any time.


  • LOB个人产生独有数据所有权引发数据归属问题

    The ownership of unique data produced by LOBs and individuals raising data-providence questions.


  • 追踪了任务所有权以及个人以及团队责任可以做出任务进程以及可传递状态

    It tracks task ownership and responsibility for individuals and teams, which makes task progress and status of deliverables clear.


  • 规定,使用可以包括法律允许土地不动产个人财产所有权

    Upon such use may include the right of ownership of real and personal property situated on the land as may be permitted by the law.


  • 水面滩涂所有权使用权法律保护,任何单位个人不得侵犯

    Ownership and rights to the use of water surfaces and tidal flats shall be protected by law and shall not be subject to encroachment by any units or individuals.


  • 第十三条依法登记土地所有权使用权法律保护任何单位个人不得侵犯

    Article 13 The ownership and use right of land registered according to law shall be protected by law and no unit or individual is eligible to infringe upon it.


  • 国际一致公认,没有任何国家可以宣称自己拥有一个行星恒星所有权并未提及个人此事的权利。

    There is an international agreement which states that no country may claim ownership of a planet or star, but it says nothing about individuals.


  • 如果安全管理员要将所有权转移他们自己那么他们需要转移另外然后再转移给他们。

    If security administrators want to transfer ownership to themselves, they need to transfer to someone else and have that person transfer to them in a second sequence.


  • 他们图书馆登录系统之后,馆员核实他们所有个人信息然后他们才能获得系统赋予所有限。

    When they came to the library they would sign-in and a librarian would verify all of their information and they would have full access to the system.


  • 公有领域是指任何个人团体都不具有所有权的知识财产。版权到期作品,或者创作者公开放弃所有权作品自动进入公有领域。

    Works are part of the public domain when their copyright expires or when the artist designates the work as such.


  • 公司合法权益法律保护任何单位个人不得侵害公司集体财产所有权

    The lawful rights and interests of the company shall be protected by law. Any unit or individual shall not infringe the ownership of collective property of the company.


  • 土地公共所有权需要废除,所有权赋予农民个人那样农民才可以借贷扩张

    Land needs to be taken out of communal ownership and title handed over to individual farmers so that they can get credit and expand.


  • 所有权作为权利,其含义不是物的占有支配状态形式也不是指物主对物占有支配的自由,而是指:对于他人而言,物主个人、社会群体、国家三重意志共同主张物主对物的自由支配的不可侵犯性。

    The ownership, being one kind of the rights, does not mean the status or the way that the individual possesses something, nor does it the individual has the freedom to possess and control something.


  • 依法登记土地所有权土地使用权法律保护任何单位个人不得侵犯

    Land ownership and land use right registered according to law are protected by law upon which no unit or individual shall infringe.


  • 依法登记森林林木林地所有权使用权法律保护任何单位个人不得侵犯。

    The ownership and right of use of legally registered forest, forest wood and forest land shall be protected by law. Any unit or individual shall not infringe.


  • 公有以“个人占有”形式实现,这就表示所有权原始发散

    Realizing public-owned in the form of the individual-possessed means the primary dispersing of ownership.


  • 公有以“个人占有”形式实现,这就表示所有权原始发散

    Realizing public-owned in the form of the individual-possessed means the primary dispersing of ownership.


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