• 电影《博物馆奇妙改编米兰·崔克小说,生动地再现了恐龙地球上漫步世界

    Adapted from Milan Trenc's novel, the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where dinosaurs wander the earth.


  • 在过去文化产物中,童话、小说建筑音乐电影、人类思想产品里都可以找到“更美好世界轮廓”。

    It can be found in cultural products of the past in fairy tales, in fiction, in architecture, in music, in the movie in products of the human mind that contain "the outlines of a better world".


  • 这些小说流行使狄更斯成为全国乃至全世界著名的文学家。

    The popularity of these novels consolidated Dickens as a nationally and internationally celebrated man of letters.


  • 有些人来说,世界最好小说。对另一些人来说,这小说枯燥难懂。

    For some this is the greatest novel in the world. For others it is unreadable.


  • 打开小说就可以放下负担进入一个奇妙神秘世界,在那里现在是一个新的人物

    By opening a novel, I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character.


  • 这个故事没有改变救助者名字的情况下,立即被移植一部两次世界大战之间儿童小说中。

    This story was immediately transplanted into an interwar children's novel without even changing the name of the rescuer.


  • 使在今天,这位英国小说家仍然受到全世界读者的喜爱。

    Even today, the British novelist is loved by readers all over the world.


  • 人惊讶的是,由于世界范围内的封锁,许多年轻作家在科幻小说中探索的主题很快就变成了现实。

    It is amazing that many of the themes young writers explored in fiction soon became a reality with the world in lockdown.


  • 想建议每个人都应该多读好书,特别是每天读中国经典小说,这样我们就可以把我们的中国传统文化传播到世界

    I would like to suggest that everyone should do more reading of good books, especially read Chinese classic novels every day so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world.


  • 应该已经尽量地去捕捉狄更斯小说世界纯粹的不可思议之处。

    Perhaps he might have done more to capture the sheer weirdness of Dickens's fictional world.


  • 白宫大肆宣传巴拉克·奥巴马暑假读书清单,结果本里面有四都是小说,这到底又世界传达着怎样讯息呢?

    And what message does Barack Obama send to the world when four of the five books on his well-publicized summer reading list turn out to be works of fiction?


  • 还是一部讲述世界上,个人如何拼搏小说以及如何达到生命位置,这个位置将与你的出生截然不同

    It is also a novel about the ways in which you make your way in the world, and how it is that you can reach a place in life which is different from where you started.


  • 阿拉伯小说起源时间推迟阿拉伯世界蔑视个体直接结果

    The delayed birth of the Arabic novel was a direct consequence of the Arab disdain for the individual.


  • 时尚年轻女性·奥斯小说世界核心

    Fashionable young ladies were the core ingredients of Jane Austen's world.


  • 达芬奇密码》可能唯一在全世界都“享有盛誉”一小说了。

    The Da Vinci Code may well be the only novel ever written that begins with the word "renowned".


  • 斯蒂芬在 1986年发表小说《小丑回魂》后,人们对世界恐怖大师的名号更加赞同。

    That Stephen is the king of horror has never been more obvious than after reading his 1986 novel “It”.


  • 尽管挪威现实世界犯罪率最低国家,它却夸耀是小说世界犯罪率最高的国家。

    Along with one of the world's lowest rates of real-life crime, Norway boasts one of the highest rates of fictional crime.


  • 《环形世界一部著名科幻小说作者是·尼文。

    One famous work of science fiction is “Ringworld”, by Larry Niven.


  • 今天我们将置身一个完全不同上周的,小说世界:《路上》。

    So, today we find ourselves in a very different novelistic world than we've been in for the last week and a half: On the Road.


  • 大脑先天结构使得我们偏向当前世界,因此科幻小说反应当时社会关注的问题。

    Because of the bias toward the present that's inherent in the structure of the human brain, science fiction reflects the concerns of society at the time it's written.


  • 许多人不知道,裔美国作家安·兰德的《特拉斯耸耸肩》《源泉》世界畅销的小说行列中。

    And for those who don't know, Ayn Rand is a Russian-American writer whose books Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead are among the world's best-selling novels.


  • 不管是欧洲还是日本小说中描述的世界有着绝对生命力

    Both European and Japanese fictional worlds are absolutely alive.


  • 作为本有影响力文学作品,这本书值得进一步研究,甚至即使你忽略这个绝妙的香格里拉世界,这本小说仍能你带来愉悦阅读体验。

    It is underrepresented for such an influential piece of literature, and it is a very enjoyable read even ignoring the wonderful world of Shangri-La. [read it here.]


  • 经历上世纪90年代“大文学现象”——例如大卫•福斯特华莱士的《可笑至极》里奥的《地下世界》——小说的一切又转向了追求离奇和独特。

    After the literary megafauna of the 1990slike David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest and Don DeLillo's Underworld — the novels of the aughts embraced quirkiness and uniqueness.


  • TerryPratchett小说《碟形世界》中,吸血鬼佩戴丝带表示永不的决心。

    In the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, the black ribbon is worn by vampires to show that they have sworn never to drink blood again.


  • 周围没有电视电脑完全自己沉浸小说世界

    Have no television or computers on nearby, and just immerse yourself in the world of the novel.


  • 这些问题表面看起来漏洞,就象电影穿帮镜头,而实际上,会让更加深入小说世界小说描写年代中。

    These questions -which on the face of it seem like bloopers, as they are called by film buffs -actually invite you further into the world of the novel and the time it was written.


  • 现在为了暗物质杂志第一期发行它们分为三个部分公布。《暗物质》在线杂志为带来世界优秀的科幻短篇小说新作

    They are being released now, in three parts, to mark the first issue of Darker Matter, the online magazine that brings you the best new SF short stories from around the world.


  • 现在为了暗物质杂志第一期发行它们分为三个部分公布。《暗物质》在线杂志为带来世界优秀的科幻短篇小说新作

    They are being released now, in three parts, to mark the first issue of Darker Matter, the online magazine that brings you the best new SF short stories from around the world.


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