• 情势变更失公平成本核算严重亏损

    Change of circumstances, Obvious unjust, Cost accounting, Economic losses.


  • 金融危机电子汽车业销售大幅下滑众多公司陷入严重亏损

    This has been especially true in the electronics and car industries, where sales plunged in the wake of the financial crisis and many firms sank deep into the red.


  • 近几年广东省百货商店零售业已过鼎盛期,多数销售下降严重亏损

    With the gradual drop and severe losses in the gross sales, the heyday of the retail trade of the large department stores in Guangdong is going by in recent years.


  • 其上市公司已披露业绩大幅下滑严重亏损或者未来将出现严重亏损

    Stocks of listed companies whose disclosed results show profit plunge, serious losses or probability of serious losses in the future;


  • 2008年抵押贷款危机导致严重亏损摩根·士丹利关闭了大部分自营交易业务部门

    Morgan Stanley closed most of its prop trading units after experiencing heavy losses as a result of the mortgage meltdown in 2008.


  • 尤其石脑油原料化肥装置原料燃料价格的上涨,都出现严重亏损

    In particular, the large chemical fertilizer units based on naphtha suffer heavy losses due to the increase in the price of feedstock and fuel.


  • 过去不同的现在开始银行债券投资者拥有监控限制银行冒险行为的切实动机——避免带来严重亏损

    What would be new is that investors in bank bonds would now have a real incentive to monitor and restrain risky bank behaviour, to avoid heavy losses from conversion to equity.


  • 英国航空公司(BA)星期五报告上半财政年度严重亏损之后计划进一步削减1,200个工作岗位

    British Airways (BA) said on Friday that it plans to cut a further 1,200 jobs after reporting a heavy loss in the first-half of its financial year.


  • 部分公司严重亏损像巴基斯坦抵押贷款提供商印度的一个药品连锁店大部分的公司还是可以清偿它们的债务给予低于市场利率的优惠),甚至还创造了红利

    Some ventures, including a Pakistani mortgage provider and an Indian pharmacy chain, have flopped. But many others manage to repay their loans (granted at below market rates) or generate dividends.


  • 1999年公司亏损达到了严重的程度。

    Company losses reached their nadir in 1999.


  • 国际航空运输协会表示因为全球经济低迷全球出口市场紧缩印度中国航空公司报告说亏损严重

    IATA says air carriers in both India and China had reported heavy financial losses, because of the global economic downturn and contraction of global export markets.


  • 2000年1月份网络泡沫破灭以来,这间西海岸第二大报社亏损严重

    The West Coast's second-biggest newspaper has seen losses mount since the dotcom bubble burst in 2000-01.


  • 公司亏损严重股东们失去信心时候依然抱有希望,一如鲁伯特·默多克【注1】那常常令华尔街分析师所不解的对油印墨迹的狂热。

    He tolerated its losses, although the company's shareholders have been less patient. Rupert Murdoch's fondness for printer's ink has sometimes baffled Wall Street analysts.


  • 基金亏损位置严重指数基金被动管理首当其冲

    Fund net loss of high-position most serious of which, passive management of index funds to bear the brunt.


  • 与此同时,两公司公布了公司严重季度亏损部分原因是由于贷款拖欠数目较大取消抵押品赎回权攀升。

    Meanwhile, Fannie and Freddie reported heavy quarterly losses partly because of higher defaults on loans and rising foreclosures. See article


  • 首相主持雷曼兄弟公司德累斯顿银行新总部开幕式,现在前者破产,后者因亏损严重被出售。

    Gordon Brown officiated the opening ceremony for Lehman Brother's HQ and Dresdner Kleinwort, both of which collapsed.


  • 资金主要来源于成本较高的定期储蓄存款; 经营结果表现资产质量低,不良资产比例,经营亏损严重

    Their capital mainly comes from high-cost time deposit, which results in poor quality of assets, high rates of adversely classified credits and heavy losses.


  • 由于长期缺乏有效内部监控外部监管机制,我国证券公司经营管理规范亏损严重所导致的金融风险逐渐显现

    Owing to the long-term shortage of internal monitoring and external management mechanism, financial risks have gradually emerged because of nonstandard management and severe loss of stockjobbers.


  • 这些钢铁厂肯定亏损最少它们可以继续营运而且不致于带来严重失业问题钢铁工业极为

    These mills will definitely be loss-making, but at least they can continue to operate and not generate serious unemployment for the economy (steel industry is very labour-intensive).


  • 对于美林亏损是否严重足以让美国银行根据合并协议中的重大不利变动条款放弃收购,美国银行高管们展开了激烈争论

    At bank of America, executives debated whether Merrill's losses were so severe that the bank could walk away from the deal, citing the 'material adverse effect' clause in its merger agreement.


  • 对于美林亏损是否严重足以让美国银行根据合并协议中的重大不利变动条款放弃收购,美国银行高管们展开了激烈争论

    At bank of America, executives debated whether Merrill's losses were so severe that the bank could walk away from the deal, citing the 'material adverse effect' clause in its merger agreement.


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