• 各色各样使得我们世界如此有趣多彩

    It takes all sorts of people to make our world so interesting and colourful.


  • 世界如此美妙如此暴躁这样不好,不好。

    The world is that sweetness, but I'm this testiness, it's not good, not good.


  • 感激太阳月亮星星世界如此美丽,因为全部这些

    I am thankful for the sun, the moon and the stars. The world is beautiful because of all these.


  • 小郭:啊,世界如此美好如此烦躁这样不好不好。

    Furong Guo: a, The world is so beautiful, but I am so agitated, that is not good not good!


  • 海明威说:‘世界如此美好值得为它奋斗。’同意后半句。

    Ernest Hemingway once wrote:' The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for. ' I agree with the second part.


  • 世界如此广大天堂有地狱还有位于两者之间昏暗房子

    The world is wide, and there is Heaven also, and Hell, and that dim twilight house that lies between.


  • 《与世界如此相遇》一书读者带入一段充满跨文化奇遇美好旅程

    Explore the World Road Trip takes you on an exhilarating ride that transcends cultures.


  • 的确,网络世界如此花花绿绿,永远不能代替我们这个行星上生活。

    Yes, the internet can be very excitingbut it will never replace the experience of the planet that exists all around us, all the time.


  • 有人要问为什么这个虚幻世界如此依恋一定告诉网上一种友情

    Some people ask why the attachment to this illusory world so be sure to tell him there is a friendship online!


  • 可以更多营养素维生素作物防治正在影响世界如此众多穷人营养素缺乏症

    More nutrients and vitamins may be bred into plants, combating the nutrient deficiencies that affect so many of the world's poor.


  • 基本观点世界如此变幻无穷,人们需要不是更多数据而是一种全新心态

    My basic idea is that the world has changed so much, what people need isn't more data but a new mindset.


  • 正因为我们内心世界如此凌乱,井井有与生俱来的生活智慧才变得遥不可

    Because our inner space is cluttered, our inner clarity and in-born wisdom becomes distant and foggy.


  • 姆瑞尔博士补充道:“在世界如此紧密相连之前出现的致命疾病可能传播那么广泛。”

    Dr Murrell added: "Before the world became so interconnected, deadly and newly emerged diseases were not capable of spreading widely."


  • 为什么这个世界如此绝望?主要是因为说真话,没人面对真正的现实。

    And why has it looked so hopeless? Basically, because everyone is lying about it. No one wants to tell it like it really is.


  • 以致奥斯曼世界如此众多神祠两种信仰妇女一个成功观念留下了急就的祈求辞。

    As in so many shrines in the Ottoman world, women of both faiths leave scribbled supplications for a successful conception.


  • 尽管现在世界如此发达但是冰岛座火山仍然有可能阻碍欧洲内外全部交通

    As developed as the world has become, it is still possible for one volcano in Iceland to stop all air traffic in and out of Europe.


  • 认为世界如此甜美”开头整组诗的基调,所以放在这本诗集最前面。

    The poem beginning This world is sweet was the one he considered to be the keynote of the whole series and so he placed it at the beginning of the volume.


  • 我们不能,我们绝不能让我们分歧否定我们关系地区世界如此关键的那些方面

    We cannot, we must not, allow our disagreements to negate aspects of our relationship that are so critical to the region and the world.


  • 大概没有那个作家能够达到陀思妥耶夫斯基的层次,能够这个荒谬世界如此亲切又令人痛苦魅力

    And probably no one so much as Dostoevsky has managed to give the absurd world such familiar and tormenting charms.


  • 天地如此广阔世界如此美好等待你们不仅仅需要一对幻想的翅膀需要一双踏踏实实的

    Heaven and earth is so vast, the world is so beautiful, waiting for you is not only the need of the wings of fantasy, but also need a pair of feet down.


  • 世界如此美妙为啥非得一直阿里巴巴CEO呢?我来到世界不是为了工作而是为了享受生活啊

    Thee world is so wonderful, why should I always be the CEO of Alibaba? I come to this world not to work, I come to this world to enjoy my life.


  • 也许心里知道人类已经征服了半个已知世界掠夺了整个王国并且从来没有到达如此奢侈的地方。

    Perhaps he knew in his heart that men have conquered half the known world, looted whole kingdoms, and never arrived in such luxury.


  • 如今我们世界变化如此之快,以致于我们很少停下来看看自己短短几年里走远。

    Our world now moves so fast that we seldom stop to see just how far we have come in just a few years.


  • 他们一直渴望对方独处,远离世界似乎他们从未如此强烈感到自己仍然现代社会中的一员。

    They had been longing to have each other to themselves, apart from the world, but it seemed they never felt so keenly that they were still units in modern society.


  • 专家们悲叹为何如此多人虚拟世界解决无意义谜题浪费生命呢?

    Why, experts wail, so many people are willing to waste their lives in the virtual world to solve meaningless puzzles?


  • 尽管如此菱形阵型逐渐进一步倾斜直到3-1-2-1-3变成了1958年巴西夺得世界时采用的4-2-4。

    Gradually, though, the rhombus was tipped a little more, until 3-1-2-1-3 became 4-2-4, the system with which Brazil won the World Cup in 1958.


  • 世界科学可以解释甲虫荷叶以及蜘蛛网但却无法解释为什么人们会觉得这些如此美丽

    In his world, science can explain the beetle, the lotus leaf and the spider's web, but not why they appear beautiful to people.


  • 世界科学可以解释甲虫荷叶以及蜘蛛网但却无法解释为什么人们会觉得这些如此美丽

    In his world, science can explain the beetle, the lotus leaf and the spider's web, but not why they appear beautiful to people.


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